

Sunday 12 December 2021

'Do Not Fear Those Who Threaten You With Injury' - Message 11th December 2021

Message: 11th December 2021
Start time: 3:24 am
End time 3:53 am

You will know the right path ahead for the clearing away all that doesn't serve you well will take place.
A few steps alone and the door opens wide for you, with the entrance of celebration of what has been done. 
Long is the preparation for the new way of life and the way you have known before.
You have suffered much time of anxiety and stress with especially not knowing what the future holds.
You had training to trust your God and to listen to His instruction, not knowing the reason why or the purpose for your people. 
Yet all will see the Lord of Righteousness did not abandon His people. 
And as time before, the most unlikely helper to bring this truth came with suffering difficulty and scriptures fulfilled.
I will use you for this purpose because you are my credible voice who does not seek to worship the earthly gods.
I will lead you to the light because you do not want the world of darkness.
And I will lead you to know hope removed, when you see so many miracles in prayer fulfilled; as you thrive with the small miracles and get as much pleasure from small gifts as grand gestures.
My people will not perish if they turn their hearts and minds to me;
But all who serve the powers of darkness will be exposed for what they are.
All who are scared to follow the light and be led in righteousness will not be rejected from the Holy Order of Life.
But all who caused my people to suffer and perish to death will live with what they have done and shame will be upon them.
Those who attack my anointed ones will pay the price for what they have done.
And those who deprive people of their rights in my name, shall know great shame and loss in their lives too.
The loveless have nothing in common with those who love from within the core of their being.
The social climbers for gains without purpose will find the spiritual ladder is not attainable. 
The Lord guides His people righteously and if you do not know what to do, do nothing at all.
Do not fear those who threaten you with injury and loss because they will wake up and wish they were never born.
You are justified to ask in prayer anything you want to know, when a decision must be made; yet if there is no answer clearly told, wait for the Lord.
The Lord will make way for His people.
There will be no war or weapons of hate.
I did not give permission for anyone to murder my people.
You who have learned hard lessons must remember other people will do the same.
You cannot preach righteousness to the unrighteous and you cannot force justice in the court of corruption.
But there will be a change and all you turned to before for help in a place of desperation, will see why you were called.
I know you are impatient and want assurance too.
Look back on this decade and the One who kept you alive and brought you through.
Do you honestly think your life is not without purpose?
Do you remember the words of the Princess that spoke to you?
There are many in these circles who do not seek anyone as there is a world that no one knows outside these circles.
Can you be non judgmental and humble, while being firm to address what needs to be done?
Can you remember all your studies have a purpose and will not be wasted - as your way was shown long ago.
The rebellious children still need somewhere they can go and with wealth there is rebellion to conformity. 
You were young once and did not heed the advice or warnings.
Yet you learned and met people who you were meant to help
Everyone has a right to someone they can turn to;
And to my rebels, you are someone who can help to bring clarity and perspective as you have done many times before.
I open your eyes and I heal your hurt that it is like a different life.
In childbirth a mother experiences pain before joy of her new baby.
You will feel the birth pangs with everyone you help who I will bring to you through my servant. 
You will be a mother figure to many children and they will discover their wings and fly.
Do not fear to address wrongs.
A strict mother who loves her children, enables them to hold roles of responsibility when the time comes.
In the public eye many wear masks and pretend all is OK. 
The Lord looks into the heart and sees who is fake and who is seeking healing within'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

It is time to make a difference