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~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~

~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~
♥ Divine Justice, Global Peace and Healing ~ As it is written: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (Matthew 5:5) ♥

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Court Corruption is Silenced

My thoughts are very much on everyone who has had adverse experiences with the legal profession - whether by legal corruption, abuse of court process by police or expert witnesses and especially perjury in family courts.

Many people are silenced by gag orders and yet they have witnessed first hand violations take place and not prosecuted. What the courts are very much responsible for is allowing the deliberate destruction of innocent people's lives and huge financial losses to pay legal fees.

This abuse must stop.

Before anyone considers entering the legal profession or social services, if you are NOT honest and ethical or working in the peoples best interest, choose an alternative career path.

There are other professions that require responsibility; both moral and ethical considerations. This especially includes the medical profession. Medical health professionals are supposed to be trustworthy, not negligent or motivated by greed.

Corrupt professionals are a huge liability to life.

Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 All Rights Reserved!

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Julian Assange - Stop the Insanity

"Submitted by Peter Kemp on Tue, 12/28/2010 - 04:58




We, among many law abiding citizens of the world deplore and condemn, as applicable, your utterances and writings calling for the extra judicial ie unlawful: kidnapping/assassination/murder/physical harm of Julian Assange, his supporters, Wikileaks workers or members of Assange's family.

We remind you of the laws in your country and others against incitement, inter alia:

Common law:

In English criminal law, incitement was an anticipatory common law offence and was the act of persuading, encouraging, instigating, pressuring, or threatening so as to cause another to commit a crime....The inciter must intend the others to engage in the behaviour constituting the offence, including any consequences which may result, and must know or believe (or possibly suspect) that those others will have the relevant mens rea."

Codified Incitement Law:
(1) Australian Commonwealth
11.4 Incitement
(1) A person who urges the commission of an offence is guilty of the offence of incitement.
(2) For the person to be guilty, the person must intend that the offence incited be committed.

(2) Canada
464. Except where otherwise expressly provided by law, the following provisions apply in respect of persons who counsel other persons to commit offences, namely,(a) every one who counsels another person to commit an indictable offence is, if the offence is not committed, guilty of an indictable offence and liable to the same punishment to which a person who attempts to commit that offence is liable; and

(3) United Kingdom
(1)A person commits an offence if—
(a)he does an act capable of encouraging or assisting the commission of an offence; and
(b)he intends to encourage or assist its commission.

There is no automatic 1st Amendment protection per
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969):
Freedoms of speech and press do not permit a State to forbid advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action

We remind you that while such prima facie incitement by way of utterances and writings may go unpunished in your country, they will not necessarily go unpunished in others, and especially so should you have the courage of your convictions to repeat them in those other jurisdictions.

We ask you respectfully, to contemplate this writing of Mahatma Ghandi:

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained.

And that truth is that Julian Assange is no terrorist; he is not a war defined "belligerent" acting against the United States; he cannot ever be a "traitor"to the USA since by definition he is not a citizen of the United States.

And lastly as Ron Paul put it so well:
In a society where truth becomes treason, however, we are in big trouble. The truth is that our foreign spying, meddling and outright military intervention in the post-World War 2 era has made us less secure, not more, and we have lost countless lives and spent trillions of dollars for our trouble. Too often it’s the official government lies that have given us endless and illegal wars resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths and casualties.

Yours Faithfully
Peter H Kemp
The Wikileaks Central Crew
And I believe, so many others all over the world."

From a different perspective:- Like him or feel hatred towards him - How many people actually know Julian Assange?

Before we decide whether we like someone - perhaps we should take time to listen to what they have to say. On a previous article an indepth honest interview is posted with video.

Julian Assange has taken huge risk to speak the truth to the people. It is my ethical obligation to speak the truth to you too.

Ethical people do not stay silent.

There is concern with pressure and manipulation where not only Julian Assange life is being threatened but also his supporters. The truth has been exposed. Even with my limited understanding - lying on oath was said to be considered a serious crime.

Politicans, lawyers and officials who have lied on oath are being exposed and so therefore as evidence comes forward, surely this means they must be prosecuted? Yes they protect each other!

It is time for people to demand ethical leadership! Do not turn a blind eye to the lies and obstructing of justice - out of fear?

Fraud and obstructing justice are serious crimes!

We will see ethical leadership when we see an end to war that continues under different guises. We will see ethical leadership when we see justice in the courts. We will see ethical leadership when there is ZERO TOLLERANCE for Corruption. When?

Until then you are the leader in your life - Make your decisions wisely and be very careful who you invest your trust to lead your life. Get to know your Human Rights.

Please share this important message - My articles are written for everyone, including those who find the temptation to lie to be paid. For every lie there is consequence. Many professions carry responsiblity but not everyone cares about what this means.

I trained in holistic health, psychotherapy and business performanace coaching, plus other areas to assist healing and empowerment. My determination to expose legal corruption is since I have experienced this personally, having listened to lawyers and police boasting of lying and innocent people in prison. If you choose not to see the cause of suffering and loss in this world - lawyers arrogantly boast about lies that are told.

Politicans and policies relate to law making.

Politicans know about law breaking too!

Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Julian Assange - Truth Exposed!

If we really want to know the truth - we must be prepared to listen!

Sir David Frost, a respected journalist has facilitated an enlightening interview with Julian Assange. Well worth watching to gain a greater perspective of the reality. Everyone is encouraged to listen to Julian's experience and reasoning.

Anyone with a rational mind would not be airing publically that Julian Assange should be hunted down and killed with a gunshot in his head. A trigger happy mindset is a dangerous mindset - especially when these people are being manipulated too.

Intense feelings can be triggered by truth. The lie is not easier to endure, especially someone else's lie that is costing you.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion - however our opinions are formed on information we understand. To make an informed opinion we need to have 'all' the information at hand; credible, factual and accurate. Limited information gives a limited picture.

Everyone is entitled to think and speak out. You are entitled to know the facts - especially if you are being lied to. You do not have to agree to war or the killing of innocent people, which has been happening overseas on such a grand scale.

Human Rights campaigner Jemima Khan is using her influence to highlight statistics. On Twitter she posted "10% of deaths in WW1 were civilian. 50% in WW2. 70% Vietnam. 90% of deaths as a result of the Iraq invasion were civilian (Pilger)"

People are threatened to keep silent. Many have stumbled on something that is intended to remain hidden. Legal corruption gets media blackout in UK and other areas too. The protection of individuals who are being dishonest is a major concern.

Not everyone is corrupt. Not everyone can sleep at night knowing the lies that are taking place grow bigger on a daily basis. Collosal amounts of money is involved in war - money our governments have been freely allocating and spending like confetti.

People are still scared to speak out - people who know the truth. The insanity cannot continue forever. Fear is no way to live! Already many whisleblowers risk their life by sharing information and speaking out. Aaron Russo was just one person who died, apparently allegedly from cancer. Whether recorded reasons for his death are accurate, we will never know because so much information is tampered with and twisted as the norm.

While soldiers are trained to be killers of a targetted enemy - what next? Will they be willing to take orders to elimintate a huge amount of the global population who are against the ongong illegal actions; especially the war that will continue until when?

When are all the soldiers due back home to be reunited with their families and loved ones - where they belong? The goal post keeps moving! Meanwhile billions of dollars in cash of tax payers money is going missing. Can anyone else hear the alarm bells ring?

People are entitled to know the truth so that they can take back their power and chose peace as a way of life. Unless we have visited other countries and spoken to the people, we have no idea of what is 'really' happening. Is the truth important to you?

The media presents what the government want the people to know - even if articles leave out vital information. Propaganda is a way to influence people for an agenda. Do you want the truth or spin?

Imagine what good the trillions of dollars that has been spent on war can do for your country and to help the people, especially with vital services. Yes trillions! $Billions in cash has vanished!

