

Sunday 14 April 2024

Hear Me, Hear Me, Hear Me My Children - Message 21st March 2024

 Personal revelation message written exactly as given

Message: 21st March 2024
Start time: 5:23 am
End time: 5:55 am

'Hear Me, Hear Me, Hear Me My Children for the voice of The Spirit of Truth is sounded out among all the chosen
So you see all is not good in the land you live and all is not trustworthy or righteous/
Did you forget the Lord Your God, your Creator and Creator of the heavens and all the earth in this moment of deception.
Were you not warned not to worship false idols?
And the courts of injustice thrive with criminals of that system who are not of the Lord of Light.
They will rob my people and pillage for a game and they kill and destroy by their acts - as a warning that they are the devil's helpers;
And the strongest battle that is fierce is between the beings of light who are being tested as to what they will do in this terrible battle taking place.
The fanning of flames of jealousy is rife in this time too, that My people forget who they are in The Lord and sucked into a destructive illusion on the masses today.
It is a distraction from what is most important of all and My people are perishing through lack of knowledge and guidance in truth.
The Holy Spirit is given to remind everyone of what is most important of all and there are no favours on the rebels against the Lord God Almighty, or the Son of Man who was born for the sake of all to know the truth.
Your God lives and dwells as an untouchable, invisible and invincible to all who rebel against Him.
And while the attempts of jealousy provocation is rife, so will jealousy backfire too
The Lord's Grace and Favour is bestowed on the meek and humble
The royal family is a soap opera played out in reality and all is not quite as it seems.
They who reject God and rebel against God cannot say they are chosen by God to serve Him, whoever they may claim to be.
Renouncing the Devil and the ways of the Adversary must come willingly in the responsible mind of the adult.
In the Baptism of the holy ones renouncing Satan is a vital part of the service of all who attend as Guardians and the parents in Christ, who bring their children to be consecrated to God. 
In this Holy Sacrificial Rite is a promise not to steer the child in the way that the Devil can snare their soul and entrap their being in ways of unholiness.
Those who do not take up the ways of wicked men might be saved by God's Grace and yet all can make mistakes and stumble.
If you are being distracted from the Throne in Heaven, then this might be ignorance but it might be deliberate too.
Trust in The Lord Your God with all your heart and lean not on your understanding.
For the Lord is Good and very patient with you.
You were warned about being tested - well everyone is tested in truth and it is with valuable lessons being learned.
Who can progress without passing the points of initiation?
Who can understand without being taught The Truth of the Spirit of Truth that is given to you;
And yet if people reject the Spirit of Truth within, then they are fed the lie.
Whose fault is that?
The speculation and proclamation of many things in the world has created mass confusion and blindness obstructs the truth being seen.
To ignore the truth within creates deafness of what is meant to be known too.
Until everyone gives up their willful ways to know it all and want to be in control, the circus acts endure and provocation of the primitive senses too.
Who can resist the Devil but one who refuses to dance with the devil.
If you see something wrong, or does not seem right to you, to explain is a waste of time and energy.
By all means, explain your revelation dreams as they are given - that you may help others take notice of theirs.
Your dream with the woman who appeared dead is what has been planned against you. 
I give you life
You do not serve the Devil and so say in truth and wait until things become more clear.

There are No Barriers to Talk To God - 3rd March 2024

He permitted no man to do them wrong;
Yes, He rebuked kings for their sakes,

Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones,
And do My prophets no harm.”

1 Chronicles 16:21-22

Just a gentle reminder, there are no barriers to talk to God...
To pray means to communicate with God
The spark of God is already within
Our connection to the divine was long prepared that we would always be able to call upon our Creator
We can all be asked to be guided in the right way
We can all choose the way of divine love and mercy
We can all choose peace
Before pointing the finger that someone else must go first
Decide, because you are responsible for your own choices
Privately all are living their truth with masses healing too
It is brave to take off the mask and be humble...
To put away the fake front and be sincere with everyone
to put down the sword used as a weapon, even the shield
Let the truth of what is in your heart be seen and known
without feeling shame or thinking you are unworthy
for in the eyes of God, our heart is known
The truth of who we are is already known
What we have suffered and also what we overcome
does not change who were are within our heart and soul,
The Love of God is not conditional....
The right to pray and seek God with all our heart and all our soul is given....
To love God with all our heart and all our soul ...
even if our heart is not open and ready to feel yet..
we might feel apprehension and even overwhelmed
there may still be healing within....
there may be barriers still up as a shield from wordly hurt and fear
eventually these barriers will come down
for God is all powerful, that none can fathom...
and also gentle that hearts and souls can be moved and healed.

As it is written:

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

'The Divine in me honors the Divine in you'

The Lord's Eyes are Everywhere - Nothing is Hidden - Message March 2024


Personal revelation message written exactly as given. For some reason I did not document the exact date at the time, but I have included the times. It might relate for all of March 2024.

