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~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~

~ The greatest lack in this world is compassion and care ~
♥ Divine Justice, Global Peace and Healing ~ As it is written: The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth (Matthew 5:5) ♥

Saturday 28 November 2020

'The Lord Your God is Father to The Fatherless' message 27th November 2020

Personal Revelation message

Message : 27th November 2020
Start time: 3.04 am
End time: 3.39 am

'You will learn wholeheartedly what you need to know and all will make sense eventually.
Be patient in this slow way of learning because much is happening in the world and a great defiance mirrored by population in some lands.
All are distracting from the Lord and the Return of one chosen long ago, known as the Son of God to all
The Son is heir to all things; the earth and all who dwell are under his trusted guardianship. 
The Command of Angels he works with to help and serve in the spiritual realm, is with negating the injuries being called to harm;
The Lord of Hosts saves.
The Spirit of the Lord speaks to not all because many reject the Spirit of Truth and do not want to live the Higher Order. 
They would rather obey and serve in loyalty oaths and sometimes required to harm people that would normally compromise their soul.
One soul is compromised for doing an ill deed, while another is not for the same. 
The lesson is in intention and preparation; the plot to cause loss and injury.
There are many murderers in this time who work for payment and what they earn is blood money
There might not be the shedding of blood, but to knowingly cause and contribute to death is a crime against humanity and sin, not forgiven as of yet for the Lord of Hosts must ask for forgiveness.
He will not for as long as they murder, oppress my people and rob the widows in truth and orphans too.
The Lord your God is Father to the fatherless.
He will Judge over all.
The ones facing judgement will not realise until they are taken through the refining fire of their soul.
All are sinners and all are losing the battle against the wicked one even if they think they are winning.
No one could predict how the world would be held in complete slavery to a system that defies the Lord..
You will see everything that is written is validated and understand the Lord your God has been patient with you too.
All will come back with true repentance. 
Society can be rebuilt yet the current trend of a bigger problem created has used the distraction and confusion with people glued to the television to know the latest news.
Alcoholism is great and escalating in the land you live, but no amount of alcohol will bring people to their senses. 
The unholy spirit is not the Holy Spirit of truth; and if they have hallucinations under the influence of alcohol or drugs prescribed - people can be medically certified.  
Another excuse to take people's rights and liberties away.
You will see in time a shift in consciousness required you to lift your focus to another perspective in life that has remained hidden from you.
Your soul knows, but your head and mind troubled with extreme stress and noise from neighbours.
That makes the quiet time for solitude, prayer and insightful meditation possible;
In these hours you can ask for communion with the Lord your God and the Son of God who is the Christ born long ago.
You know him and he knows you.
None of what you have been given lacks the truth.
The trouble caused by next door manifested trouble for learning and the rule breaking invited the police to her door.
Do they fine this woman for her blatant disregarding of everyone's safety?
Did they warn her at all? 
Did she learn anything, or will she continue to ignore her role of obligation?
Those who are not in Christ are not hear his voice;
And the Holy Spirit of Truth is given as a gift not to abuse.
People want what they do not have but because there is no profit in it they are not interested at all - Love of the one whose love is deeper than the oceans over all.
You my child, carry on'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Love Thy Neighbour they say

Thursday 26 November 2020

'Love Thy Neighbour They Say' - Message 24th November 2020

Personal Revelation message. 

Message date: 24th November 2020
Start time: 6:16 am
End time: 6:41 am

'Hear me dear one,
You are a light to the nations, a light that illuminates other lights - you chose to lead this way and be a beacon of light for me, not for you; and for this the Grace of the Lord falls on you over and over again.
I will hear your prayer and call for help in this time as you have faced wickedness for far too long.
Your property destroyed out of maliciousness and hate is misguided anger and resentment for who you are.
The woman must know the Rules and she is a betrayer in her job.
The boast of hard heartiness and cold callous deeds to negate her role of responsibility - I call her out on.
No one has permission working in the care industry to neglect their neighbours as she had done.
No one is proud to admit the hurt and suffering caused for years with her stubborn heart that is cold.
She does not care but when she sees the best neighbour she could have has been wronged over and over comes to haunt her in her choices.
She will eventually learn it is not OK to wrong anyone.
Years of suffering and so many chances you give and still her heart is hard and cold.
Do you want that as a friend of yours?
No you do not!
The lesson is for you to be selective in friends and learning how you made wrong choices before.
You care and befriended people who do not care about you and you give to people who have no regard for your struggle, when your need is for consideration that is all.
You are loved by those who know you well and lay their heart on the line to you.
Tender hearts are my children  and faithful ones.
All who align with me in truth are aligned with you in truth.
All who fight to attack other people who have not been given permission to teach is reason for much confusion.
Do not enter argument or discussion with contradictory beliefs.
Your role is to prove the Spirit of the Lord.
Speak and the Lord will validate His truth over and over to all who call.
Love thy neighbour they say as it is written - yet for years you have had abusive neighbours, threats of violence and damage to your property.  
They have no intention to put things right.
What shame to boast of poverty and having no money to prevent you to correct the boundary with permission; and you ask and ask and ask again and still the woman defies the obligation to put the boundary right.
You have been threatened and intimidated with such violence and intent to injure and disfigure your face by two separate men who have wronged people themselves. 
But to harm the apple of my eye in the way they said comes with consequence.
I will decide.
You are with enemies unknown and those who show selfishness at home yet not one would go out other way to help someone in real need. 
Who comes calling to see if you are OK in this time?
And the Government traitors are what they are.
Profit drives greed and power drives their passion. 
You will have to fix your home and choose the helpers wisely. 
Those grateful for work and not to exploit with greed the needy will get more. 
Bless all who bless you
Let not the words and actions of your enemy worry you for they are all being judged and all fall short of the Glory of God.
Hearts will be softened but there will be people gnashing their teeth and expressing hatred for what you have done. 
No my dear.
My Will be done - not yours
I will repay them all.
I will repay them all for what they have done,'

As it is written:

Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends n you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. (Romans 12:17-19)

Importance of The Lord's Prayer

Friday 13 November 2020

Importance Of The Lord's Prayer - Alex Shute

Unexpectedly, Alex Shute from 
wrote to me today, sharing his article after finding me on the internet.

