

Friday 28 January 2011

Haiti - Past and Present

The reality of life in Haiti, is not documented by the media.

The Haiti earthquake touched people deeply globally - Our care and compassion for people closer to home, in Haiti and around the world makes us all human. A humanitarian heart is every day.

While the media reported at the time, with limited information, this is an opportunity for people who have donated and those who are curious to know, what has happened since.

Millions of dollars is being raised and donated in charity, but there is concern. Not all fundraising goes to a cause that people who are collecting claim to be. Charity fundraising has been exploited for far too long - this is going to stop!

Humanity aid and donations is being addressed directly here.

Accountability is not ignored. This is also being addressed.

Ethical experts promote ethical standards - this means working in the peoples best interest and not self serving.

Dr. Eric Noji, a highly respected top ethical medical expert, is my friend. Eric's passion and determination to continue his work; in retirement with unbridled commitment is truly inspirational.

Today Eric wrote - "Just knowing you are there, provides me with great peace of mind and strength to continue this difficult work."

We give mutual encouragement to speak out and make a positive difference where we can. Knowing Eric gives me the extra strength to keep writing and speaking out.

Many ethical people are feeling challenged in this time - many people are feeling tired and drained of energy. The voices of reason and credible experts are many. Even people who are in the know, credible whistleblowers are sometimes sounded out.

The problem is with the hunger for information - not everyone is listening to the right information. People are making assumptions without getting all the facts. Real work effort is taking place.

Misinformation is creating confusion and while the media might not tell the entire truth, we as people must try to work out what is the truth. Assumption is not fact. Believing is not fact either.

While I can shine a light with credible information to enlighten you, it is just as easy to ignore what is being written and go listen to a louder more popular voice. The ego can distract from truth.

This video is evidence of credible ethical experts speaking and answering questions. The Haiti people are not forgotten or ignored. While not avoidng the issue conflict of interest - it is my intention to speak out 'against' all those who are self-serving!

Emergency in Haiti: Where Medics, Missionaries and Militaries Collide

Article by Pauline Maria
Copyright © 2011 – All Rights Reserved.

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