

Saturday 28 November 2020

'The Lord Your God is Father to The Fatherless' message 27th November 2020

Personal Revelation message

Message : 27th November 2020
Start time: 3.04 am
End time: 3.39 am

'You will learn wholeheartedly what you need to know and all will make sense eventually.
Be patient in this slow way of learning because much is happening in the world and a great defiance mirrored by population in some lands.
All are distracting from the Lord and the Return of one chosen long ago, known as the Son of God to all
The Son is heir to all things; the earth and all who dwell are under his trusted guardianship. 
The Command of Angels he works with to help and serve in the spiritual realm, is with negating the injuries being called to harm;
The Lord of Hosts saves.
The Spirit of the Lord speaks to not all because many reject the Spirit of Truth and do not want to live the Higher Order. 
They would rather obey and serve in loyalty oaths and sometimes required to harm people that would normally compromise their soul.
One soul is compromised for doing an ill deed, while another is not for the same. 
The lesson is in intention and preparation; the plot to cause loss and injury.
There are many murderers in this time who work for payment and what they earn is blood money
There might not be the shedding of blood, but to knowingly cause and contribute to death is a crime against humanity and sin, not forgiven as of yet for the Lord of Hosts must ask for forgiveness.
He will not for as long as they murder, oppress my people and rob the widows in truth and orphans too.
The Lord your God is Father to the fatherless.
He will Judge over all.
The ones facing judgement will not realise until they are taken through the refining fire of their soul.
All are sinners and all are losing the battle against the wicked one even if they think they are winning.
No one could predict how the world would be held in complete slavery to a system that defies the Lord..
You will see everything that is written is validated and understand the Lord your God has been patient with you too.
All will come back with true repentance. 
Society can be rebuilt yet the current trend of a bigger problem created has used the distraction and confusion with people glued to the television to know the latest news.
Alcoholism is great and escalating in the land you live, but no amount of alcohol will bring people to their senses. 
The unholy spirit is not the Holy Spirit of truth; and if they have hallucinations under the influence of alcohol or drugs prescribed - people can be medically certified.  
Another excuse to take people's rights and liberties away.
You will see in time a shift in consciousness required you to lift your focus to another perspective in life that has remained hidden from you.
Your soul knows, but your head and mind troubled with extreme stress and noise from neighbours.
That makes the quiet time for solitude, prayer and insightful meditation possible;
In these hours you can ask for communion with the Lord your God and the Son of God who is the Christ born long ago.
You know him and he knows you.
None of what you have been given lacks the truth.
The trouble caused by next door manifested trouble for learning and the rule breaking invited the police to her door.
Do they fine this woman for her blatant disregarding of everyone's safety?
Did they warn her at all? 
Did she learn anything, or will she continue to ignore her role of obligation?
Those who are not in Christ are not hear his voice;
And the Holy Spirit of Truth is given as a gift not to abuse.
People want what they do not have but because there is no profit in it they are not interested at all - Love of the one whose love is deeper than the oceans over all.
You my child, carry on'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Love Thy Neighbour they say

Thursday 26 November 2020

'Love Thy Neighbour They Say' - Message 24th November 2020

Personal Revelation message. 

Message date: 24th November 2020
Start time: 6:16 am
End time: 6:41 am

'Hear me dear one,
You are a light to the nations, a light that illuminates other lights - you chose to lead this way and be a beacon of light for me, not for you; and for this the Grace of the Lord falls on you over and over again.
I will hear your prayer and call for help in this time as you have faced wickedness for far too long.
Your property destroyed out of maliciousness and hate is misguided anger and resentment for who you are.
The woman must know the Rules and she is a betrayer in her job.
The boast of hard heartiness and cold callous deeds to negate her role of responsibility - I call her out on.
No one has permission working in the care industry to neglect their neighbours as she had done.
No one is proud to admit the hurt and suffering caused for years with her stubborn heart that is cold.
She does not care but when she sees the best neighbour she could have has been wronged over and over comes to haunt her in her choices.
She will eventually learn it is not OK to wrong anyone.
Years of suffering and so many chances you give and still her heart is hard and cold.
Do you want that as a friend of yours?
No you do not!
The lesson is for you to be selective in friends and learning how you made wrong choices before.
You care and befriended people who do not care about you and you give to people who have no regard for your struggle, when your need is for consideration that is all.
You are loved by those who know you well and lay their heart on the line to you.
Tender hearts are my children  and faithful ones.
All who align with me in truth are aligned with you in truth.
All who fight to attack other people who have not been given permission to teach is reason for much confusion.
Do not enter argument or discussion with contradictory beliefs.
Your role is to prove the Spirit of the Lord.
Speak and the Lord will validate His truth over and over to all who call.
Love thy neighbour they say as it is written - yet for years you have had abusive neighbours, threats of violence and damage to your property.  
They have no intention to put things right.
What shame to boast of poverty and having no money to prevent you to correct the boundary with permission; and you ask and ask and ask again and still the woman defies the obligation to put the boundary right.
You have been threatened and intimidated with such violence and intent to injure and disfigure your face by two separate men who have wronged people themselves. 
But to harm the apple of my eye in the way they said comes with consequence.
I will decide.
You are with enemies unknown and those who show selfishness at home yet not one would go out other way to help someone in real need. 
Who comes calling to see if you are OK in this time?
And the Government traitors are what they are.
Profit drives greed and power drives their passion. 
You will have to fix your home and choose the helpers wisely. 
Those grateful for work and not to exploit with greed the needy will get more. 
Bless all who bless you
Let not the words and actions of your enemy worry you for they are all being judged and all fall short of the Glory of God.
Hearts will be softened but there will be people gnashing their teeth and expressing hatred for what you have done. 
No my dear.
My Will be done - not yours
I will repay them all.
I will repay them all for what they have done,'

As it is written:

Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends n you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. (Romans 12:17-19)

Importance of The Lord's Prayer

Friday 13 November 2020

Importance Of The Lord's Prayer - Alex Shute

Unexpectedly, Alex Shute from 
wrote to me today, sharing his article after finding me on the internet.

This is precise timing. Just yesterday while out in the wilderness praying, I was thinking the Lord's Prayer could do with expanding on. The link is shared here. God bless you Alex 

'Importance Of The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s prayer is not only an essential prayer guide for new believers. It also teaches the right approach that makes an effective prayer. These are:

How to address God
Acknowledging God
How to make an effective adoration 
Confession of sins
Making a request'

Peace be with you

Pauline Maria

The Lord waits and waits and waits