This is precise timing. Just yesterday while out in the wilderness praying, I was thinking the Lord's Prayer could do with expanding on. The link is shared here. God bless you Alex 

'Importance Of The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s prayer is not only an essential prayer guide for new believers. It also teaches the right approach that makes an effective prayer. These are:

How to address God
Acknowledging God
How to make an effective adoration 
Confession of sins
Making a request'

Peace be with you

Pauline Maria

The Lord waits and waits and waits

Thursday 8 October 2020

'The Lord Waits and Waits and Waits' - Message 6th October 2020

Message : 6th October 2020
Start time : 6:14 am
End time : 6:36 am

'My Child,
Do not be so cruel with your ways because sometimes you are harsh with what you say.
Your weakness must not be seen as strength
The strength of your spirit is what is strong yet your physical body is weak
The traitors wait with your silence in what you will say next
They do not know yet that the Lord God knows everything that has gone on.
Set your boundaries dear, set your boundaries because too many want your time and attention; or to argue when they are not seeing the learning given openly.
Point to me in prayer and tell them I will give generously to all who ask rightfully of wisdom and understanding to know. 
I will guide my men and boys in the realm of righteousness but first they must relinquish their idols. 
The Lord your God and King is the preserver of life but he who causes injustice is a murderer in his heart. 
He who destroys his family life for a price risks losing everything now
There is no favour with wealth in the heavenly realms. 
You will not win favour from the Lord your God with great wealth and riches. 
What you do in your life and how you serve to enable others in their journey is how you are noticed - not what you give that can be compared to others who have more than you.
The thought that passes to see someone when the world is in lockdown - you thought nothing to reach out and make sure that lady knew she was not alone.
You care about others who do not have the heart to care about you.
Pull back my dear, pull back as this time of rest is given for a reason.
Pull back and keep far away from the traitors in your land who have yet to realise remorse and understand what is going on.
It is the shame of the system that masquerades in my name while moods change like the ebb and flow of choppy waters.
They are buying time with no instruction from the Lord your God.
The rebellion will continue and people will be tied up with opinion and debate. 
Nothing will be solved.
The Lord looks on at the deception; yet He knows who is good in his soul.
The Lord waits and waits and waits and people are nervous.
There is anticipation of something happening and yet no one can predict or when. 
When a child has done something serious in error and expects reprimand and punishment to follow on, the feeling of anticipation is there.
There is some anticipation with a decision made that should not have been made at all. 
The reluctance to do right by everyone is the continual fight that takes place in the world.
The poorest and weakest of people are suffering and struggling with oppression, when their rights even in the Lord are completely ignored.
Well the Lord will have His way and the last word will come that will shock everybody.
The word awaits in anticipation what will happen next.
The Masters of this world are not in control.
All the plans may be questioned and the system of moral bankrupsty be gone with all who thrive from this.
Rise up my holy ones.
My lowly ones pray for the Kingdom of the Father in heaven.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Who really cares about the people?

Thursday 3 September 2020

'Warnings are Given, Your Lord and King is Living' - Message 3rd September 2020

Personal revelation message written word for word as given

Message : 3rd September 2020
Start time : 19:28 pm
End time : 19:49 pm

'Endure a little longer;

Those who injure my people will know suffering like they never imagined before;
The Lord will not hear their prayers when they cry out for help over and over again;
Stop murdering my people you liars and vagabonds;
The Kingdom of God is not yours but look to the lowliest of people - to the child that speaks and sees me; the child who will pray and ask me to intercede.
To the murderers I will not.
I ask the Father for forgiveness of sins yet you continue to murder and deprive people of their rights under your law, not mine. 
The Law of Grace and Mercy is mine to give and bestow on the one who is brought to me
The Laws of the Universe is not to be argued with. 
If you destroy you will be destroyed.
If you love and care for the most weak and vulnerable; the Lord God your Father and my Father will love and care for you too.
Return to God and He will return to you;
Continue with your backsliding and you will wish you were never born.
Yes, My people speak out and expose crimes against humanity not to provoke man who is lawless with tyranny.
Speak out so that those who hurt my people might change their ways.
But let them boast and reveal who they are and their intention.
The Lord's Grace is not given to servants of the enemy to my people.
Oh they reject me and mock me and then they will doubt.
By the time they will realise it will be too late.
No one can enter heaven and come to the Father except by me.
No one is given power and authority over My Family
You were to be protected and preserved.
The murderers are killing the healers and compassionate hearts with brutality knowing no bounds or limitations.
The rise of the evil one prevails - Yet look to me my child
Look to your God, the Almighty your soul knows before birth.
Your eyes are shielded from seeing the demons; but you will know all by their fruits.
The windows of the soul reveal who they are and mine.
The demon distracts.
The Lord God refines and purifies with prayer and each righteous act.
You are injured and violated over and over again; and yet in their miserable lives drunk with addictive pastimes.
There is no concern for the soul of the afterlife.
There is jealousy and resentment for nothing substantial and purposeful - just egos competing for stardom on earth and the lamplight.
My children, my Family - You have a spark of God within.
And the light within will not go out until your Father switches it off.
The Lord God Almighty, My Father and yours keeps you alive for his purpose. 
I am sorry you suffer, but those who took joy in causing your suffering will not much longer.
The warnings are given and Your Lord and King is living.
The others are dead to their sins unless they seek forgiveness.
The world has a stage where everybody has a part so significant yet the amateurs want starring roles.
Would you trust your life to a doctor who has never studied and bought a diploma?
Would you trust your soul to someone who made a deal with the devil deliberately?
The Lord returns not as a King but as a High Priest.
I come to reconcile my people to the Lord God Almighty.
I come for the lost sheep of Israel
I keep my word.
I am the good shepherd.
I love my people.
Now go and tell them this:
Repent before it is too late.
Repent quickly or you will not be forgiven.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Who Really Cares About The People? Message 26th August 2020

Message: 26th August 2020
Start time: 00:08 am
End time: 00:34 am

'Hear the Word of The Lord your God in your heart and soul; and may His Spirit fill you with comfort and joy for you are a chosen vessel.
So many chosen vessels who came broken by life and yet bought to the Father by the One who loves your soul.
Everlasting is He and everlasting is His love and mercy for mankind.
The brutes think they can behave with thuggery and placed innocence - like lambs being led to their slaughter.
While who cares for the innocent lambs who cannot live and thrive when their food is taken away and they are deprived?
The bully boys bully but I will remind you the power of spite and hate will not win the day.
It takes a lot to humble puffed up egos and it takes a tremendous amount of energy to plan to do someone wrong.
Job was tested because he belonged to God and would not renounce the Lord, yet in his brokenness lost everything too. 
With people trying to get you to renounce God - what does that say about them?
Not you.
You have been bought and paid for by a high price on your life with treachery of that corrupted court system in England. 
There are still people openly corrupting the court process with willing lawyers to destroy cases for a price;
But the famous should realise, not everyone is impressed.
Not everyone is willing to go to war based on lies.
Not everyone is willing to compromise their soul for a price of showing off and destabilising vital service that does have to deal with disputes - not to destroy lives.
The enemy of the people has many helpers.
The money so much rich people earn is not all good energy.
People buying into the big sell is with some gain and yet someone else gains more.
The lack of respect for abundance is with never being satisfied; or gracious when there is less.
The person's character is tested in times of sickness, abundance, poverty and health.
The poorest of people are often the ones who are most generous givers out of what they have.
The widow gave all she had as an offering and to whom does the Lord God listen to when she prays?
The woman that prays for her children to be safe and never to know lack and suffering, is with her role to remind children the value of life and sharing.
If she can show resourcefulness; love and sharing her food that is blessed with everyone - she has more wealth than the one who boasts of a life of opulence and servants and yet never satisfied.
It is justified to want more and start a new life elsewhere; but do not give up yet for there are people for you to meet and your gracious mission is not completed.
In poverty or wealth, when the Lord gives someone a purpose it is for Him and you have a prayer ministry with UK and India to keep.
The crown of righteousness must not have stolen diamonds and a spoil of war needs to be purified and returned to where the Lord your God has chosen.
Your Lord and King knows the difficulty you face and your enduring in weakness is hard for you too.
But you must expose the serious crimes against you;
The wrath will fall on the nation you live in.
Multitudes of people have perished to death - who cares?
Who really cares about the people?
Brace yourself because things will get worse in your land until people wake up to what is happening.
Stay away from brutes and thug minds.
In your bath spiritually cleanse yourself with prayer and washing too.
Keep sorting out and eliminate what you do not want in your life.
I am here for you.'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Revival churches as rebellion do not solve the problem

