

Saturday 29 January 2011

Facebook Alert - Friend Requests!

You may have noticed restrictions to invite friends on facebook.

Facebook is a network with around 500 million members - real people who all use the network for different reasons. Many people use facebook purely for socialising with new and established friends. Many people use facebook for business networking.

Unfortunately many people use the internet to abuse and exploit people. Internet crime is rife and this also cannot be ignored.

Sometimes facebook will limit and even block members accepting a volume of friend requests. This might be due to spamming - seen as taking care of members best interest. However having raised fraud and other online crime concerns, including indentity theft, pedophilia and endless scammers - Facebook are not quick to deal with problems. Perhaps few staff to answer emails. Who knows!

Recent changes to Facebook is asking if you know people personally. While this could be seen to protect you from fraudulent activity, it is important to realise the bigger picture of what is going on. The internet is a very powerful tool to share information. In times of international crisis a pattern is forming. It seems like internet communication is blocked in related countries.

Logic might think there is electrical problems to cause this action. However this mght not be so. We witness conflicting reporting with mainstream media every day. Sometimes the truth is hidden!

On facebook real people are communicating internationally and discovering the truth of what is really going on in other countries. Facebook has been used to raise awareness of need and to assist in crisis. Sharing credible information is vital to avoid confusion.

While there is media blackout in mainstream newspapers on very important issues that people have every right to know, this is showing that the real truth is hidden. In these times where civil unrest has been seen, more than ever transparency and openness is required. It is important not to close the door on speaking to real people, especially from other lands - who actually know their reality. Globally there are people who want to live in peace!

May I suggest readers to share this message - especially to truth seekers and those who are sharing information or reporting on global concerns. It is important that people unite together at this time - not be divided and confused. To find a trusted resource for reliable information is not always easy. Be reminded to check credible information with evidence - not to rely on assumptions.

It is important not to turn a blind eye to this information!

Social networks have been vital to getting the truth out there about the Flotillas in Gaza, Civil unrest and now with Egypt internet shut down, the people are silenced. As long as you do not know the truth of who is who and what is happening, you can form ideas and even be influenced. Mainsteam media is a powerful influence. Propagdana manipulates people. Do not underestimate the power of facebook - Your time and energy that makes it so.

Keeping safe on the internet requires you to be alert to suspicious behavior. You do not need to accept abuse from anyone. You do not need to keep silent about crime. Even when criminals and opportunists hide behind a nickname - they are still traceable.
Law enforcement, interpol and FBI take internet crime seriously.

If you have friends who value related topics, feel free to invite them to join my facebook page - There you will find a vast amount of credible research and informtion that brings a greater perspective with what is going on around our world.

Do not be put off connecting and speaking with people - this obstructs you making new friends and also discovering their truth. On a positive note - as friend circles grow, this brings amazing people together. Be empowered and feel free to speak out.

You are entitled to use the internet to promote peace. You are entitled to make friends with people all around the world.

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2011 – All Rights Reserved.

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