

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Who Really Cares About The People? Message 26th August 2020

Message: 26th August 2020
Start time: 00:08 am
End time: 00:34 am

'Hear the Word of The Lord your God in your heart and soul; and may His Spirit fill you with comfort and joy for you are a chosen vessel.
So many chosen vessels who came broken by life and yet bought to the Father by the One who loves your soul.
Everlasting is He and everlasting is His love and mercy for mankind.
The brutes think they can behave with thuggery and placed innocence - like lambs being led to their slaughter.
While who cares for the innocent lambs who cannot live and thrive when their food is taken away and they are deprived?
The bully boys bully but I will remind you the power of spite and hate will not win the day.
It takes a lot to humble puffed up egos and it takes a tremendous amount of energy to plan to do someone wrong.
Job was tested because he belonged to God and would not renounce the Lord, yet in his brokenness lost everything too. 
With people trying to get you to renounce God - what does that say about them?
Not you.
You have been bought and paid for by a high price on your life with treachery of that corrupted court system in England. 
There are still people openly corrupting the court process with willing lawyers to destroy cases for a price;
But the famous should realise, not everyone is impressed.
Not everyone is willing to go to war based on lies.
Not everyone is willing to compromise their soul for a price of showing off and destabilising vital service that does have to deal with disputes - not to destroy lives.
The enemy of the people has many helpers.
The money so much rich people earn is not all good energy.
People buying into the big sell is with some gain and yet someone else gains more.
The lack of respect for abundance is with never being satisfied; or gracious when there is less.
The person's character is tested in times of sickness, abundance, poverty and health.
The poorest of people are often the ones who are most generous givers out of what they have.
The widow gave all she had as an offering and to whom does the Lord God listen to when she prays?
The woman that prays for her children to be safe and never to know lack and suffering, is with her role to remind children the value of life and sharing.
If she can show resourcefulness; love and sharing her food that is blessed with everyone - she has more wealth than the one who boasts of a life of opulence and servants and yet never satisfied.
It is justified to want more and start a new life elsewhere; but do not give up yet for there are people for you to meet and your gracious mission is not completed.
In poverty or wealth, when the Lord gives someone a purpose it is for Him and you have a prayer ministry with UK and India to keep.
The crown of righteousness must not have stolen diamonds and a spoil of war needs to be purified and returned to where the Lord your God has chosen.
Your Lord and King knows the difficulty you face and your enduring in weakness is hard for you too.
But you must expose the serious crimes against you;
The wrath will fall on the nation you live in.
Multitudes of people have perished to death - who cares?
Who really cares about the people?
Brace yourself because things will get worse in your land until people wake up to what is happening.
Stay away from brutes and thug minds.
In your bath spiritually cleanse yourself with prayer and washing too.
Keep sorting out and eliminate what you do not want in your life.
I am here for you.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Revival churches as rebellion do not solve the problem

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