Ask Yourself - What does Julian Assange get out of publishing information that has also exposed deception to the people? Julian does not pay for this information. Instead, whistleblowers share information because they have justified concerns about what is going on. Providing evidence is the norm to back up claims. There is no spying happening. The exteme actions to silence Julian has highlighted the lies even more. Julian is well recieved by people of ethical standing. Obviously intelligent, Julian is also perceptive.

Wikileaks provided a reliable source to read information that the 'embarrassed' governments would prefer people never know.

Ethical people have a moral duty to speak out in truth!

Free press is where you are likely to read articles that are not censored. You are encouraged to read all available information including online papers. Check out the comments from readers too. Keep an open mind and allow the truth to flow to you.

There are millions of people in the world who are without justice. We have a choice. If we continue to allow injustice and promote illegal wars, we must also accept the consequences. The anger you see in this world is from years of abuses - the truth of these abuses have been hidden from the people. Now soldiers are speaking out.

The truth must be exposed so that one day Justice might be appropriately administered! Freedom from oppression is near.

Article by Pauline Maria
© 2010 All Rights Reserved

The Truth About Santa

Gift giving has become an important part of many people's Christmas. Millions of children will wake up on Christmas morning to gifts from Santa. No one can deny with so many children in the world, Santa needs many helpers to deliver the presents.

This year many more children will have a Christmas surprise.

Adopt-a-Letter is a programe started by my special friend Baroness Kimberly Moore. As CEO of the prestigious Echelon Club based in Beverly Hills, California, Kimberly is inspired to be a leader in community service. One area in particular where Kimberly has chosen to focus, is underprivileged children and families in the most impoverished areas of Los Angeles.

The Adopt-A-Letter campaign has been running for five years. Letters are collected that are written to Santa by children in need around Los Angeles. People are invited to sponsor or “adopt” a child’s Christmas wish. The letters are posted on the website to browse through. I encourage you to find a letter that inspires you!

20,000 children in LA had their christmas wishes granted when their letters to Santa were answered. Kimberly and her helpers deliver the gifts personally.

What is most unique about the Adopt a Letter campaign that makes it stand out from the rest -

100% of money raised goes to buy gifts.
100% of gifts that are donated are given
100% unconditional love, commitment and dedication to make a positive difference can be seen. This is Kimberly's motivation.

Adopt-a-Letter has become a major event over the Christmas holidays in Los Angeles area. The city of angels attacts many people who enjoy the gift of giving to those less fortunate.

Fox News has even reported on Kimberly's dedicated work.

How this progame has grown to be so successful is by the help from people like YOU.

This year the need is greater than ever. Today Kimberly wrote:

"Adopt-A-Letter & change a life! Please help us adopt a letter for a child in need this Christmas! So many children are asking Santa for simple things this year such as blankets, grocery gift cards, warm meals, clothes, toys because their parents can not afford a Christmas this year! Let's help bring a smile to a child this holiday. I will personally deliver their wish! We need your help!"

These children come from the poorest backgrounds in LA. One day they will grow up and be adults in our world. Many of these children are gifted, some will be major contributers in the future to society. When children are given a helping hand, support and encouragement to grow, they learn this naturally and will do the same.

These children are unlikely to forget their chistmas gifts or they way feel when they experience giving. If you would like to help Adopt-A-Letter please visit the website for contact details.

Adults world wide give children hope and emotional security when we live by example and in peace. We are the inspirational teachers to the little ones today. We enable children by nurturing their strengths and providing their needs to assist their growth.

Every child is important in this world.

Children are the leaders and teachers of tomorrow!

Pauline Maria
© 2010 All Rights Reserved

Who is Sharing Their Wealth?

This is a time of year where many people feel pulled in so many different directions. Demands are high and resources might be limited. Caring people have a natural gift to share their care and unconditional love with other people. There are so many people who have been emotionally abandoned. So many people feel lonely at this time of year. Reaching out and showing you care to a total stranger will enrich your life and give hope to theirs. The wealth of love is what our world is calling out for.

Pauline Maria
© 2010 All Rights Reserved.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Health Conscious Ethics

The way of the future is higher conscious awareness, self-healing and holistic health.

If medical doctors, scientists, psychologists and psychotherapists are not functioning on this vibration, they will be of no use to benefit people in the future.

Preventative care is not being addressed as the norm in medical practice. The solution to consequences of poor eating habits, depression and stress is not prescription pills. There is a growing need to identify cause of health problems.

The mind is far more powerful than you realise. You have greater personal potential than you know.

Ethical practice does not encourage dependency on people, services, medications, or suppress and oppress people. This applies right at the top from leadership all the way down the line.

While people are kept down they become a liability to the system, then what?

Once everyone realises their personal potential, they will not only raise their vibration, they will live a life that is more productive, more conscientious and more rewarding where everyone will be giving back too.

Under the current vibration of negativity; anxiety and fear is triggered by the so called national security. This is an excuse to keep people down and ignorant of truth. No, we are not being told the truth! Medications is not the answer, or alcohol to escape.

People are losing their sense of self, ability to think and even to feel their own feelings. Some people have become dependent on other people to make their decisions. You are an adult now.

Many foods and drinks contain toxins that are detrimental to health.

Once you make a decision to be healthy - your intention to take care of yourself is set. Decisions following this will be in alignment.

You have a choice to live your life being gullible' trusting all you are told/sold, or start listening to your inner self and live the life you are entitled to.

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 31 July 2010

UFO - Crop Circles Decoded

What the government keeps hidden. So many people are hungry for power and some are involved with rituals; you are unlikely to read/hear about that in the media.

There is a higher dimension than limited thinking can comprehend.

We can access our higher mind and from this place, we gain an understanding beyond what we are told, also what is hidden from the public eye.

Humans have turned people away from higher knowledge!

In each crop circle there are messages to be decoded - there are people who have the understanding to do this. In this video a very important message is conveyed - I will share for your information:

Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises
Much pain but still time
There is good out there
We oppose deception
Conduit closing

This video has been sourced out of many that are out there because it has credible information and shows, no matter what attempts made to obstruct the truth being known - The Truth cannot be hidden forever!

Truth or deception - You decide!

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Monday, 26 July 2010


Fraudulent Misrepresentation is a great concern where it is known this takes place in the legal profession and blatantly exploited.

1) Justice is obstructed (a crime)
2) Misrepresentation is unpunished
3) The innocent party is landed with paying the bill - the loser pays
4) Injury is suffered as a consequence
5) Personal losses, including financial losses are incurred.
‎6) Human Rights are violated.

What most people do not realise is - Everyone is entitled to a fair hearing. Evidence is needed for redress, yet it can be withheld.

It is known by ALL lawyers when they are dishonest. FRAUD is seen to exploit because the ego drive is to win by ABUSE for Profit!

The main reason why justice is obstructed is because people are intimidated; even people in the profession are scared. It is also unlikely you will get a dishonest legal professional willing to prosecute someone else. The closed shop is being exposed!

There is a massive problem in UK with human rights violations in the courtroom where lawyers not only lie, police do too. When officers of the court boast of innocent people in prison and state that 'I got off lightly' - alarm bells were ringing. I was injured in a car accident. The ex police driver boasted of her intention to lie. The police have refused to prosecute despite three attempts.

Having telephoned hundreds of lawyers up and down the country - I know the reactions out of their own mouths. People have told me they also had to pay lawyers cash without a receipt - I am certain not all of this cash has been declared to the tax man.

Ethical lawyers in the profession say they are fed up of the dishonesty. Apparently it makes their job impossible to do. The corrupt lawyers abuse the court process and make a mockery of the Judge and Oath. Perjury is a crime that must be prosecuted.

ALL LAWYERS must take responsibility for the lives they destroy for profit and how they all contribute to the greater problem locally and in the world we all live in; that stems from corruption.