Message: March 2024
Start time: 5:17 am
End time: 5:41 am

'It is He who builds you who will restore you while the enemy tears you down.
Be restored with rest and ease of stress, for the attack in the storm is strong.
But the Lord your God holds it; restrains it and the enemy can come no more.
The deeds of the wicked one is shown with no repentance and no remorse and in this, there is a lesson for everyone.
If you use and abuse another, you will not get away with it even if you think you will.
The Lord's eyes are everywhere and nothing is hidden.
If there is refusal to write wrongs as with the court of injustice, it is a cursed people who will suffer the most. 
Yes you suffered too and others; this lie and ruling by deception too. 
What can you do to fight evil will spoil your soul; and so you must build yourself on all you know and offer a service that makes what is broken whole. 
You can do it.
You can offer so many skills and insight to the human condition, is with the knowledge to assist healing too.
You promised this and can only do what you can do.
But there are those who block your progress and the ones who fall perish away - because they are unable to get help or ignored - the system fails.
When compassion and care reigns in people's hearts with Divine Spirit to feel and see the right decisions can be made.
Today many perish because hearts are cold.
The excuses and refusal to address your cause has detrimentally impacted you too.
Oh My servant girl who promised to do right by everyone has been wounded by many more.
Never be ashamed to dress in rags - but if you dress in finery do not show off.
The designer labels mean nothing to you anymore and so it is as this is meant to be.
For someone chosen to design for you, you remain unique and at home to be comfortable matters the most.
You will find your kindred spirits who seek not to impress, but to live authentically; and without trying to impress to outdo another.
Sincere hearts resonate in truth too.
My dear you have lost your sparkle and creativity too.
It has been a long week for you and you could do nothing more than what you tried to do.
The pattern will not change and there is a sad situation that cannot be transformed.
Learn from it and do not repeat this lesson in your life or relationships.
Toxic behaviour harms knowingly.
Where there is disrespect, there is no love.
The one who injures to become powerful does not care who he hurts.
The arrogant boast that they do not care as if they are untouchable.
Well I know my helpers who try hit home a truth to save souls.
Some do not care, but will wake up one day and be filled with remorse.
It might even be on their last day.
Let it be now and keep yourself free from drama and such discord.
You became energised and drained; energised and drained and your weakened heart cannot take the strain of aggressive people.
You were placed in a situation because of your kindness and the exploitation was not of your own doing.
So many people living selfish relationships, using the other as an emotional punch bag that harms more.
Such misery created is with the one who is injured wanting to talk - but you were not in a position to do anymore.
If there is no willingness for the authorities to take action to protect a victim of abuse - what can you do?
For anyone to wish anyone the end of their life - that is desperate measures too.
A life of hating is a life wasted
Choose wisely my dear the company you keep.
Leave the past in the past.
Step into the future' 

The Children of Israel were Spoon Fed - Message 29th February 2024

 My apologies for the delay in writing...catching up today.

Personal revelation message is with every word written as given

Date: 29th February 2024

End time: 2:49 am

'You are my child that I birthed with your soul incarnate.
Yes you are here for a purpose my love my precious one
I will heal you in time and now I need your rest and your time to focus on me because I have many things to say to you.
Please listen carefully
The one after your heart cannot have this and the one after your soul cannot survive with this mission.
You are mine and the promise you made does not get forgotten by your Lord and King and Master of the Universe.
You were so small and young, unaware of the mission ahead and yet your determination to learn and discover the truth to serve in the most appropriate way was noticed.
The rebellious house cares not for God nor the people, for the ego wants power and lusts for more.
In the end, everything will fall away.
In the many times you were lost, it took a long time to lean totally on Me, Your God and to trust the word given to you.
The Children of Israel were spoon fed with truths and became impatient instead of wanting more.
You wanted more once you realised the source of Wisdom being given to you.
In the materialistic world, everything will pass away.
Your soul is eternal and in the spirit world, all that is pure and holy will remain immortal.
That which is unpure must be purified to be made holy.
What is impure in intention, cannot evolve further until the impurity is cleansed from the vessel.
Your body is the vessel that houses your soul.
The body can be destroyed but the purified soul will life on in eternity.
Do not fear those who who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul - for they are being tested too.
They cannot progress without purification and the initiation of works of darkness prevents initiation of the pathway to light.
A light within will always shine and the ones who can see the light, know light within.
In the Spiritual battle there is jealousy and strife; and the want of something that one does not understand unless it is written in the core of your being.
Your anointing is for a purpose that you do not fully understand yet.
Remember Diana - she found you and others found you too.
All that need your help that seek me in truth will find you.
And if they hurt you, they will hurt themselves.
The way of peace is not without struggle but the way of peace is with healing deep wounds.
Help them heal as you are healing deep wounds too.
Heavenly Father recognises you for what you do
Cursed are those who obstruct justice.
I know the wind has been taken from your sails and you are trusting the guidance of all from your heart and soul.
And yes you must rest and remain separate from vile energy that makes you feel sick.
If you do not listen to the warning when people reveal their true colours - I will make it so uncomfortable, you will have no choice but to cut ties  completely and stay away.
You see a man can destroy so many lives and his children do not even love him.
How can anyone be so cruel you ask and wonder what you need to do.
As you have known evil hearts - you had to separate far away and so the lesson was there again.
The choice in other people's relationship even as a helper and counsellor is with their discovering the truth.
If people want to live a lie and continue to hate and resent each other - it has been a long time coming.
Do not let the contamination of those who do not know love - contaminate the love of people who respect you and willingly come to you.
It is one thing to be serving selflessly, it is another to be used and abused.
Set your boundary and walk away.
The day of persecution is over now."