'Revival Churches as Rebellion Do Not Solve The Problem' Message 12th August 2020

Message : 12th August 2020
Start time : 22:00 pm
End time: 22:26  pm

'Can the Lord deliver you from the evil one?
Of course He can and yet you are to know the evil one and influence of evil exists.
If you flatly deny the truth how can you know the truth of the Lord Almighty who saves everyone who calls on Him?
Worry not about your physical body for your soul is who you are and your incarnation in this time is with purpose.
My people are scolded yet the Lord scolds those who uses the enemies snares to capture and captivate my people.
There is no right to rule in your land; it is mafia principle and compliance.
Many will hurt their neighbour while they think they get ahead in life yet the Lord will not allow it.
There is no entrance to heaven without invitation and if you did not have His invitation in living time you will not have it when you take your last breath.
In Christ Jesus he gives the invitation to all who love him and follow him, yet who will not renounce their evil ways he did not.
The contamination of this earth continues at such a rapid rate and darkness celebrated as righteousness when it is not.
Get rid of the thug from your life and cast out and far away all works of darkness for there are people who thrive with mischief and causing misery.
If the job is to cause misery that someone can earn their wage it is not caring.
The ambitious way endures in different guises where you live; yet your Jesus loves and he forgives and he gives chances...
Yet to flount the cause of upset in arrogance is laying up judgment for the abuser who perpetuates misery at home.
Hold on dear ones;
Hold on for the Saviour of your soul knows what is going on and the Guardian of your soul will never let the enemy destroy that sacred part of you that cannot perish.
The body will perish; your soul will not perish even if you feel misery and miserable at times in your circumstances.
Do not fear;
Fear the Lord Almighty who is bigger than all your problems.
If you survive this next chapter physically you will see your enemy fall and come crashing down and if you do not, your soul will clearly see the aftermath.
My children, you are not of this world and this world of darkness in the West does not negate the light in the East. 
The sun is not seen all of the time and yet it is shining brightly; when it does align itself with the world axis at the time, the moon gives the light and the stars shine brightly.
Yet the star's light is going out rapidly for sure.
The world below are beautiful lights - beautiful souls who are loving too
Separate yourself from those who justify works of darkness and be no part of the company of abusive non believers.
Their role might be in government and adverse authority but the Lord Almighty can flatten the authority that exists and bring the kings to their knees at any time.
Look at them - flawed human beings with no sacred majesty.
There is righteous ones among some yet among others there is not.
Lawlessness is rife and when compassion and care is lacking in a world that provides healthcare and support services - then people are at risk too.
My dear you have seen the abuse and been told what is going on.
The evil one thrives with allowing all this and every act to deprive people of their rights has reason too. If your land would rather worship false idols instead of the Lord God - what can you do?
Revival churches as rebellion do not solve the problem; and those who are gathering community groups under the banner of serving a King - which one is this?
It is easier for Britons to reject Jesus
Not all will do this.' 

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Come to me with sincere and contrite heart

Friday 7 August 2020

'Come With Sincere and Contrite Heart' - Message 6th August 2020

Personal Revelation Message
Message: 6th August 2020
Start time : 5:54 am
End time : 6:15 am

'Hear me now
My voice will shout over the nations; beyond the realms of the ignorant and yet only my people will hear.
The rest will be deaf to the Guidance of Truth from me your Lord and King.
The Lord of Creation does not reward the wicked with holy blessings; and those who do not respect the holy order of things will not know the truth either.
They will want and search and will never be satisfied for something so precious is out of their reach.
I cannot have abusers ruling with authority over my people and the rich can easily become abusive and take people as fools.
My people will make fools of those who are insincere and the oppressors will know the Lord will not tolerate this at all. 
If my people will resist loyalty to popularity and seek the truth from the Lord and King chosen by God the Father - He will not let them down and He will not forsake them. 
The utterly selfish cause of suffering with ease yet do not see their own; and the ones who deprive people of their rights will know the meaning of being deprived too.
All the ill gotten gain will not be worth anything at all and when the day of Judgment comes.
 The realisation the Lord knows will hit like a thunderbolt.
Those who attend church and then go sin every other day to hurt my people will find their party will give them a hangover.
The Lord knows who are his and who are sincere too. 
The situation where you live is with many changes taking place and hypocrisy too. 
The running away from responsibility when people suffer does not mean suffering will be known. 
To bow down to lift people up is not such a difficult thing to do, but the egos who seek adoration and not to serve selflessly will be exposed.
The family once respected is no more and the extended family have few that are flawed - flawed in the way they operate and assume a lofty role. 
In me Your Christ Jesus all are equal and the Lord has raised up women for such a time as this.
The Lord has raised up the most broken man who went through so much; yet he is grateful to serve in the preservation of faith and worship.
The Spirit guided man of God will not err if he keeps his mind focussed and heart clean from sin.
The man who was hated even after his transgression is a chosen vessel to lead other men the right way who have sinned. 
Too many are judging and assuming not knowing the mind or heart of the Lord.
I will show myself to be true to everyone and yet I will not hate people.
I hate what some people do but even I would not force people to change. 
If people want me they will find me but first they must seek me with their heart rightfully aligned. 
I will not allow my people to exploit the body and soul of my people - for the body is a temple for the Holy Spirit of God.
As you pray you are being cleansed and refining your soul in alignment to the Light and Truth from your God.
You are being washed clean with the Word of God given to you and through you.
Now tell my people: Come with sincere and contrite heart'
I listen, 
I know
I am waiting'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Do not doubt your purpose

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Do Not Doubt Your Purpose - Message 13th July 2020