Millions of people have been vaccinated with toxins - known to be detrimental to the health and well being. Whether a child or adult, the brain is affected at a cellular level. Vaccines are not free - there are investors and huge profits. Just take a concept of creating a health scare to then vaccinate. Imagine the potential to make many millions of dollars - based on fear. What about force?

The air we are breathing contains toxins that are escalated based on a lie of global warming - These same toxins break down our immune and cause other detrimental health conditions that affect the quality of our life. Industrial pollution is replaced by worse.

Lastly, for now, our food contains additives and preservatives - some are even genetically modified products. We only need to look at the replacement of sugar; artificial sweeteners ie aspartame, nutraweet, aminosweet and all other relevant names that have been known at that time of testing to give brain tumors to rats. Serious health conditions have been identified!!!

Why do lawyers not prosecute?

It seems the focus is exploiting a legal contract to make money. Out of lawyers own mouths they tell me 'there is no room for care or conscience in this profession' - I share their alarming attitude and words. I invite every lawyer to rethink their values.

We may never know how a lawyer feels about their consumption of toxins in the air they breath, food they eat and even in drinks. I am not sure how they will feel if a member of their family has illness from these toxins and even dies as a consequence.

Is there any heart in the legal profession?

Is there any lawyer that stands for truth, integrity and justice?

Deceiving people for profit is a crime. Murder is crime. Even war is a crime - Deception is an excuse for profit, even control of nations.

Divine Justice will prevail even if Justice in the law courts is obstructed!

Ethical experts will always speak out in truth - in the peoples best interest. The real truth can never be completely silenced!

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Al Gore Slammed by Congress

Just because you see someone in a position of authority, even someone seemingly at the top, never be put off to research and expose the truth. We must confront corruption for prosecution.

In my personal experience, corrupt lawyers and those who are in positions of power caught out are like slippery snakes. When you hold evidence, they often duck and dive. Admission is liability.

Never lose sight of the need for honesty and transparency.

NEVER ignore ethical experts who know more than we do!

Never forget even right at the top, some people are ethical.

It is those who are social climbing and hungry for power, we all need to be aware of. Chip away at their hard faced front and see what they are running away from. The skeletons are there!

When anyone has a vested financial interest and promoting a product or ideal, they are motivated to sell to you so that THEY are to benefit in a big way from your co-operation.

Billions of people around the world, YES BILLIONS of people's health is being detrimentally affected by toxins pumped in the atmosphere under the banner of global warming. Al Gore does not care - he is raking in many millions of dollars.

This guy, Al Gore is not even a scientist - he studied law and according to this article did not get his degree. He was offered a noble peace prize too.

All these honors given to people who are contributing by their decisions to health problems. How much is our government giving to this scam? Anyone who promotes war make a mockery of the Nobel Peace Prize and confuses what peace actually means.

If anything I am alarmed to learn that people who are honored for their role in Peace and yet they are the same who called out war. Liars are clearly paid very well. Did Tony Blair lie about WMD?

It is clear in some peoples word everything is reversed!

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Wikileaks the Truth

If it was not for Wikileaks, even more information would stay hidden.

The authorities are allegedly embarrassed with the truth being out. Actually to be honest, 'embarrased' is my words. The authorities should be ashamed with hiding information from the public - also when not working in the public best interest.

People do not need to be put down or be treated like cattle. Ordinary people have far more to contribute to this world than the egotistical power mongers; some who clearly get some thrill from destroying humanity! There is concern of this happening.

The truth is according to the Daily Mail, the authorities have reacted with fury after wikipedia published '90,000 top secret files that expose the horrific civilian cost of Afghan war'.

While authorities might be angry (at being caught out) - it is the people who have been lied to. You have every right to express your feelings and be angry too, especially at the truth withheld.

We only need to look closer at the level of increased spending and national debt. Perhaps the public should be told that we can expect economic collapse - however the majority of people do not want to see or know. Perhaps they have been brainwashed or just closed off their mind because they cannot cope with the cold hard reality of war in this world - that might just backfire on us all!

When we understand the meaning of responsibility - we do not go out to deliberately create debt. Yet the debt creators are many; who do not care or have a conscience - after all let someone else pay the bill. Who cares? Arrogance is seen in their actions.

While blowing trillions of dollars on the war for profit, a name given because it seems far more accurate - our public services have been affected. The cutbacks have been hidden, although more information is coming to light - a few years later.

The media is still selectively reporting. With ethical practice and also ethical leadership there is a plea for the sake of humanity for transparency and truth!

The risk with working for any authority or the media is being told what you can and cannot say. People should be empowered with TRUTH. Everyone can then make informed decisions about their life and learn responsibility. Lessons must be learned!

Conspiracy theorists are many and often ridiculed. There are still people focused on 9/11 and that is exactly what the illuminati want the people to do. The distraction is an ideal excuse to keep people numb and occupied - those who are still thinking.

Anyone who is ethical with nothing to hide is not going to argue when there is a valid argument to be made. When confronting abusers - they might threaten and first and then duck and dive.

Knowing who to blame is a decision - start right at the top. Stay with what is visible and remember, even wars are negotiated well in advance behind closed doors. War is not an overnight decision. A strategic plan will have been made.

Where possible I will always access credible evidence and share this with any insights accordingly. It is important to let the factual evidence speak for itself. An opinion can be informed or not!

In my world peace means exactly peace, without weapons or fighting - without people feeling fear. There is long overdue healing need and this can only happen when those who are making destructive decisions within authorities, stop and allow healing.

My closing is with the wise words of a friend "This world is separated into two industries: the War Industry and the Peace Industry." Yoko Ono

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Did Man Land on The Moon?

Is it possible that $40 billion of your money was spent on the most expensive movie ever?

Look at the evidence, hear all the testimonies - more deaths have taken place too. People being silenced is all too common now.

Notice the flag waving - there is no air on the moon to cause this!

No stars are visible in the sky.

Shadows are not aligned in photographs as they would be from a natural light source!

And there is much more evidence presented to open your eyes.

When we consider the press conference with the astronauts together about this vitally important event, one thing stands out. They did not look happy or even comfortable with talking.

When ethical experts speak out we cannot ignore that the entire world might have been lied to - primarily for a huge ego trip. The ego need to be first and powerful, can release a monster mentality that has no hesitation to lie and kill innocent people.

John F Kennedy was vocal; in particular being strictly opposed to secret societies and hidden agendas - He was assisinated.

People internationally are entitled to know the truth.

You can choose to continue trusting all you are told. Or you can look deeper and search for the truth. The choice is yours!

Did the moon landing happen?

Something is still being silenced to this day!

The truth will set you free!

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Neil Armstrong speaks out

A very powerful short speech from Neil Armstrong. Here Neil acknowledges the importance of truth. Evidence of this emotional speech is not to be ignored. Truth cannot be ignored forever!

Everyone has every right to uncover the truth - despite all the protective layers. The problem is people do what they are told and keep quiet out of fear. People in the know - know the truth.

We must relinquish our illusion.

Did you know the media allows lies and this is not against the law? This is why so many people have been brainwashed and you have been lied to for far too long. You are only told what the authorities want you to know. Spin is a term used to present a story as truth - This can influence the public according to a given agenda.

The television and movie screen can manufacture any concept they want to entertain the audience. This is big business - this is their business. The general public are all just a means to an end. That end usually includes big profit, also mind your control.

Unfortunately the media, television and movie screen has the ability to manipulate people to even control thinking and behavior. People acting out aggression in society and also following trends is not by an accident. Everything is by design!

The truth is known within however, many people ignore the obvious. Not everyone listens to their instincts or notices inconsistencies. Not everyone feels free to speak out!

Many people are ashamed - many more people are frightened to speak out. The calculative authority who deceives is to blame!

