

Thursday 3 September 2020

'Warnings are Given, Your Lord and King is Living' - Message 3rd September 2020

Personal revelation message written word for word as given

Message : 3rd September 2020
Start time : 19:28 pm
End time : 19:49 pm

'Endure a little longer;

Those who injure my people will know suffering like they never imagined before;
The Lord will not hear their prayers when they cry out for help over and over again;
Stop murdering my people you liars and vagabonds;
The Kingdom of God is not yours but look to the lowliest of people - to the child that speaks and sees me; the child who will pray and ask me to intercede.
To the murderers I will not.
I ask the Father for forgiveness of sins yet you continue to murder and deprive people of their rights under your law, not mine. 
The Law of Grace and Mercy is mine to give and bestow on the one who is brought to me
The Laws of the Universe is not to be argued with. 
If you destroy you will be destroyed.
If you love and care for the most weak and vulnerable; the Lord God your Father and my Father will love and care for you too.
Return to God and He will return to you;
Continue with your backsliding and you will wish you were never born.
Yes, My people speak out and expose crimes against humanity not to provoke man who is lawless with tyranny.
Speak out so that those who hurt my people might change their ways.
But let them boast and reveal who they are and their intention.
The Lord's Grace is not given to servants of the enemy to my people.
Oh they reject me and mock me and then they will doubt.
By the time they will realise it will be too late.
No one can enter heaven and come to the Father except by me.
No one is given power and authority over My Family
You were to be protected and preserved.
The murderers are killing the healers and compassionate hearts with brutality knowing no bounds or limitations.
The rise of the evil one prevails - Yet look to me my child
Look to your God, the Almighty your soul knows before birth.
Your eyes are shielded from seeing the demons; but you will know all by their fruits.
The windows of the soul reveal who they are and mine.
The demon distracts.
The Lord God refines and purifies with prayer and each righteous act.
You are injured and violated over and over again; and yet in their miserable lives drunk with addictive pastimes.
There is no concern for the soul of the afterlife.
There is jealousy and resentment for nothing substantial and purposeful - just egos competing for stardom on earth and the lamplight.
My children, my Family - You have a spark of God within.
And the light within will not go out until your Father switches it off.
The Lord God Almighty, My Father and yours keeps you alive for his purpose. 
I am sorry you suffer, but those who took joy in causing your suffering will not much longer.
The warnings are given and Your Lord and King is living.
The others are dead to their sins unless they seek forgiveness.
The world has a stage where everybody has a part so significant yet the amateurs want starring roles.
Would you trust your life to a doctor who has never studied and bought a diploma?
Would you trust your soul to someone who made a deal with the devil deliberately?
The Lord returns not as a King but as a High Priest.
I come to reconcile my people to the Lord God Almighty.
I come for the lost sheep of Israel
I keep my word.
I am the good shepherd.
I love my people.
Now go and tell them this:
Repent before it is too late.
Repent quickly or you will not be forgiven.