

Wednesday 28 September 2011

The True COST of War - Revelation!

"The combined military spending of all the world's governments in 1987 were so large that all of the social programs of the United Nations could be financed for three hundred years by this expenditure!" (William H. Koetike, The Final Empire)

The US sent $12bn in CASH to Iraq - And watched it vanish.
Special flights brought in tonnes of banknotes in $100 bills!

Eventually we all must wake up and smell the coffee.

As long as the blame game continues, the excuse to keep fighting wars justifies printing off more dollar bills - with billions of dollars being unaccounted for. Surely this should make people question what is really going on. Especially when Billions of dollars are sent in cash to countries at war. The contractors handle all of this!

War allows the distribution of a huge amount of money to be transfered. The banks make a huge amount of interest - Bankers earn their money by charging interest.

When you hear of 'collateral damage' this might not be what you think. Collateral damage relates to PEOPLE! The reason this term is used is because every head has a price tag of worth.

Be as loyal as you want to YOUR country. My loyalty is to humanity as a whole and I can see the very sick power game that is blatantly manipulating people. There are war mongers and people who want to fight in this world. And there are peacemakers and healers. If we want to thrive and live, a peaceful world is the way. War is just one way that millions of people are dying.

We are now in 2011 and trillions of dollars has been spent on war in recent years. Are you still caught up with supporting this ongoing millitary spending? When is this war going to end?

Just imagine all the good this investment could do to help YOUR community and the country YOU live in. Spending on war that is detrimental to humanity, needs to be reconsidered to benefit and uplift humanity. What future are we all creating?

A reminder that in just one year of military spending, this could fund 300 years of U.N. programes to benefit mankind.

Soldiers are speaking out to say the war is a lie. They are brainwashed to think they are not killing 'people' - Soliders are not encouraged to speak about their experiences or seek psychological help. They must keep what they see and do in their head. This silence is to keep the UGLY truth hidden from YOU!

There are not enough trained professionals to assist the growing healing need. Even soliders are psychologically damaged from their experience (and military training) plus millions of people, even young children have been traumatised by war.

The phamacutical drug industry provides a solution that keeps people drugged and compliant. In UK masses of people who have taken antidepressants for decades - even since the war times here.

Ultimately everyone is responsible for their own process. Being anti-war and having trained for many years to assist healing - we understand when people are hurting and live in fear, they might react and can even be easily provoked to fight. Ethical professionals work in the people's best interest as a priority.

When investment of funds is to enable people - for self esteem building, skills training, education and creativity, we will see many more smiles in the world.

Already rivers of tears have been cried by the people who lost loved ones in war.

Unless the war is stopped, history will keep repeating itself until people learn the lesson. The movie by George Orwell - 1984, presents a perspective of war conditions. Could you handle this destruction in your own country 'again'?

Are the oathakers really working FOR YOU, or, for the corporation for PROFIT? The manufacture of weapons, military vehicles, jets and bombs is HUGE profit. Is war the business of the future...or are people ready to show governments another way to life?

Life is very precious. You choose between War and Peace!

Peace, love and best wishes.
Pauline Maria

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