Many whistleblowers are no longer alive because they knew too much. Sadly too many people are still silent. Being brave is lost!

Then there are people like me, who exposes deception and corruption on a grand scale. Someone has to speak out!

Knowing the truth will allow you to claim your right of choice to be who you are and not to be manipulated for a corporate gain.

Free Will is your God given birthright!

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Flouride and Intelligence!

According to scientific study, flouride can be detrimental to intelligence. Concerns have been identified with recommendations for further studies, in particular due to increase flouride presence in food and drinking water supplies.

When Ethical experts speak out and go to the lengths for research in the public interest, then it is always in out best interest to compare what they have to say.

The full report is included in this article where you can read for yourself. This Scientific Study was carried out by Q Xiang, Y Liang, L Chen, C Wang, B Chen, X Chen, M Zhouc Shanghai, P.R. China

"SUMMARY: The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) was measured in 512 children, aged 8–13 years, living in two villages in Sihong County, Jiangsu Province, China, differing in the level of fluoride in their drinking water.

In the high fluoride village of Wamiao (water fluoride: 2.47±0.79 mg/L; range: 0.57–4.50 mg/L), the mean IQ of 222 children was significantly lower (92.02±13.00; range: 54–126) than in the low-fluoride village of Xinhuai (water fluoride: 0.36±0.15 mg/L; range: 0.18–0.76 mg/L), where the mean IQ of 290 children was higher (100.41±13.21; range: 60–128).

The children’s IQs were not related to urinary iodine, family income, or parent’s education level.

Higher drinking water fluoride levels were significantly associated with higher rates of mental retardation (IQ <70) and borderline intelligence (IQ 70–79). The Benchmark Concentration (BMC) for the concentration-response relationship between IQ <80 and the drinking water fluoride level was 2.32 mg/L, and the lower-bound confidence limit (BMCL) of the BMC was 1.85 mg/L.

Taking dental fluorosis and other sources of dietary fluoride into account, the reference value concentration (RfC) for fluoride was calculated to be 0.925 mg/L, which is very close to the current national Chinese standard of <1.0 mg/L. In endemic fluorosis areas, drinking water fluoride levels greater than 1.0 mg/L may adversely affect the development of children’s intelligence."

"In view of reports of increased fluoride levels in many foods and water supplies, it is urgent that further studies be conducted to examine whether there is a link in animals and humans between fluoride and disturbances of the development and function of the central nervous system. High-fluoride levels may occur in artesian well water"

When Ethical experts speak out and go to the lengths for research in the public interest, then it is always in out best interest to compare what they have to say.

Fluoride Vol. 36 No. 2 84-94 2003 Research Report - 11 pages.
No ISBN available.
Read full report here:

$78.8 Trillion US Debt Obligation

Do you really care about your country and the world we live in?

Do you really want to live in peace?

We must be willing to look at what is obstructing peace!

National debt has been incurred and is escalating. We cannot afford to ignore the reality. When we look at the truth and the bigger picture, the illusion of what we have been conditioned to believe, will transform and change with new awareness.

Fox News report in 2009 - we are now in 2010, with national debt increasing.

$78.8 Trillion; United States Debt Obligations - How is this going to be paid?

The debt incurred breaks down as following:

$7.8 trillion owed by the public.
$16 trillion U.S. insurance guarantees
$55 trillion in future Social Security and Medicaid obligations.

The U.S. debt of $78.8 trillion actually exceedes world GDP $78.4 trillion in 2008

GDP - Gross Domestic Product. The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year

If we are all responsible for our own spending and lived within our means, debt would not be incurred. For almost 50 years I have watched politicians make decisions at huge financial cost to people. People are expected to pay taxes - this should cover healthcare, education, water and even utilities.

War is fueled by an alleged threat. War is big profit for the corporations involved; they know it! Insurance is big business. Big Pharma is Big Profit. Do not blame just banks for the global crisis. Look at who is blatantly exploiting for profit.

Being of the understanding the Federal Reserve is a private bank - as a corporation then it is not your responsibility to pay their taxes. I am not negating this issue. However decisions for war costing over $ trillion - comes at a cost to the people.

Any bank can call in their debt at any time. What will US do, take control of another planet? If only our governments were honest and transparent! We must be alarmed at the debt 'borrowed' knowing someone else will foot the bill.

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Tony Blair's Speechwriter Speaks Out

What the public do not realise is the political leaders are not orating their own words in speeches. Not at all. Speeches are written in advance. People are hired for the job.

Both Barack Obama and George Bush have been seen stumbling on their words, maybe when the teleprompter is not working. Perhaps people have noticed when George Bush struggles with live audiences asking him questions; that he even pulls faces too.

Philip Collins, Tony Blair's speechwriter while in office, can so rightfully claim credit for the dialogue that had the public believing in him; well some of the public. Not sure who Phillip writes for now, particularly as Tony Blair works a lot in USA!

What is clear Phillip Collins is the 'intelligence' behind so many of the words Tony Blair has spoken. Researching is apparently an area of his expertise. Having read transcripts, he knows how to present a flow of information that benefits the orator.

"And what about the famous tension diffusing gag of Blair not having to worry about Cherie running off with the bloke next door? Was this from Collins' pen?

"Err, yes, but I'm not supposed to tell you that," he eventually concedes. But before he allows himself too much credit, he's quick to note that the occasion and subject-matter are far more important than clever writing.

"You can write the most brilliant, elegant speech but if you've got nothing to talk about it won't be remembered," he argues. "Lots of Clinton's speeches were beautifully written but they're not so memorable because nothing happened. Nelson Mandela's are not poetical but he's talking about the end of apartheid. That's big stuff. It's the occasion that matters."

And as the occasion of Tony Blair's departure gets nearer, will he be sad about leaving his dream job?

"Taking this job was always a risk in a way, because this could easily be the best thing I ever do," he ponders. "But I'm going to avoid being sad about it. Tony's being remarkably cheerful. He's not sad about it, he's ready. Besides, I think I'm quite good at adapting to new circumstances."

Read full article here.

Well of course Tony Blair was cheerful, he was not going to leave Number 10 Downing Street until he had secured lucrative deals in USA etc He was brought down to earth for a few moments when not being elected as EU President, which was no surprise. Research revealed also something about the World Bank too. Never mind he made £20 million more and unless something is done to obstruct his future, he will join other people in USA who have made a fortune 'advising' with his contacts.

Tony Blair's public speeches continue to be popular 'and pay well'. Not sure if Philip Collins is the person who should be credited for such eloquence with scripting information, or someone else.

In Britain there is a new Prime Minister in office. David Cameron.

Just shows one does not need to be too bright to be a Prime Minister. Even what he says to the public is already taken care of by someone else. The hidden people who write on behalf of influential people and political leaders are very real people!

Pauline Maria Copyright © 2010 - All Rights Reserved!

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Debunking Turkish Aid to Gaza

Debunking dishonest media reports. This is the Turkish ship from Marmara with aid to Gaza. This is the unedited footage before the Israelis boarded the vessel. Gunfire is clearly heard before they boarded the vessel and despite the white flag being raised. There is running commentary in English and related language. The truth has not been portrayed as seen here.

In this video a lady is interviewed who at the time of filming is still clearly shocked by what she witnessed. She speaks out about what happened - how their ship with unarmed passengers was surrounded by ships and gunfire in international waters.

Clearly violations apply. There is far too much media manipulation taking place that is masking the reality of who attacked who. Bear in mind the guns were held by the army boarding the ships. I am acutely aware there has been lies told to fuel wars resulting in innocent people being killed. How much more bloodshed will follow?

Please share this information.

