

Sunday 24 January 2021

'I Will Make Myself Known To All Who Are Mine' - Message 23rd January 2021

Message : 23rd January 2021
Start time: 22:20 pm
End time: 22:43 pm

'You will hear my voice when I want to speak to you.
Never doubt that
I will make myself known to all who are mine - tell them that unequivocally,
I see more than you know and know more than you realise because of my emptiness.
The vessel of the Lord must be empty for the Spirit of the Lord to fill him.
They are no good who plan to avenge my people; and the people who retaliate are no better than them.
Humble yourselves and wait for the Lord because He knows your plight and transgressions.
Does the Lord see you commit a crime against your Maker?
Did the Lord call you out from darkness into light?
Well He will again and again.
You spread yourself too thin to keep giving light from your light instead of being light and pointing people to the Lord.
There is no regard for the Lord your Maker where you live and hearts are cold everywhere.
They do not know love.
Many are not sober.
Many are taking pills to numb their emotions, so they do not seek me or sense my presence.
All who do will find me in truth when they are ready to.
I am not a weapon of war. 
Let no one be seen to use me to hurt another of God's children who are scattered everywhere.
So many hurting lost souls and many will choose the way they think is easy; and trust the loveless control instead of their Lord and God.
The King of Righteousness has been chosen.
The scoundrel is angry. 
The rebellious rebel.
The thuggery continues with abuse and oppressing the people who rejected the truth and have no love too.
The hardness of hearts prevails throughout the nation; and selfishness is not with awakening to change as people separated until they perish.
Who will take care of their loved ones as they say?
So many demand even in relationship to work and perform, when a mother's role is to bring up her child.
If a man demands a woman works and pays for the home she provides and for her children, what is he doing to help her?
Does he not know the woman's role in his life?
The loveless continue unsatisfied looking elsewhere to satisfy their lack of emotional fulfilment.
Spending and friends with needless chatter, competing in a celebrity world; yet who can say they have it all - fulfilment in heart and soul?
The world has become a dangerous place with hopping here and there; with babies being born from illicit liaisons now this is called. 
Social distancing is placing the primitive urges into overdrive; 
Yet the ones who value life and their loved one, held together in this unfortunate time with fortunate grace.
For all alone it is a testing time;
Heart and mind testing, soul longing for something or someone; yet not all will know who or why.
I am creating a new thing that all can know me in truth; not though an intercessor or any device.
The Lord is awakening one by one who are his; and to connect together in truth is with spiritual union.
The Digital union will fall away to the wayside.
The Spiritual union with service and peace in the world is with willing helpers and not weapons of war.
The police state rises with lawlessness foretold;
Yet the way of love and truth; who seeks to find this?
All want to be leaders yet who seek to find me?
The Lord your God loves your soul; and each life repents and returns to love in truth must relinquish control.
The Lord your God waits patiently for you and everyone else too.
Stop with your preaching you apostles of lies.
Repent of your wicked ways for self gain.
Come to me empty handed and I will give you grace without cost.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The Lord Your God is Father to the fatherless

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