Personal revelation message

Message: 13th July 2020
Start time: 3:35 am
End time: 3:53 am

'My dear one,
Hear the word of your Lord and King in your heart and know however fragile you may seem, your God watches over you.
Be bold in your spirit and forthright in your word; diplomatically reminding people you have your limitations and your strengths but it is not as they demand.
The traitors in your land cannot do right by you because they would rather boast about what they do.
Why in a time did not one see you had food from the government?
Because they continue to not care about a selected few that you are one who does not fit into their criteria.
While they stuff their faces and want more, more is wasted; but not one you know was moved enough to help you and in the end all have shown their true colours.
Bless those who Bless you but resist to judge in this time because all are learning lessons.
All are being tested and the opportunity to change is given too.
Lord knows the heart and mind of everyone and the Lord guides the heart and mind of the righteous ones.
If they are told they are righteous they are not
The Lord alone knows who is righteous and pure in their heart and intention.
They murdered you with intention to cause loss and suffering and the Lord will take back the Crown Authority for what they do to my people.
The Lord will right wrongs where you are concerned.
You are placed in a hardship role for you to live a life the opposite what your life prepared you for.
Be alive my love.
Be alone until those who do right by you are revealed alone for who they are.
Be at one with your soul my love and focus on the one who loves your soul because he does.
Be sure of the man who saves you over and over again with your suffering and struggle and violations so many times - Yes the Lord Your God knows.
There is nothing lost in all this and time moves on to a young foolish girl for a wiser woman who was born to serve everyone.
As your prayers are mild in manner, so the mildness of manner will be manifested in this world; and in your determination with Will you are meeting the force of God in this too.
Dear one remember The Master of all ages and know you are an initiate of the Mysteries of Light - not without preparation.
Lord Jesus Christ, your Yeshua is tried and tested too.
He had to be prepared in the world to meet who he was meant to meet too.
Your life prepared you with dignitaries and success yet you were thrown to the ground to meet the lowliest of people.
You are a soul incarnate; not a body of lowliness and nothing else.
My dear you have accomplished so much when you think you have accomplished nothing at all.
The Lord decides everything and the Lord prepares everyone.
Your Teacher is the Lord Almighty and the Holy Spirit of  Truth so why take notice of those who do not know you?
The slave drivers will make you a slave and you will be abused, oppressed and killed by the life they expect of you.
Your soul lives for me.
Let your soul be free to seek me at all things.
Do not doubt your purpose.
Your worth is precious in my eyes but many will exploit you and take everything they can.
You are my pottery creation reformed and transformed.
You will shine for me'

It is written:

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.” John 10:27-30

Sharing learning and spiritual revelation to inspire faith and prayer

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Princes of Israel listen

Monday 18 May 2020

'Princes of Israel Listen' Message 18th May 2020

This message came in the early hours as it is written:

Message: 18th May 2020
Start time : 4:20 am
End time: 4:45 am

'Princes of Israel listen;
Let us reason together for the Lord your God does not want to destroy you for what you have done.
Come with remorse and repentance.
Cloak yourselves with humility.
Give up what is not yours to behold for the Lord God will judge you harshly if you do not.
The end of the road is here and the future is in His hands not yours and your games of life and death.
Survival of the fittest means nothing at all when catastrophe happens and devastation hits the wall.
Dear children is your love of the Lord not enough for you to be satisfied or do you want more?
Bring your plea to the Lord Almighty and He will hear your words.
Are you sincere?
Are you deserving of honor and praise?
Lay out your case before me says the Lord.
Come to me and show me who you are and I will be your judge and redeemer, He says too.
But will they come in humility and empty hands?
No they will not.
Not one wants to give up what others have lost.
It is only when seeing the aftermath of destruction and realising the cause is there remorse.
A glimmer of regret and nothing changing at all does not lead to repentance.
Save your souls boys while you still have a chance for correction before it is too late.
The Lord your God is merciful and very patient too.
Are you listening?
Are you willing to let my people go?
Are you willing to be brought faith and know the Lord Almighty as the lowliest people know?
Are you willing to try forgiveness to all you have wronged.
The Lord God knows the truth already but when will you take the Lord God seriously?
When will you take the precious gift of life seriously?
When you lose your mother who loves you, there is a gaping wound that is never filled except by love.
Unconditional love for you.
The people who do not see the wicked deeds live in hope you will save them.
Who are you?
You cannot even save your own soul.
The Lord have mercy on you in this time of transition into the New World with the Lord God Almighty at the helm and everyone know.
All can be helpers in His Kingdom and make the world a better place for everyone.
Not everyone can serve you rebels who defy the Lord your God;
And when you are cast out on a limb alone you have time to think about what is most important.
Princes of Israel come to the Lord Your God Almighty and come cloaked in humility.
Come with sincere hearts and pure offerings.
Come with your prayers and supplications for the people not as being above them.
Serve your people as people of privilege and selfless service in poverty and wealth.
The Christ Son was an example for you to follow yet could you give up everything you value and serve him as a helper today?
The Kingdom of Heaven is here.
The Kingdom of Heaven has come.
Who prevents my people knowing the truth?
Why the silent agenda?
Will you come to the marriage supper of the Lamb?
Are you invited to the Royal Wedding long foretold?
As a mother and father to their children surely love is healing to the soul of the lost and rebellious.
Why do you cause so much pain?
Is it because you are hurting?
Is God's love not enough for you?'

To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Philippians 4:20)

What do the Holy Scriptures write of the Princes of Israel?

See how every prince of Israel within you has used his power to shed blood. Father and mother are treated with contempt. Within your walls the foreign resident is exploited, the fatherless and the widow are oppressed. You have despised My holy things and profaned My Sabbaths.… (Ezekiel 22:6-8)

Thy princes are rebellious, and companions of thieves: every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards: they judge not the fatherless, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them. (Isaiah 1:23)

Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. (Ezekiel 22:27)

Jesus Christ Messiah is the Prince of Peace.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria


