

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Nothing is hidden from everyone all of the time' - Message 23rd May 2022

Message : 23rd May 2022
Start time: 3:39 am
End time: 4:06 am 

'Living in the truth of man is different from living in the truth of God.
Man lies to himself and keeps what is hidden in darkness.
Woman displays herself who has much to hide and be ashamed.
The accused is in hiding who is persecuted and left for dead;
Then the one who is at risk of losing their life is not in a position to defend theirself to the ones who want him dead.
The Lord does not lie.
In Him there is no darkness.
He cries for the lost souls and wickedness of this generation.
You cry in sorrow for you cannot see what is hidden from your eyes and you are protected from seeing what would be shocking as a witness.
Nothing is hidden from everyone all of the time.
And all are tested for what they will do and say in this generation of rebels.
The Satanic regime is what it is and while you will not compromise your soul for the wicked one, you are injured by those who serve the evil one.
Choose your company wisely.
Some of the Aristocracy pride themselves on being upright and meticulous in their conduct at all times.
Yet those without strict breeding did not learn the expectation of graciousness to all; that would not bring the Aristocrats into disrepute and distrust.
She who climbs the social ladder with her beauty in her youth needs much more than physical attributes and wealth to gain respect of those who strive to maintain honour and decency.
Respectability has been covered before.
The misguided ones see wealth and fame as desirable qualities regardless where this has come from; and what had to be done to be in the eye of the media for attention.
In the polarity of life, there are those who are the targets of condemnation and shame fuelling hate, resentment and divide as a distraction.
Very few people have led a perfect life without mistakes in judgement and even regrets that could have changed the course of their life.
Everyone makes choices and some people suffer experiences to open their eyes to a reality that is silenced.
There is a world of darkness and sinister goings on.
There are levels of existence and what people do to get ahead will depend who they give their loyalty to.
The Lord forbids you to take an oath to serve those who harm my people;
And the Lord will block any liaison with anyone who will hinder your path and purpose.
You saw with your own eyes and listened with your own ears the manipulation of words and intention.
Very easily overnight your life could have been transformed overnight to be a miserable existence with one who does not see your worth.
The social climbers have no regard for the Royal Priesthood family and the hypocrisy of being Royal brings all the Royal Dignity title holders to shame.
The discipline of respectability is with grace and graciousness.
To be kicked down and lied to by one who lies to their own self is a symptom of the times that could bring a revolt from the people.
The Queen is loved by many by their conditioning and trust.
There are those who have no regard for the Lord or even selfless service.
You will not choose one who condemned you to be in a position of trust and respectability; 
And one who is disloyal to you does not merit your trust.
While you will be gracious, there will be those who will be raging at you with weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Who knows the plans of the Lord?
He changes His mind by the acts of condemnation to His people.
The Lord is a saviour of souls not a destroyer of good people who never intend to harm anyone at all.
The Lord has preserved those who destroy so they learn their lessons.
Have faith in the Lord even though you do not see clearly everything;
Yet what is revealed to you will be revealed clearly.
Too much will be too overwhelming when you have a mission and purpose to fulfil.
Then you will know why '

Previous article : You are Mine; I Claimed You Back at No Cost

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