Pauline Maria (c) Copyright 2010 - All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Rachel Corrie Ship Siezed by Israelis

Israel has forcibly siezed the Irish-owned humanitarian relief ship on the way to Gaza. Rachel Corrie ship carrying humanitarian aid is seen on an earlier video. The ship is carrying over 1000 tons of medical aid and construction materials, including wheelchairs. The passengers on the ship are reported to have been brutally handled. It is unknown if anyone has been killed at this point. An international appeal demands safety for the passengers.

"MV Rachel Corrie carries many dignitaries, Israel knows the vessel carries no weapons, only the desire to break the illegal siege of Gaza that keeps Palestinians living in sub-human conditions.

Israeli Radio is reporting that the Rachel Corrie has been boarded, though passengers denied that was the case after those reports were issued, the crew ... See Moresaying they are being shadowed and followed by Israeli warships, but not boarded.

Now the waiting game continues, the last word from the crew was received around 9:00 p.m. Pacific time.

At 9:45 p.m. it was reported that repeated calls to the ship were going unanswered.

The Freedom Flotilla is unarmed, Israel is losing a large chance to show the world that it does have a heart, and its answer so far has been to kill peace activists with no agenda other than to say, "enough is enough".

The growing cry among Jewish people opposed to the mindless military occupation of Palestine is: "Not in My Name!"

Please share this information and pray for these people and their safety, if you are people of faith. Thank You.

Friday, 4 June 2010

Tony Blair's Faith Offensive

The man who lied to the British people, avoided the public eye when the Chilcott Inquiry was being carried out about the war on Iraq; Tony Blair also never discussed faith as Prime Minister. It becomes another matter to take my attention when he suddenly changed his religion in 2007 near the time he formed 'HIS' FAITH foundation. Coincidence? Not! More like a strategic evolving plan!

Now he wants to form a 'faith offensive' across America - and be seen as someone who leads in uniting faiths together. When you connect the dots together of his adverse influence, you will realise why I find this lucrative venture in particular very offensive!!!

"The foundation, which was set up to promote cohesion between the major faiths, is sitting on £4.5million of donations, according to The Observer.

Now Blair, who converted to Catholicism in 2007, is to use that money to spread his message across the Atlantic, where he is more warmly received than in the UK." Some people 'hate him'!

Tony Blair is not warmly received in UK because of his actions against the public best interest. Both he and his wife created their reputation based on their own actions! Both the Blair's come from working class backgrounds and I understand, according to one article his wife has issue with this. No status, amount of money or designer clothes will change the truth. Same as changing a religion is not going to ever make anyone a better person. A true believer has a conscience, with honor and integrity part of their being!

"The fresh 'convert' does not hesitate to explain to the pope not only what he must do, but also what he must believe!

"One of the aims of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation will be that of remaking the major religions, just as his colleague Barack Obama will remake global society. With this purpose, the foundation in question will try to expand the 'new rights', using the world religions for this end and adapting these for their new duties. The religions will have to be reduced to the same common denominator, which means stripping them of their identity ...

This project threatens to set us back to an age in which political power was ascribed the mission of promoting a religious confession, or of changing it. In the case of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, this is also a matter of promoting one and only one religious confession, which a universal, global political power would impose on the entire world."

As someone with very strong faith, Christened Greek Orthodox, I understand the laws of Divine Justice - I live my life with awareness of deception and share in truth in the public interest, the global public interest; with having care and a conscience!

Only a fool would even invest their FAITH in a man who has no qualms to call out war at huge cost and kill innocent people. Any true believer in God would never even consider war - knowing there is a far greater power beyond humans.

Why would anyone who has a personal relationship with God in each name known in different faiths, including Allah, or Jesus Christ, want to even look at Tony Blair as if he is Holy (or anyone else) when indeed his actions are far from this!!!

Does the Bible not warn people not to worship false idols?

There is a lesson to learn from trusting anyone (even a lawyer) above God!

This man gave unreliable information about WMD in Iraq. He may have even lied - who knows. In total over a million deaths and a bill for war comes at the cost over $1 trillion - to be paid by the people. He cannot be trusted to make ethical decisions!

He cannot be trusted because he ignored people who might just see more than his limited vision. If he is blind to Legal corruption also brought to his attention, we can see why he is blind to his influence that gave cause to so much death and destruction!

Just some reasons why I find HIS faith offensive...

Pauline Maria (c) Copyright 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Monday, 24 May 2010

The War of HIV = AIDS

Too many people make a fortune through pharmaceuticals & drugs. The layers include the investors and patent owners.

Ethical experts speak out! We observe those who are corrupt get away with too much; for too long! Collusion of influences can/do hide facts or feed fear in people. Media reports can and often does influence the public to react. This can also be to your detriment!

Quote me: Human life is worth much more than money!

Another reference to 'WAR' in this case....chillingly referred to in this case as 'The War on AIDS'

People have become sick with AIDS from AZT drugs.

"The federal government cannot be sued and is immune from responsibility of creating a mass misdiagnosis based on HIV"

"How about the pharmaceuticals that claim their drug promotes life?

They are responsible for very very, misleading crooked, fraudulent tests and I think they deserve everything that is coming to them - I think they have a great deal of accountability and I think they should shoulder that accountability and make it right!"

And if there are mistakes made - ethical leaders and experts admit these mistakes openly and compensate accordingly. Those who continue to hide fraud and deception are contributing to an escalating problem on many levels!

Speaking as a trained hypnotherapist, I can vouch that the use of suggestion is very powerful. With this, the media has got away with influencing the masses accordingly. The power you hold in your mind to assist healing from illness is being suppressed!

Yes, let me repeat what I know to be true as someone who trained to help people! My interest was to study personality development, mind over matter and self healing! Ethical practice is paramount!

"The power you hold in your mind to assist healing from illness is being suppressed!"

The saying a little bit of knowledge is dangerous 'in the wrong hands'. Mind manipulation in seductive advertising has been the catalyst for profit in many different areas. Advertising is carefully planned out for a targeted audience!

"Why is the government spending billions of dollars on the 'War of Drugs' -

As long as the public are in fear of being ill and dying, they will buy into having preventative care. And furthermore, as long as the 'illness' is seen to affect the masses, this gives an excellent excuse to endure the fund transfer and provide drugs that according to ethical experts, have been the cause of death in so many people!

How many more deaths need to take place before the public wake up to truth. Your body was not made to be poisoned by drugs.

Your life is far too precious!

This is a long video - viewing is highly recommended if you really want to know the truth of the extent of deception taking place!

Article by Pauline Maria ~ Copyright (c) 2010 All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Yet Another Loss - Robin Cook

Robin Cook died in 2005. "After his 2003 resignation from the Cabinet, Cook remained an active backbench Member of Parliament until his death. After leaving the Government, Cook was a leading analyst of the decision to go to war in Iraq, giving evidence to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee which was later relevant during the Hutton and Butler inquiries."

"In a column for the Guardian[14] four weeks before his death, Cook caused a stir when he described Al-Qaeda as a product of a western intelligence"

On his epitaph the wikipedea quotes "I may not have succeeded in halting the war, but I did secure the right of parliament to decide on war." It is a reference to Cook's strong opposition to the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the words were reportedly chosen by his widow and two sons from his previous marriage, Chris and Peter."

"In early August 2005, Cook and his wife, Gaynor, took a two-week holiday in the Highlands of Scotland. At around 2:20 pm, on 6 August 2005, whilst walking down Ben Stack in Sutherland, Scotland, Cook suddenly suffered a severe heart attack, collapsed and lost consciousness. A helicopter containing paramedics arrived 40 minutes after a 999 call was taken. Cook then was flown to Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. Gaynor did not get in the helicopter, and was left to walk down the mountain. Despite efforts made by the medical team to revive Cook in the helicopter, he was already beyond recovery, and at 4:05pm, minutes after arrival at the hospital, was pronounced dead. Two days later, a post mortem revealed that Cook died of hypertensive heart disease."