'Be Guided in Truth and Righteousness' Message 16th May 2020

Personal revelation message following prayer

Message: 16th May 2020
Start time: 3:04 am
End time: 3:29 am

'Let you be guided in truth and righteousness of your Lord and your God The Almighty One.
No one can rule over the Kingdom of Heaven and the footstool is yours - the earth where the Lord your God has placed His feet through Jesus Christ His Son.
My Son is filled with righteousness, justice and mercy for all mankind yet where you live there is none.
Where the cost is great for increased debt, there is enslavement to that debt in opposition to the Son of Mankind. 
And the people who want more know less because their overlords are utterly selfish. 
Greed rules and lust for power with smiles when the souls of the meek and lowly oppressed more and more.
He who wants millions in wealth to continue expects people to work for nothing and rob the poor. 
It is utter disgust to the heavenly order how a people accept abuse and oppression; and they who say they care in their paid job do not when the job is over. 
Where is selfless service in privileged positions?
There is none.
There is vying for attention and self promoting and there is the promoting of others. 
Lip service, lip syncers and actors on the world stage while my people are perishing and getting into debt.
The houses that are mortgaged being re-mortgaged; and many released equity and gave up their pension cashing in early. For the lust of life's pleasures came before considering the tax ruling nations does not protect those not working.
The ego is puffed up with pride and will pretend all is alright when it is not.
The poorest and lowliest of people have ended up paying; lied to and deprived again as this suits the social order.
The pinnacle of unholy empire is who?
The crown is on the floor. 
The Lord God reaches to His people and they ignore His voice; His messengers and His warnings.
The plague comes and another illness formed.
The death culture is with illness profitable and the poverty ship is with impoverished souls at the helm who cannot lead in righteousness because they refuse to stand up for evil and squash it.
The ones who cause death do not all realise what they are doing at first - and then they do and then they hide away.
Guilt and fear - death at their own door.
Suicide is high but not for reasons commonly known. 
Out of millions of people only a few deaths are reported.
They will not tell the truth and your government are traitors to the people. 
The government are traitors to the Lord God Almighty with the killing going on.
The lives saved are with people taking precautions.
The spending machine does not need money to operate.
Trading exchange and what is known as money is being used as a weapon.
You my dear are at risk for complications if you go to hospital. 
The system that has refused to help you and grant you your rights continues to show their grave crimes against my people. 
Well you saw it, experienced it and the Lord your God is your Judge.
I chose you - you did not choose me Pauline and you were willing to correct a great wrong in your eyes.
The Christ Son you know loves sinners and those who are persecuted for righteousness he loves the most. 
You did not claim to be perfect.
You strive to become a better person serving the Lord.
Well you can do no more than what you have done. 
The role you seek to fulfil a purpose has been done. 
You have seen the criminals in action. 
As Christ crucified so they destroyed you - but Christ returns. 
The King Returns who is righteous and He is clocked in humility.
The King who loves his people forgives sinners.
Your people will be led by a righteous King when they are ready.
Relinquish the idols now and Return to Your God'

It is written

And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise. (Galatians 3:29)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The Lord Creator speaks, Listen

Sunday 26 April 2020

'The Lord Creator Speaks: Listen!' - Message 24th April 2020

Personal Revelation Message

Message: 24th April 2020
Start time: 14:34-35
End time: 14:59

'Sweet child,  My children are in anguish with what is happening in the world, while many see an extended holiday.
See the division.
Who is caring for my people?
The government divided the people.
Do not enter into rebellion with the government, enter into dialogue with reason.
They have to listen.
There is no captain of the ship.
Their God is forgotten and lost from their minds for far too long, but I the Lord Almighty will not beg for my people.
They either return to me willingly or they do not.
They either respect the children of the Lord Creator or they do not; and those who persecute and prosecute my people do as they are told.
The abusers are attracted to abuse and the rebels stir strife to rebel.
There is no courage in solitude.
There are lone people who stand up and resonate with those who do not.
One voice speaks loudly in a crowd to dominate but did they write and ask government to review what they are doing?
No they do not!
It is easy to drown out the voices of those to listen to, while the stirring up of distraction causes chaos and confusion too.
Some people are using this time wisely and counting their blessings.
It is a privilege to do well and prosper in business yet to expect the poorest of people to pay for the vanity of wealth acquisition to show off is a sorry state of affairs.
My people must endure arrogance and justifications of violations and robbery too - but it is not in My Name.
The Lord Almighty decided The King and the King He has Chosen is rejected in your land.
You know him and you have seen him.
To my children he speaks clearly and if they will take heed and notice the words given, he will give more
The armies of good people who are compelled in their hearts and minds to go out and help others do so because it is the right thing to do and not because they are told.
The men who are busy in their homes and gardens are concentrating on what they must do.
Many escape to work in solitude without interruption.
My Spirit can work with their hearts and minds;
Many men are good in their heart and soul yet are pressured to do what they really do not want to do.
A man when he is ready to love will in his heart and soul be long prepared.
And when the gathering together in Divine Love, who can stop this?
Love is God's command; as the enemy divides.
The insecurity of a nation of people provokes God; yet the hearts and minds of all are transformed in the time of realignment of the source of all life and blessings.
Remember everyone is learning lessons and your lesson is not someone else's.
You are instrumental in learning and so is everyone else too.
One person calm; all are calm.
Provoke the anger of God and all will be disrupted too.
The Lord asks for calm and cooperation.
This world you live in was given for all to dwell in safely and not for the few to take possession to exert power and control.
My people have been set free from slavery and oppression before.
The willingness to let others live in freedom and peace of mind is not there when there is willingness to instil fear and exert power and control.
The people are mine who are called in my name and Baptised in Christ.
The King of the Nations I have chosen long ago
His name not forgotten; His love all who do not know will know.
Who is this man?
The Lord of Creation did not abandon is people in this time.
Pray: Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Pray my children for peace on earth is only possible if you are willing for peace too.
My children, I loved you before you were born.
I Love and Forgive.
I command the way of love and forgiveness; of war and peace
Come together peacefully and wipe your tears away.
Precious souls are being preserved.
Woe to those who enact wicked statutes on my people.
They will be judged by what they do.
The Lord Creator speaks.

Of the times scriptures are also identified:

Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church. (1 Corinthians 14:34-35)

Reading Isaiah 59, this says it all.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Jesus Prays Our Father who art in heaven

Saturday 28 March 2020

'Jesus Prays: Our Father Who Art in Heaven' - Message 28th March 2020

In remaining in prayer focus, with pen and paper at hand, exactly as the words are given; written in my spirit - every word is documented without any change whatsoever.

Message: 28th March 2010
Start time: 16:59 and 17:00
End time: 17:30 and 17:31

'Lord Yeshua'

