

Thursday 8 October 2020

'The Lord Waits and Waits and Waits' - Message 6th October 2020

Message : 6th October 2020
Start time : 6:14 am
End time : 6:36 am

'My Child,
Do not be so cruel with your ways because sometimes you are harsh with what you say.
Your weakness must not be seen as strength
The strength of your spirit is what is strong yet your physical body is weak
The traitors wait with your silence in what you will say next
They do not know yet that the Lord God knows everything that has gone on.
Set your boundaries dear, set your boundaries because too many want your time and attention; or to argue when they are not seeing the learning given openly.
Point to me in prayer and tell them I will give generously to all who ask rightfully of wisdom and understanding to know. 
I will guide my men and boys in the realm of righteousness but first they must relinquish their idols. 
The Lord your God and King is the preserver of life but he who causes injustice is a murderer in his heart. 
He who destroys his family life for a price risks losing everything now
There is no favour with wealth in the heavenly realms. 
You will not win favour from the Lord your God with great wealth and riches. 
What you do in your life and how you serve to enable others in their journey is how you are noticed - not what you give that can be compared to others who have more than you.
The thought that passes to see someone when the world is in lockdown - you thought nothing to reach out and make sure that lady knew she was not alone.
You care about others who do not have the heart to care about you.
Pull back my dear, pull back as this time of rest is given for a reason.
Pull back and keep far away from the traitors in your land who have yet to realise remorse and understand what is going on.
It is the shame of the system that masquerades in my name while moods change like the ebb and flow of choppy waters.
They are buying time with no instruction from the Lord your God.
The rebellion will continue and people will be tied up with opinion and debate. 
Nothing will be solved.
The Lord looks on at the deception; yet He knows who is good in his soul.
The Lord waits and waits and waits and people are nervous.
There is anticipation of something happening and yet no one can predict or when. 
When a child has done something serious in error and expects reprimand and punishment to follow on, the feeling of anticipation is there.
There is some anticipation with a decision made that should not have been made at all. 
The reluctance to do right by everyone is the continual fight that takes place in the world.
The poorest and weakest of people are suffering and struggling with oppression, when their rights even in the Lord are completely ignored.
Well the Lord will have His way and the last word will come that will shock everybody.
The word awaits in anticipation what will happen next.
The Masters of this world are not in control.
All the plans may be questioned and the system of moral bankrupsty be gone with all who thrive from this.
Rise up my holy ones.
My lowly ones pray for the Kingdom of the Father in heaven.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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