"Cook's diaries contain insights about the mindset of colleagues and the way they responded to events. They show a government for whom the real nature of the threat posed by Iraq was subsidiary to other considerations: for Blair the imperative was sticking close to Washington; for most of his colleagues it was about loyalty to him."

"Cook was almost alone in exploring the case for war on its merits, and his willingness to resign because of it is the best argument against those who insist they were misled by faulty intelligence. On 20 February 2003 Cook received an hour-long private briefing from John Scarlett, in which he quizzed Britain's senior intelligence official on what was really known about WMD. This meeting confirmed his strong belief, expressed in his resignation speech to parliament a month later, that "Iraq probably has no weapons of mass destruction in the commonly understood sense of the term – namely a credible device capable of being delivered against a strategic city target".

Our world is in urgent need for ethical leadership and especially with government ministers. There are obviously some people in influential positions who do not have vision or they have an agenda that is NOT in the public interest. There is no room for inflated egos, especially lawyers in the job to get wealthy. There is no room for ZENOPHOBICS in leadership either. There is no room for mistakes to be made that come at the cost of ANY human life.

Life is precious! The people who live and even died for truth will not be forgotten. The real truth can never be eradicated no matter how much effort is made to keep it buried.

RIP Robin Cook.

Pauline Maria

Monday, 17 May 2010

Rife - The Silence on Cancer Cure

Royal Raymond Rife should be a household name!

"Dr Rife had discovered a very inexpensive means of curing not only cancer, but some of the most dreaded diseases in society today such as the Ebola virus and AIDS. His research was destroyed, his associates harassed and some even killed, and after years of hounding he died of an overdose administered to him in Grossmont Hospital, in San Diego, California."

The saying where there is a will there is a way seemed to apply in this situation. Dr Rife, in his determination realised where there was a need, he would use his mind to find a way and with this, he invented a 'Universal Microscope with 5,682 parts'.

Rife was recognised and credited for his persistant work in his chosen area of study -indeed he was awarded an honorary medical degree from the University of Heidleberg.

"While examining bacteria and viruses, Rife noticed that each one gave off a distinct light (or color) pattern. (In the late sixties it was discovered that every living cell actually gives off light and the healthier the cell the healthier the light; conversely the sicker the cell the weaker the light. But this research by Rife was done in the twenties using technology Rife himself invented.) So Rife began to experiment with instruments he invented that oscillated at the frequencies he'd determined from the organisms (bacteria and viruses) and he discovered that by playing back their own pattern of oscillation, slightly modified, he could destroy them without affecting the tissues around them. In other words, Rife could kill a particular virus or bacterium using light rays alone, light rays that were absolutely harmless to the host animal, but deadly to the microbe."

"When Rife went public, the University of Southern California sponsored a special medical research team to evaluate this new therapy on the terminally ill. After 130 days, every patient recovered with no side effects to the treatment."

The Rife Microscope could see particles that were even smaller than waves of light - this is stretching our imagination that some people still might find hard to believe. At the time this was seen to be impossible. Dr. Rife was said to be the first Scientist to see a live virus. Today's electron microscopes see viruses, but they destroy them in the process through the bombardment of electrons."

What was most remarkable, not only did Rife discover the cause of cancer but he also discovered a cure too. Yes he also discovered a cure too. Billions of dollars have been collected for cancer research charities for so many years when a cure is known.

As someone who trained extensively for the helping profession, it is rather alarming to discover that people are threatened and/or obstructed from doing their job - in the public interest. It is the scientists and researchers who work tirelessly to benefit the people. Many ethical experts have done extensive professional training. When the element of corruption is suspected, it is easy to see why people give up when they are blocked to progress. People are too scared to speak about corruption for fear of consequence.

Silence has a price. What allegedly implied to happened to Dr. Rife and his colleagues; given the seriousness I quote - however be assured I have no hesitation to expose truth and corruption!

"Dr Milbank Johnson, a supporter of Rife's and one of the people who had worked to validate Rife's research was poisoned. Dr Nemes who was duplicating Rife's work just 40 miles from Rife's own lab was killed in a mysterious fire that consumed his lab and research papers. Rife's closest associate was given a grant for $200,000 and quickly vanished. People who had worked with Rife suddenly denied knowing him. Rife sunk further and further into depression and alcoholism. By 1940, Rife's work had been wiped out entirely. Every time he tried to pull himself back on track to reduplicate his research, he was hounded and harassed and finally his life ended in a hospital by an overdose that was not self-administered."

Ethical experts in the legal profession and medical profession are bringing concerns to the public attention, even if they do so via someone who is prepared to speak out - You are justified to distrust. However when you dismiss important information, especially related to health, you may discover cancer has taken the life of a loved one. Many people believe there is no cure.

For so long I have listened to people mock conspiracy. We need to be not so quick to dismiss. What if the information is true. We need to begin to open our minds. We need to identify TRUTH!

Millions of people have lost loved ones to cancer. Millions of people are living with cancer today. So much suffering has taken place! Billions of dollars is still being raised for Cancer Charities?

Pauline Maria - Providing a voice of reason on this subject.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

50,000 people die from man made polution!

"More than 50,000 people are dying prematurely in the UK every year, and thousands more suffer serious illness because of man-made air pollution, according to a parliamentary report published tomorrow. The UK now faces the threat of £300m in fines after it failed to meet legally binding EU targets to reduce pollution to safe levels." Full article

My published reply:-

"Please address the real cause!

Is there a lawyer who will act on lawsuits; if so I would like to join the queue. There are several planes a day flying over where I live not on a flight path and out of season - They leave like chemtrails as seen on youtube. A friend, who is a fighter jet pilot in USA explained how exhaust condensation disappears after about 30 seconds. Well this residue is around for hours....and I am sure the government know all about it too. While I am at it, Aspartame, not good at all - yet in in some footage says over 6000 products; During testing found to be having adverse affects on almost 50% of the people. The other 50% were paid for by Nutrasweet who all reported no side effects. Research is revealing but also being trained in health, nutrition, psychological therapies and self healing seems like a waste of many years training with all this! Yes we are being made very ill with all these additives, preservatives and spraying in the skies. Can we sue? Psychologically we are being damaged by all the negative reporting and endless illegal wars too!"

Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Trusting Healthcare USA

Prescription drug addiction is something that came to my attention some years ago. The statistics are unknown.

This is a growing concern; especially moreso now encouraging people to address their health. Some people take a mixture of medications and admit dependency. If and when medications are being used as an emotional crutch, addictions can easily take hold.

We all need to have confidence in our healthcare practitioners and feel assured that our Medical Doctor is providing treatment with ethical practice. Not everyone questions this or even considers that their Doctor has certain professional standards to meet.

If you live in USA, you may visit the following link to check if a MD or healthcare professional is licensed. In case of questions about Prescriptions - your pharmacist can advise on any medications. Pharmacists study chemistry and know compatibility of medicine. Do not be afraid to ask questions when collecting prescriptions. Be alert if you are on medications you do not want or even need.

You are encouraged to check things out, especially related to your health. Seek out second opinions if you are not sure. Medical Doctors study for several years to be in the helping profession - Having a medical doctor you can trust can be a Godsend.

You are in charge to take care of your health and getting the right help. You have every right to expect your medical doctor to be fully licensed and to be helping you in your best interest.

You will find a wealth of related information on the following link

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Global Warming Concerns

There is so much talk about Global warming. Just the other day a dear friend posted a video that related to HAARP - highly recommended to research if you are willing to know. I am not someone who takes what anyone says as gospel, no matter who delivers the information. I need to see credible evidence from my own eyes. It is with absolute encouragement that you do the same and all I ask is to keep an open mind, as we look closer together.

With regards to the weather, I live in the UK and these last couple of years have seemed much colder than before. We have had a particularly cold winter with snow. Some parts of the country has been worse hit than others. Internationally we are seeing and hear about what can only be described as volatile weather conditions.