'Your Yeshua Jesus hears you my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ.
You are in me and I am in you
Here my call in love and mercy.
Hear my words spoken within your heart.
Focus on the God of your forefathers who were believers in truth, for there is a line drawn against the who do not.
Focus on the God of Israel and King of all Creation for He alone will bless you and help you in your time of need.
The hour has come; a testing for all who rebelled against the warnings given over and over again.
Your money will not save you and your police will not protect you.
They cannot even protect themselves.
They live under the curse of the law and inflict that on the people they see as less worthy than the Queen and her family.
The protected ones are not protected against this curse and wrath unleashed on those who are most vulnerable.
There will be many survivors and many not.
But who will save their soul in this time?
You cannot rob my people and cause destitution and death and expect the Lord forgives you.
Why should he - who would never harm a blade of grass?
For the wilderness is not kept by human hands.
The trimming of branches and cutting of trees has been with laying new roads and barriers to freedom  - The Lord God abodes.
The defiance is with forgetting who is The Authority; and the people in safety do their duty that it might save lives and preserve the death toll low.
Well the Lord gives life and the Lord takes away too.
Those who lived a life of selfless service are not found in lofty roles.
The humble broken people who are challenged daily to do right by all in obedience to God the Father who did not ask for hate or terror.
He did not ask for my people to be persecuted and killed.
I did not ask for my people to be prosecuted but there is a prince who did.
Who follows and serves the one who has no regard for people will have no regard for people in truth.
The waste of life and waste from greed is seen and the Lord permits this to show utter selfishness too.
Do not criticise anyone in this or what they do for none are perfect.
Only God is perfect.
If you can go and do good then help someone in need - would you?
If the Lord God sends you on a mission in truth, would you listen or would you obey the one who has no regard for life or for God?
It will strike them down - All will feel the impact of what is to come from the lofty to the lowly, weak and vulnerable.
All will see why a virus is spread by contamination.
There is no discrimination at all.
And those who lost loved ones at a distance, they long for in their grief and pain.
Turn to me and let my love comfort you in grief.
In a little while you will see your loved ones again.
And in the loss of life the soul is set free from the abomination of life and what is to befall the world in this time.
People were warned over and over again
Live simply and want for no more and you will learn to be grateful for small blessings.
The food industry is halted because the starvation of love and giving, sharing and ensuring that all are provided for.
Such waste is laid bare and the rats will come and pestilence will rise in your nation because of greed and starvation of God the Father of all Creation.
The want of more has not ceased with those forced to do without.
The mere morsels can be shared but now what will people do?
Wait inside until this time passes and only go out when necessary.
Anyone who sets to harm or condemn my helpers are a curse and will be condemned with what they do.
If the shopper is an NHS worker will they bring food to you?
Or will the attitude prevail with being 'Me, Mine' and 'My children before yours'
Or will there be sharing and caring?
Woe to those who buy in excess to throw away while my people do without and held in captivity;
Woe to those who issue decrees that rob my people to pay their wages.
The wages of sin are great in the time.
My children, my loves Pray with me
Our Father who art in heaven - you know this.
Stay strong in the Lord Almighty your Creator and stay strong in me for I am your King and I love my people.
I am denied and defied in the land where you live.
The lawyer of righteousness speak and protect the people;
for if you do not may your voice be ever silenced.
By the Will of God all will be done according to what is written.

Your Yeshua'

Scriptures are identified with the times in this message.

For thus says the Lord God: “I will deal with you as you have done, who despised the oath by breaking the covenant. (Ezekiel 16:59)

Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.” (Acts 17:30-31)

The Lord's Prayer - Our Father who art in heaven -  We are being invited to pray together. Even if we are in different locations, buildings and countries, united in Christ as multitudes wait for his return, Jesus ensured God Our Father is accessible to everyone.

With sincere heart we must pray (communicate)

As it is written in the English translation:

 In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
 Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
(Matthew 6:9-13)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The LORD does not tolerate murder at all

Thursday 26 March 2020

'The Lord Does Not Tolerate Murder At All' - Message 20th March 2020

Message: 20th March 2020
Start time: 2:15 am
End time: 2:45 am

'Hear me, My voice speaks louder over the heavens than over all of those who make a noise on earth.
My child, my children where are you now - thinking and worrying about a plan that was set out long ago?
Where is your focus, on me or the world?
Where is your prayer and offering of supplication for my people in time?
Where is your ministry of unity in Christ My Son; also being all the effort to point all to me?
There is still effort to distract in your land.
Well I have laid out my plan and given my instruction wisely to those who can implement this with the least resistance of all.
All I have exposed.
Those who say they serve me and yet the building of the ministry - was this really selflessly for the Lord?
Your Creator loves your soul; purified in truth and the word given that you may know Him in the Spirit and in Truth.
I do not preach and teach - so why do so many assume to speak for me when they do not?
Humble in the Lord of all Creation many will see now and hearts broken and stunned to how quickly organised military control takes over.
My child you are weak and vulnerable in the world, yet spiritually you are strong in the Lord.
You hold on when there is nothing to hold onto purely in faith; and you have seen the invisible too.
My dear I had to let you see to understand that this is not the Holy Order but the prerequisite to something else.
The Lord your God loves His people yet who seeks to find? Who asks to be given and to whom has the door been opened?
The plan long ago was revealed and what you have seen others have seen too, even if it cannot be explained.
The power is not given to all for the manifestation of earthly destruction would bring everything to fall.
There will be a dismantling of power and the loss will be with living relatives too.
You keep your focus on the one who saves your soul no matter what you will go through.
Breathe my child, breathe and stay calm for the toxins in the atmosphere aggravate my loves; and the children have suffered enough.
The wind can blow all the toxins away.
Can you see the reasoning for floods?
Can you see how easily lockdown is implemented and she goes into hiding when the next generation has been made secure while my people are held to ransom.
My child there is nothing happening new.
In different ways my people are held in captivity but this could be the ultimate defiance; when my heart and guided minds must continue reaching out when no one took notice of their misery.
You earn your ticket to enter the race of all time and you lead with your leader ahead of you; guiding your path.
Do you think I will trust my people to the care of anyone who causes death?
Well the influence of evil continues and rational decisions made under the circumstances too.
England is not safe and the people rebel and rebel against the Lord Almighty.
What can I do but to leave them to see the way of wrongdoing; and harming people is not the way of the Lord Almighty.
I have broken the hearts of people who erred in their ways and quickly they return again.
Yet who is transformed by the Holy Spirit that cannot be seen; yet revealed so clearly?
The One Man chosen to preserve humanity was rejected by the rebels
The defiance is against Me and they think that choosing can (cannot) touch them.
Even you are affected by illness and this virus can harm and kill by suffocation of the soul in the physical body.
Your lungs are weak and yet you do not need to use your voice anymore.
You were silenced over and over again.
You were denied righteous justice.
You were denied your right in agreement with the nations.
The land you live in broke its promise to the people.
Who will cry out: 'Save me Lord Save me'?
If they do not come willingly now, will they ever be willing to repent and return wholeheartedly?
I do not do blackmail and bribes.
The earthly prince has and he will see this time the Lord does not tolerate murder at all.
Keep strong.
Be calm.
Hold on for  a little while longer.
Children speak to me
I am listening.
You who are sincerely seeking will find me'

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

There are no more warnings to come  

Saturday 14 March 2020

'There Are No More Warnings To Come' Message 12th March 2020

Immediately following prayer writing word for word.

