

Thursday 6 January 2022

'See to it that you hold no grudges for anyone at all' - Message 6th January 2022

Personal revelation message - Second message today.

Message: 6th January 2022
Start time:  4:46 am
End time: 5;15 am

'My dear write for me
This is your Jesus, your life saver in times of trouble,
I know you are weak, yet you are spiritually strong.
We are eternally connected.
See to it that you hold no grudges for anyone at all;
And the work on yourself in cleansing the pain from the past is with the Lord God showing favour to you.
I know you suffer in your position, but you won my heart again and we are not separated.
By all you want and need, you have the grace to ask for others that they many benefit as you see.
The school is the perfect vision for the new children of the age.
The way forward will be shown when the time prevails and I want my people to see how they can be included too.
It is a people taking care of a future generation,
Many came to England to find their wealth. 
Many went to America to make their fortune. 
And now many went to India to do the same.
There must be a cycle of right channelling of energy and resources.
My righteous Brothers and Sisters want to serve me in the right way.
And some want to serve in a particular need.
You are a visionary and it is through your eyes the possibility of provision is made.
It is with the right help and resources at the time.
You will be respected for this mission that must be inclusive for everyone.
Every child born in the Lord is belonging to the Lord wherever they may live.
May those who value education, learning  and opportunity be granted with their wish through prayer; as you are beginning to see something you prayed for come to you in the most unexpected way.
You will be able to make a vision possible - to implement the service, yet you are not the architect or builder to do all.
You are a delegator and mediator between people not to cause divide, but to bring people together who share the same goals. 
You have underestimated the power of prayer; and how the Lord Almighty sets the world in Order when disorder arise. 
The hard hearts will soften eventually.
You can do nothing for a people who reject you and curse you, thinking they have won causing misery.
Focus higher my darling child.
Focus on the Lord God Almighty and tell all my helpers that I know the struggle they go through.
Even your mistakes and poor choices, even your frustration to go your way - yet the way was blocked.
You are not meant to do business with the evil one or his helpers.
You are not meant to be living a purpose of destruction.
You learn the healing path by experience and even when you have no breath to shout, you write quietly.
And you say: 'The Lord your God is One and He loves you all'
They who do not believe are still instruments of provision, kindness and grace.
The help you will get in life my people, will come from the most unlikely place.
The Lord chooses His most unlikely helpers and all are where they are meant to be placed.
When you see a homeless man sleeping on the bench who has suffered injustice - He is a servant of the Lord too.
Look down on no one my children.
You were blind and when you are ready you will see - only because the illusory shattering can be devastating to the mind and emotions.
The damaged soul is not fully functioning.
Take heart, the damaged soul can heal.
The repentant sinner will sin no more.
There will be peace and healing as long as you do not fight against the Lord.
All power has been given to correct a multitude of wrongs.
When this is done, the world will know peace.
The world will know healing. 
The wealth that has come from blood and death cannot come into the holy sanctuary. 
What will they do with it when they are gone?
The meek shall inherit the earth.
Wait and see how this is done.
Not all will see and not all will understand.
The Lord loves his people.
Selah ....

'I thank you my dear for enduring these years for this purpose. 
At no cost you were given and at no cost you shared openly everything at the risk to your life.
And this is why you are favoured by the Lord and honoured by Me, Your Lord and King.
Bless you'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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