Our attention has been drawn via the media to 'natural disasters' like earthquakes and Tsunamis - although I have always been curious about tornado's too because they appear like a freak of nature; with destructive and often devastating consequences.

There are always people quick to volunteer their help. In particular with Haiti, many health professionals dropped everything to go help these people. We are mostly united in international need. United our hearts reach out in compassion to all these innocent people who suffered unmeasurable loss though such devastating tragedies. As someone who is the friend to the world, my heart goes out all those who are suffering around the world; especially to all who have lost loved ones in the war.

To me, a need for AID cannot get there fast enough. What has always bothered me is why the Governments can give many billions/trillions of dollars towards war and yet the same priority is not given when catastrophic devastation is calling for help. I recall hurricane Katrina and on television watched as aid was delayed 'as if' there was an expectancy of another to follow. Perhaps delays are deliberate - Yes there is a sinister thought!

I cannot deny my own experience - something certainly does not sit right with these situations. It just happened that I was speaking to a lady in USA during Katrina and following what was happening on the news from UK. She told me her sister loaded her car up with food and blankets to take to these people. When she arrived a short distance from her destination she was met by armed officers who ordered her to turn the car around and go back home. I would swear on oath for this - This action raised alarm bells for me in a big way. Why was the delay in giving aid to these people?

For as long as their is media reporting - we are fed information that we have a right to question and form an opinion. When we compare information, we might find there are contradictions. When anyone says something and then does the opposite, this is going to raise eyebrows. Most people notice conflicting information, even if this is subconscious process. There is often ridicule with silencing conspiracy theorists. It also make sense why many people do not speak out, especially with fear.

It was while heating up a drink earlier in the microwave that I was reminded of how powerful this energy force is and I am not entirely sure it is healthy. In my research about HAARP, I was diverted to look at unusual cloud formations. We only need to look at evidence to question if something else happening. Friends in USA have witnessed strange clouds in the sky. Have You?

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved!

Strange cloud formations over Richmond Virginia

March 13th 2008 4.40pm captured in central California

Tama, Iowa KCCI-TV webcam on 6 May 2007

30 mins before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China

Monday, 1 March 2010

The War on Cancer is Very Real

Interesting that 'the war on cancer' is being used as a reference. I am 50 this year and for as long as I can remember Cancer Research has been collecting vasts amount of money with people leaving their savings in a Will to this charity. Considering my studies, it makes sense that a scientist will analyse what is cancer and then know what treats it. My studies are in health and healing. Not everyone is willing to do the research or knows where to start.

Connecting the dots is relevant. Beware of ignoring any inconsistent information. Keep and open mind and always be willing to learn and explore the facts. Much is hidden from the public eye - and some things are silenced. In another blog I wrote that cancer treatment was found 100 years ago. Still 'cancer research charities' are collecting a great many millions of dollars.

My personal interest is to identify what we can do to help ourselves. Looking at preventative care, we can also address what we need to do to preserve our health and well being.

The causes of cancer might be many, although the body's ability to fight any illness might be hindered with trauma and extreme stress - particularly where the body is run down and struggles to heal itself. When we are eating foods that are genetically modified, with growth hormones, additives and preservatives, there is concern that these unnatural substances could have an adverse affect on the body. Common sense should be telling you that they could even be affecting your health in some way.

During my hypnotherapy training, we 'witness' how the mind is very powerful. Already my background proved the mind has potential beyond what we may even realise or know. There are people who have had experiences of using meditation and visualisation to restore their body back to health again. We all have 'will power' an innate driving force and also intuition. Many people are unaware of the powerful energy they have within.

There is limited awareness in society about what contributes to harm the body. Some people go into complete denial - knowing too much of something might cause adverse consequence, but they go ahead and indulge anyway. I draw comparison to smokers. Most smokers know cigarettes are bad for their health; yet still puff away. Addiction is another topic of discussion.

Our body is affected in many different ways by what we eat, drink; especially stress. You have one body and your life is precious. What you feed it and how you take care of yourself is very relevant. Rest and relaxation can assist healing.

Pharma is big business. We already know some cancer treatments are expensive and aggressive. There are inexpensive treatments not being actively promoted and the question we need to be asking is why? One Ethical expert in Oncology, Dr. Simoncini has been treating cancer successfully by using 'Sodium Bicarbonate'.

Ethical experts practice in their chosen profession in your best interest. Many professionals studied extensively over several years to help people or to provide a service. This is a journey I have traveled and my willingness to learn more is never ending. My sharing is in the public's best interest and raising awareness.

You have a loyalty to your own mind and body to take care of yourself. Your health is not something to fear - if anything I urge you to embrace health and well being. You are worth it!,.7.aspx

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Half-Open Justice

Instead of giving free legal help to criminals - there should be a huge compensation pot for all those violated by courtroom decisions, from evidence given by perjurers, unethical professional witnesses, even lawyers and 'error made in poor judgment'. This is not just in the family court but across the board. What the family court especially need to consider is 'human life' and a child's future might be detrimentally affected by decisions made. Anyone who has adverse experiences with the legal system is left with a very bitter taste in their mouth and probably a huge dent in their finances, if homeless to pay the legal bill. When there is no willingness to clean up the system and address public interest for fair hearings, then we have to question why do we have law courts? I have heard so many times from lawyers there is no room for a conscience in the profession. One reporter told me human rights are violated every day in the courts. Mr. Straw has started to address some issues, but in my opinion from having seen first hand violations take place, there is a long way to go in cleaning up the system to be fair so that it regains the trust of the people. Justice is not accessible for everyone and to present that is very misleading! (Published Comment in The Times)

Author Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved

Article tile: Half-Open Justice
Reforms for greater transparency in family courts are in jeopardy

Test Medicine in the Lab and Not in the Court

As someone who is extensively trained in the healing and helping profession, I am interested in preventative care, also healing root causes of issues. As an avid researcher, Pharma is big business, especially in USA. With friends who have debts beyond what we can imagine in UK, it makes sense to identify health prevention that might contribute to illness. When there is financial interest in pushing certain medications, then this is what everyone who is ethical must challenge. It is up to the court to now decide if their loyalties are with justice and in the public's interest, or if that is big business too. Any credible evidence cannot be denied forever, even if it is silenced in the courtroom. If anything the violations that are coming out, some are mocked for years and we only need to look at declining health and what is fueling a society rife with depression. Even businesses are taking their manufacturing and call handling to countries where there is cheap labor. I am deeply disappointed to see a lack of vision in so many different areas. Politics is a game that does not always have the public best interest at heart. If it did it would be actively empowering people - not the opposite! (Published comment in The Times)

Author Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 ~ All Rights Reserved!

Article heading - Test medicine in the lab, not in the court

A critic of chiropractic is being sued for libel. If he loses, it will be a black day for us all.

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Was 9/11 Pre-Planned?

What so many people do not want to see about 9/11 - according to this image on location, the foundations were already pre-prepared as in a professional demolition job.

The media reports totally different perspectives in UK to USA. Much is hidden in USA - much does not even reach the news. Very few people can even consider that there may have been other agendas involved.

I was told by an ethical lawyer to research the insurance claim on this. He also indicated a policy issued shortly before the impact of this catastrophe. I understand a huge payout applies.

The question we must all ask "Is 'the war on terror' an excuse to make money?"