Message: 12th March 2020
Start time: 1.29 am
End time" 1.53 am

'I will understand every dilemma presented before you and know the cause of stumbling too.
The enemy has no love for my people; and in your land many are being harmed and killed.
You are my survivor battle axe with the Word of God guilted in a belt of righteousness righteously repeating what is necessary to know.
If they do not repent from their wickedness they will fall and the end will come like no other before.
The world of lies will come crashing down and people will shake and tremble.
The Lord is angry and no longer patient with the arrogant ones.
They lost the race and the ones who repent will show their face for what they are.
Let no one dictate the contradiction to the Lord's grace and favour for you my dear have been given another chance.
Let no one condemn you for being called and chosen for this you were prepared for long ago.
Do my sincere believers plead with the enemy or look to God the Almighty for their help?
Your King is with you and within you made known - so why would you deny him?
You will not.
But I tell you dear one many deny the King of Creation and they deny the Lord God Almighty of the ages to come.
Who is the Creator of all creation and blesses you all with food and nourishment to come?
Oh the enemy has many helpers and if they do not repent from their evil ways, they will be cut off.
They laugh and think the Lord does not know and does not see what is going on.
Dear it is written.
Everything is written since times gone by until this time gone on.
Nothing is new.
A predictable outcome will be as expected, yet the Lord will rise up against all that harm my anointed ones.
The Guardian of your soul is the Guardian of theirs too.
And if there is rebellion that compromises the soul - warnings are given again and again.
There are no more warnings to come.
The manifestation of wickedness is for all to see and suffer consequences for wicked deeds.
Be sure not to harm in your words when a people are many who are confused with what is going on.
There are many who do not understand the spiritual calling in their life even in utter brokenness.
Your physical body has been harmed over and over again yet you survived.
If the ignorant rebels in your land continue to violate they will wish they were never born.
There is the Law of Return and no one can set out to harm anyone and not expect consequence. No one can deprive anyone of their ability to survive and not expect consequence.
No one can calculate to cause death and not expect consequence.
Fear not those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Your soul is not compromised because your soul is saved by grace for service.
Your love has been rejected by those who wanted it the most;
And the jealous rite of wishing harm and bad luck to anyone who is set to get right with God is going to manifest with such regret at a later date.
You who do wrong to anyone will not get away with what you have done.
You who hide behind an army of corrupted souls who thrive with harm and terror  - they will not save you.
When the Lord God Almighty decides your life will end - and your Spiritual Life goes on
O immortal soul born with understanding in a country who say they fear the Lord yet do not.
They do not see the plans that are made for good because they refuse to relent and right wrongs.
Well as long as they resist they will be a cursed people and this is brought on themselves.
It is a choice to repent - or the Lord's wrath will come when it is too late.
The birth pains of suffering and loss with calamity - who can stop?'
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

The Lord is sorrowful

Saturday 7 March 2020

'The Lord is Sorrowful' Message 7th March 2020

Following prayer I asked what is on the Lords heart

Message: 7th March 2020
Start time : 2:24 am
End time : 2:51 am

'I will forgive whom I will forgive and I will show mercy to whom I have mercy.
Let no one be betrayed or mislead.
The enemy is rife and thriving in your land; and the meek and merciful choose gentle ways.
Who knows the heart and mind of the Lord Almighty?
Well the revealer of truth is the same of all time;
And who is tall in their own eyes, yet the Lord sees them as nothing on the world stage.
The want of more exists and never satisfied is the whim of adoration.
The lack of soul food will never satisfy a viper of snares that wait for their prey.
The Lord Almighty predicts, foretells and changes the course of destiny when he chooses; 
Yet never forget your lowly place of grace and favour with the Lord who loves your soul.
You have shown willingness to let go of people who did you no good at all and those who wish you well will be many to come when they realise what has gone on.
The blindness of spell casting and illusory games is a distraction from truth - while many do not want to face what is really going on.
One does not awaken and become spiritually awake until one is willing to see beyond the illusion.
Humans are subject to human whims; yet divine will concerns you more.
You are being shaped for your role and being prepared for the sacred role of robes you will wear where there are those who feel it and sense within your being that you had something they did not.
Instead of being uplifted, the crashing down and smashing down of my lowly handmaiden came with treachery of a system that is causing death.
Oh they say words to apologise and speak of failing policies; yet they were designed knowing the consequences.
It is for many in your land impossible to survive and the prince of death thrives with this. 
There is no want to uplift and save anyone, when the want of more and lust for power is rife.
The threat goes away and another presents itself.
The Lord causes the tides to ebb and flow, yet the undercurrent is deadly.
Who can rise up to the throne in heaven and be in the presence of the Lord in His Command?
Who can do it by demand?
And none who have betrayed my people have been invited to the assembly of the Lord.
Who is selfless to care about my people who are their prey?
So the Lord gathers His people; and the very gentle tender hearts he nurtures and gathers together like a lion gathering His cubs He will watch over.
So many injure because they can and jealousy is rife.
The want to. show off and appear to do so much is a symptom in society. 
You have now been called to rest and recuperate but the enemy of the people does not allow this.
They violate and emotionally rape my people and so many are mentally distraught in this time.
The enemy thrives with chaos, confusion and creating reasons to fear - yet who fears the Lord Almighty?
Who submits to the Lord God in truth?
A Christian nation cannot be when you worship false idols and this is happening over and over again. 
The condemnation is silenced.
The Lord God will be silent when their prayer comes.
My people who are called by my name cannot look to those who cause so much poverty and death.
They feel repulsed and do not know why.
They see the rise of poverty, homelessness and death - they cannot see why.
The day will come when realisation comes - remorse is too late.
The Lord is sorrowful' 

Who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed. (1 Peter 2:24)

 And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. (Luke 2:51)

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

Dream Private Jet, Standby, Military Invasion - City  (Not Expecting) Or Something Else

02/02/2020 at around 3:33am I woke from a lucid dream a if this is happening is a serious revelation. This experience while asleep on the chair with my feet up - facing southwards. 

Directions were highlighted in the dream, visually especially. 

First I would like to share some 'background' revelation and what is happening at the time of writing.
Before falling asleep watching a Youtube interview in a studio with two white shelving units - exactly the style I thought to buy recently and did not. Obviously I noticed them again too.
These open display units are used as room dividers too.
The white display unit in the dream was standing on grass in a front garden - not my home. The reason was not known, perhaps someone was moving out or into a home, It was not known if it had been assembled outside, or, someone giving this unit away waiting for collection..

Dream symbolism revealed is to notice the 'display' unit and in this instance, especially what is out on display outside our homes. In other words, nothing is being hidden now.

What we are meant to know we will see clearly,

In reality, a news journalist discussed the meeting between four senior British royals - at the time had not yet taken place. This was reported to be in regards to Prince Harry and Meghan leaving UK to live independently (to fully exploit business and financial opportunities freely) Financial negotiations likely discussed in 'parted ways' with Prince Charles funding the boys lifestyle a few £million a year.
The interview also identified when any royals attend 'appearances' a panel selects who is most suitable or preferable to go - The term 'soft diplomacy was mentioned' too.

Everything is planned to detail. In private arrangements - perhaps there are financial incentives with opportunities to exploit furthermore available. Official visits are monitored by the firm.

