

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Pharmakea means SORCERY

Having studied various areas of health and healing, THIS is a major concern for me. Billions of people are being deliberately made ill - through toxins in food, water and air, plus pharmacutical drugs and manufactured labels to prescribe drugs.

Even though I share openly - if you do not listen to me, other ETHICAL EXPERTS speak out too. Ethical experts speak out in EVERYONE'S best interest - not working for profit as a priority.

Gwen Olsen was a pharmacutical drug representative and her job to sell the drugs to healthcare professionals. She KNOWS how the system works and what she had to do.

Eventually people will realise that the pharmaeucitcal industry is all about profit. Millions of people have been taking a cocktail of drugs for many years. Prescription drug addiction is escalating.

When minimising concerns, side effects and consequences - this is why you do not know the truth of the toxins that are being given to you legally - to make you ill. Some drugs may even contribute to shorter life. Saves paying out pensions to people???

Alarming as the following disclosure is, the lie is detrimental to your health and well being, or could even be potentially fatal.

Your health and well being is your responsibility. With so many healthcare providers - everyone is human and not everyone has a conscience. Listen to your instincts and search within your own self to enable your health. Do you really need to take drugs?

Reps might not have the background training as a Medical Doctor, however Gwen Olsen provides vital inside knowledge of how the pharmaceutical industry operates and this is my main reason for sharing her testimony. This has been knowledge for years. Other concerns include the rising amount of people with Drug Addiction!

Doctors are paid when they prescribe.

Please share this article with your loved ones, friends and family.


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