The Gift of The Holy Spirit to All Who Seek - Message 1st March 2024

 Just after the Lord's Prayer with a soul to soul request from Jesus, this message was given and written exactly as presented without changing anything. These messages are shared in their entirety.

Message: 1st March 2024
Start time : 14:22 pm
End time: 14:46 pm

'I will be done with you when I am done with you and not before.
You are asked to rest.
You are commanded to rest and lay low for a while out of sight and into a safehaven of my love and mercy for you.
I ask that you sit quietly for a while with me every day that I can pour into you the oil of gladness and abundant love.
I ask that you sit still and hear my voice within your inner most being and this is the Gift of the Holy Spirit to all who seek me in the Spirit and in Truth.
The Lord your God will protect you and have mercy on your errors if you listen to my voice and fear not the threats of the demonic realm, nor the intimidation tactics of the misguided ones.
The misguided ones are many now and when you seek daily to be guided in the right way, the Lord listens to your heart and soul clearly.
For you speak from your heart and soul and so shall receive to your heart and soul the truth of the Guiding Light until you reach home again
Do as you will in righteousness and seek me in truth for direction and answers to your inner most need - for I am with you always in Spirit and in Truth until the end of time.
Now go forth and tell my people this.
My chosen ones, my family and my family by adoption - none are excluded except those who refuse to relinquish their evil. ways and harm my people in praise.
My dear, the world knows who you are in their soul as the world knows who I am in their soul too.
The children of God who are saved by The Christ Light of goodness and mercy upon all mankind, do not walk in darkness - nor do they seek to go into the realms of darkness again.
Sometimes people need to know the darkness to appreciate the light.
But once you behold the Glory of God, who can forget that Light that is impressed on your soul?
You cannot renounce Christ if you are family and family by adoption is in the earthly world a Birthright given, yet serves the Lord and all of His Creation.
The land taken by force will be given back.
All that is on earth belongs to the Lord and all will be entrusted again to the people who did not forget their role in holding the Sacred Guardianship of this world.
They who did not look after their family and spread lies for their greed, to steal from another cannot take away your birthright.
You are the first born of the first born of a long line of believers and you my dear came into the fullness of your faith when you were able to see clearly.
The Lord your God gives you sight and opens your inner eye and your mind to perceive the truth of what is important to you and for you.
Let no one claim superiority over your soul for it is a demon who crushes you and tries to frighten you all.
My dear, there is none more superior than the One who sits on the Throne in Heaven;
And all who chose to give up the worldly ways to battle for power and gains, even to knock someone down to elevate yourself - be warned.
Give up that ego that strives with everyone and come into the fold as belonging to a family that was formed long ago.
I give you my heart freely and you will, all of you eventually learn to put down your swords and shields and open your hearts with the outpouring of love where it is needed the most.
My love is greater than the ocean, yet many reject my love.
My love pours out to everyone anyway.
The water of life flows abundantly for all to drink and to know something more than what can be bought or sold
Thank you my dear for writing this truth, written in your soul.

It is written:
“If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” -- John 7:37-38

Friday 12 April 2024

Taking 5 minutes away from everything that causes stress....Join me in this insightful experience

Recorded on location, in the heart of England.  Taking five minutes away from everything that causes stress.... join me in this insightful experience


This is the direct video link

Thank you for joining me in this experience and for being here.

While I am Spiritual - My intention to study to assist healing and empower people is not just to help build confidence to overcome limitations, but to reach their personal potential too. Sharing insight, life lessons and experience is without false hope. With learning valuable life lessons, the illusion is peeled away. My professional training includes Diplomas in holistic health therapies, counselling, psychotherapy, hypnosis and hypnotherapy, therapeutic dream analysis, business performance coaching also training with certificates: suicide and self harm awareness, conflict management and mediation. I live with one principle, if I can make a positive difference even to one person, this fragile life is not wasted. Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement too. Yours Sincerely Pauline Maria