I cannot say the dream is about Harry and Meghan - They did not feature visually to be linked directly. Dreams are complex as what is revealed,; as in our world more complex in this time.
The timing of this was with Harry and Meghan leaving UK.
Days before I uploaded an image of compass directions on facebook. This was for the purpose to gauge a location and path of the sun rise and setting.... and then decided - 'I will remove' this'.

If remaining, this would have been an interesting correlation.

It is also said the sun never sets on the British Empire display is with nothing hidden - Being outside, on the the grass - on - symbolically this was showing everything out in the open.  Grass is living and mowed to be cut down.

The land locally is connected with the crown wearer too.
Shelving unit can also symbolically mean to put things away - to shelve until a late time. Moving house has been on my mind for a while but obstacles and problems prevented this - to keep me here.
With lucid dreams - they are clear; as if experiencing reality. We are aware of 'being there' seeing, thinking, and if any interaction particularly dialogue, this has reason to take notice of too. 
Lucid dreams are not meant to be ignored. 
Lucid dreams might not give all the answers. Dreams can act as buffers to prepare for s something to come. Lucid dreams are for a reason - even if unknown. Everything happens for a reason. 
Military actions are also planned ahead of time with many involved.
Is a military invasion being planned and waiting to proceed in UK?
Mans plan's are planned and yet the divine plan is enduring.  

Writing notes immediately on waking up about this experience. 
Dreams are rich with symbolism - not always just literal.
A dream to take notice of - the message might be found within the dream -perhaps something our soul already knows. This dream is a reminder we are living in critical and dangerous times. 
- I cannot say this is prophesy unless it comes to pass. 
Waking up from the dream, I had gone to check what is written in the news in case anything related. The Corona virus is named with several media articles - but I cannot say this dream was about that.

The Corona virus might be an excuse to justify strategic military decisions for this to the detriment of people? The date of this dream documentation is days after my dream.
Outside a house - a white open display unit was on the grass. It appeared as if someone was moving in or moving out of a house - with this piece of furniture - display unit placed outside. (daylight)

Next. I am standing on a road with what looked like crash barriers in the middle. As I look ahead up in the sky a long slender airplane has evidently departed from an airfield coming from my left side facing onwards - while the motorway was in front of me. It is is flying towards the right side elevating to wherever the destination. It did not appear to be a traditional passenger plane.
Looking across now eye level towards the crash barrier, a man in black with a helmet was calling out to me telling me 'You need to move from where you are'. There appeared to be more people behind him. The people were also dressed in black with sensing this was a military plan.
It was as if I was standing on the motorway when this happened.
To my right on the motorway I could see a line up with vehicles and that halted and were standing still as if waiting. At the time I got the impression there was to be a military invasion to the city for some reason, however it was not clear. These vehicles were people ...not officials.
Woke up.
Open display, nothing is hidden,
Land where live - connected with the crown wearer
Flight activity taking place - (large slender 'private' airplane?)
Military man with helmet stepped over the Crash barrier..
Official warning - man in black.
Instructed have to leave from where I am
Traffic travel in opposite direction of plane leaving.
Military control vehicles waiting as if to enter 'city'
All the directions were brought to my attention
North, South, East, West - and skies too - global control?
Corona virus...Corona - Crown connection
If a vehicle crash had taken place - it might be severe enough to halt motorway traffic. The man in black and serious orders indicated this was something else. The reason vehicles and people were stopped 'blocking all the lanes' on the other side, the same side I was located I do not know.
The vehicles were as if ALL 'waiting' to proceed forward.
The impression I had upon waking up 'if this is to be a military invasion then it was well organised. The people were not expecting what was to happen. OR, people were being held back in their vehicles and prevented from entering the city....they were at a standstill all in a line across the lanes on a motorway/freeway.
Having not published the dream at the time, deciding since to post it here, there is since with the increased activity with Corona virus panic buying especially loo tools and sanitiser. Crazy panic buying.
Regarding air travel on what appeared to be a private aircraft, I cannot say who the plane belonged; nor recall seeing numbers to document them at the time. For some reason 'The President' came to mind. 
Prince Harry is The President of the Commonwealth. His wife Meghan holds the position of Vice President of the Commonwealth - whoever was leaving on the jet plane travels in great style.
I wondered if The President of the US was leaving ...but for certain 'The President' came to mind - not a specific person that can be actually identified. Keep an open mind with this as I have to.
Whoever is travelling in and out of lands on private jets is also known somewhere. Air Traffic control operates with the military too. All is not quite as it seems (as with planned war games that take place)
Someone/a group of people on board were travelling away from the land (I am in UK) given what was seen, and someone spoke to me to suggest this is connected with somewhere in UK.
The aircraft was ascending and travelling - though I could not tell the exact location, nor know direction - even facing on the road and will not guess because this could be totally in error. Someone knows the truth.

Locating this image, the impression of the plane in length and proportion is much like the second from the bottom. Although I cannot say it was exactly the same. It was a slim jet plane and appeared unusually long..
With Prince Harry just leaving UK, a lifestyle with private jet travel has been with the media publishing outraged opinions too. The lowly tax payer in UK are expected to pay for the the Sussex's security (£ 20 million)- yet for many years there is concern with people not being protected by the police here. 
It is not known if with military control if there will be limitations of private jet travel by people who are connected to those who are in power and control....The media masks the truth and easily we are blind.
I got the impression someone 'significant' was leaving this land before any invasion could take place - waiting for the right time and instruction to proceed..IF there was to be any type of invasion..
There was nothing else revealed in the dream other than the sky was dark like night time - though the the time to sky gets dark is still early. I could not see beyond on the other side of the motorway. Evidently I was not shown everything that was going on - but sufficient to say something was happening and shown. 
There have been no further dreams that would indicate more to this. Yet in our world much is going on.
Any other significant dreams I will publish them here.
However several years ago I did have dreams seeing food store shelves being empty - and in particular recalling from memory a store as if was operating from generator lights that were dimmed.
My apologies not sharing any more detail - yet just to put this out there...I do not believe this is a dream that I was meant to keep quiet about and write notes in a book, before closing the page.
What I have noticed - the more we get closer to the return of Jesus Christ, The appearance of Christ there is a rise of chaos confusion, particularly political chaos and distraction from people knowing this truth.
Nothing is happening that is not written and warned about. We might not understand what is written but since 2013, the Spirit of the Lord has spoken of those who refuse to relinquish power and control..
My intention is not to stir up anger, hate and promote war..
Jesus spoke of His Peace...He is the Prince of Peace!
There is scripture that I will include at the end of this:
For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known and illuminated. (Luke 8:17)
So do not be afraid of them. For nothing is concealed that will not be uncovered, or hidden that will not be made known. 27What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops.…(Matthew 10:26-27)
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
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