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

International Media Comparison on Middle East

"Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle East, zeroing in on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy interests of American political elites--oil, and a need to have a secure military base in the region, among others--work in combination with Israeli public relations strategies to exercise a powerful influence over how news from the region is reported. Through the voices of scholars, media critics, peace activists, religious figures, and Middle East experts, Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land carefully analyzes and explains how--through the use of language, framing and context--the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza remains hidden in the news media, and Israeli colonization of the occupied terrorities appears to be a defensive move rather than an offensive one. The documentary also explores the ways that U.S. journalists, for reasons ranging from intimidation to a lack of thorough investigation, have become complicit in carrying out Israel's PR campaign. At its core, the documentary raises questions about the ethics and role of journalism, and the relationship between media and politics."
Part 1

Part 2

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Cancer Treatment Known 100 years ago!

"Scottish embryologist, John Beard proposed as long ago as 1906 that pancreatic enzymes were the body's main bulwark against cancer. Having published "Enzyme Therapy of Cancer" in 1911, his work attracted a degree of medical attention until his death in 1923."

"Nicholas Gonzalez is continuing work using these protocols dating back at least 100 years and hopes to be able to raise the interest and or money to have a full-scale scientific review conducted of the effectiveness of the enzyme treatment of cancer. The price of enzyme therapy comes out at between $5,000 and $6,000 per year, which in itself is a fraction of the cost of conventional medical care.",-John-Beard-had-a-Cure-for-Cancer-100-Years-Ago!&id=170539

From a personal perspective. When we address the food we put in our body - anything that is artificially produced, genetically modified; even filled with growth hormones is going to have some affect on our physical body. Our health is seriously compromised by additives and preservatives. Allergic reactions are common.

Stress can also affect our body by putting extra strain on our heart, even emotional overload. High blood pressure and other physical health conditions do not manifest from relaxation.

When we start to take care of our mental and emotional health, this will impact the reaction that may manifest in our physical body. When we eat for health (note not diet or any dietary product' - but from natural foods that are not interfered with by a chemical process, we are allowing our body to digest these foods and absorb the vital vitamins and nutrients needed for our body to maintain physical health. Eating junk food comes at a price!

The problem is today, perhaps from the growing need for food globally, growth hormones have been used and genetically modified foods to cope with the demand. The risks from digesting something that has been altered from it's natural state, can no longer be ignored. If we can eliminate the causes of cancer and other known conditions and reduce stress, we can begin to address a far more healthy way of living. What you eat matters!

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 - All Rights Reserved!

Toxicity Effects of Aspartame

Toxicity Effects of Aspartame Use

Selection of adverse effects from short-term and/or long-Term use

Note: It often takes at least sixty days without *any* aspartame or nutrasweet to see a significant improvement. Improvement in health is also often accompanied by weight loss. Check all labels very carefully (including vitamins and pharmaceuticals). Look for the word "aspartame" on the label and avoid it. (Also, it is a good idea to avoid "acesulfame-k" or "sunette.") Finally, avoid getting nutrition information from junk food industry PR organizations such as IFIC or organizations that accept large sums of money from the junk and chemical food industry such as the American Dietetic Association.

* seizures and convulsions
* dizziness
* tremors
* migraines and severe headaches (Trigger or Cause From Chronic Intake)
* memory loss (common toxicity effects)
* slurring of speech
* confusion
* numbness or tingling of extremities
* chronic fatigue
* depression
* insomnia
* irritability
* panic attacks (common aspartame toxicity reaction)
* marked personality changes
* phobias
* rapid heart beat, tachycardia (another frequent reaction)
* asthma
* chest pains
* hypertension (high blood pressure)
* nausea or vomitting
* diarrhea
* abdominal pain
* swallowing pain
* itching
* hives / urticaria
* other allergic reactions
* blood sugar control problems (e.g., hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia)
* menstrual cramps and other menstraul problems or changes
* impotency and sexual problems
* food cravings
* weight gain
* hair loss / baldness or thinning of hair
* burning urination & other urination problems
* excessive thirst or excessive hunger
* bloating, edema (fluid retention)
* infection susceptibility
* joint pain
* brain cancer (Pre-approval studies in animals)
* death

Aspartame Disease Mimmicks Symptoms or Worsens the Following Diseases

* fibromyalgia
* arthritis
* multiple sclerosis (MS)
* parkinson's disease
* lupus
* multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS)
* diabetes and diabetic Complications
* epilepsy
* alzheimer's disease
* birth defects
* chronic fatigue syndrome
* lymphoma
* lyme disease
* attention deficit disorder (ADD and ADHD)
* panic disorder
* depression and other psychological disorders

The above information has been sourced and quoted from

Detailed scientific and general documentation regarding the toxicity of nutrasweet, Equal, diet coke, diet pepsi, and other aspartame containing items. Web page includes real life reports of acute and chronic toxicity due to long-term ingestion.

Aspartame changes name to AminoSweet

"The same types of aggressive brain tumors that showed up in the aspartame animal studies over 20 years ago are now increasing in the American human population"

"There is enough basis to suspect Aspartame that it needs to be re-assessed"

The emphasis is that the FDA needs to do the assessment urgently because the original approval was not met to ethical standards expected in such testing. The FDA are obliged to fulfill their responsibility - especially with presenting evidence. Given that serious reactions of brain tumors were evident in animals - this is a matter that has been uncovered by ethical experts who defy pressure of silence!

Not everyone is driven by financial gain - especially at other peoples detriment. Many healthcare professionals, myself included, trained over a period of several years to help people. It is totally unethical to ignore health risks and it speaks volumes of those who know the deception going on yet turn a blind eye!

The following video is informative given by ethical experts. Honest information disclosed from those involved at the point of testing Aspartame is alarming. It would be foolish to ignore this!

Legalities are addressed. This explains why Aspartame is still widely used today.

What perhaps is unknown to the general public, Nutrasweet had a vested interest in Aspartame. Real depth of credible research can be by comparing experts who are qualified in their respective field; most importantly with no financial interest.

From industry sponsored research relating to the safety of Aspartame, out of 164 studies "74 were funded by the Nutrasweet industry. Every single one of them attested to the safety of Aspartame. Of the 90 independent studies 83 identified a problem" Such feedback cannot be ignored. Time will tell if FDA will address this!

"Meanwhile Nutrasweet is now being test marketed in China a potential market of around 1 billion people!"

Your health is in your hands. The choices of what you eat is down to your own preference. Check the labels. Do you eat foods with Aspartame/Nutrasweet or Aminosweet? Ask yourself Why?

My sharing is in the public best interest -with extensive research

Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 - All Rights Reserved

What the FDA Kept Hidden About Sweeteners

"On September 30, 1980, a public Board of Inquiry advised against the approval of aspartame, stating: "The Board has not been presented with proof of a reasonable certainty that aspartame (NutraSweet) is safe for use as a food additive under its intended conditions of use."

"In 1981, however, the FDA approved aspartame for consumer use based on studies that seem tainted by heavy financial interest in its approval. To many medical practitioners and consumer interest groups, the approval was a gross betrayal of public trust."

"To think that there is even a reasonable doubt that aspartame can induce brain tumors in the American population is frightening. And to think that the FDA has lulled them into a false sense of security is a monumental crime," writes Dr. Russell L. Blaylock in Excitotoxins."

From the link between aspartame and brain tumors: What the FDA never told you about artificial sweeteners - the above is quoted!

As someone trained extensively in Holistic Health, Psychotherapy, including other modalities in the helping profession, my interest in health and healing began 38 years ago. To notice food tasting differently, observe additives and preservatives appear; to experience allergic reactions compounded my desire to learn more.

My sharing is out of concern for our health and well being internationally. A healthy lifestyle includes healthy eating - a balance of vitamins and nutrients. The food we eat is the fuel that maintains our body. A lack of the right vitamins and nutrients is going to result in deficiency. Undetected, this could affect long term health. When food is processed - there is a question of nutritional value.

Some of you may remember Saccharin - a taste I found difficult to endure. Sugar was portrayed as being bad for us, so have other products. Yet Aspartame is poison!

You have one body - Take care of you and your health.

Pauline Maria
Copyright 2010 - All Rights Reserved