

Friday 14 September 2012

Athens - Lady by the Lake and the blessed baby

In sharing these videos, we gain some insight with what we SEE and yet unfortunately when there is dialogue, we might not understand everything that is relevant and being presented here. Earlier I found this which was meant to be.

This powerful scene is from the Athens Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in 2004. In this you will see there is a relationship with DNA and the Olive Tree. We must open our eyes to see clearly.

We see a lady who her royal blue dress is taken from her, to be dressed very simply. She is shown to be pregnant. Later the baby becomes illuminated in light. We are shown that her unborn child is blessed. Most babies in Greece are loved before they are born. Every child that is born has a spiritual purpose in this life.

The MtDNA passes from Mother and Baby. If the YDNA was the important focus, the father would be seen here too. Instead we are shown the spiritual mystery of the unborn baby. A Queen who is anointed by God gives birth to a baby who is anointed too. Man made laws and wars have taken away women's birthright to be Queen. This does not alter what God has willed or His Divine Plan.

The lady is depicted alone - showing the relationship between mother and child is the bond that is relevant. The angel above is the reminder of our guardian angel and heavenly helpers. Many Greeks are conscious of doing right by God and their family. There is a depth that many people feel who are Greek, a depth in their heart and soul. People ache in their hearts when for home.

This scene particularly moved me with seeing fragments of ancient Greek history been broken over time and all that has been upstanding and honorable, forgotten by many people. Again the scene is night time and this is when the stars and moon shine brightly. A child of the moon is connecting to our emotions. The moon also connects to female cycles and the ocean tides.

We see the lady cradling her bump, with comfort and affection - the unborn child is nurtured with love and the essense of HER BEING. We also see the DNA strands and the genetic connection between mother and child. With the illumination we are being shown the child bringing understanding and light to life too.

In the video we see the uniting of fragments from what was a scupture of a male figure. We also see the rising of the Olive Tree.

The ancient Greeks have been divinely guided and so have all children. The Olympians have not held spiritual secrets for theirselves - spiritual knowledge has been shared, philosophy has been shared. Even today 3000 years on, the inspiration and encouragement for people to reach their potential is being shared.

The ancient libray in Rome that was destroyed - this held thousands and thousands of handwritten scrolls and knowledge from ancient times. Today the libraries are many. Books, reading and learning are encouraged. People who have knowledge and expertise when they document this, they bring understanding for future generations. Inspired wisdom comes from heavenly realms.

The understanding of cosmic consciousness has been shared before and is again. It is with the pureness of heart and complete trust in the cosmic order, that we discover that the world will come right if we allow it to be. When there is hunger for power and wars for supremacy, this is nothing to do with God's Power. The miracle of life and every new life born gives hope to humanity.

As with the London 2012 Olympic opening ceremony we saw a tree featured in 'the isles of wonder' and this was lifted up to show history, with the industrial revolution. In this 2004 Athens Olympic ceremony, the lifting up of the Olive tree brings rememberance to the Olive Tree and this meaning to the people.

The New Greece is with the same traditional ideals sharing these with people who perhaps are able to understand today more clearly. There is a dream of one world unity, in peace and friendship. The people are being asked to see this in context.

When my mother came to England to study nursing and ended up falling in love and marrying a man 'who was again divinely chosen'. With British Law, she was stripped of honor and regard that came with her Greek heritage. She showed people that even an uncrowned Queen treats everyone with dignity and respect. Few people knew this Lady was born with a spiritual purpose.

With my mother being born in Athens, Greece with the name Athena, she carried the name of the Goddess and Patron Saint of Athens. My mother was certainly NOT a commoner, not born or ever would be. When You are Greek, You are born FREE and no one can deny anyone the birthright of their motherland. While my mother's homeland is Athens in Greece, my grandmother's family came from ancient Greece. Through my parents I connect all of Eurasia, Europe and America too - where family now live.

Where I was born in Thornton Heath in London England, was God appointed in such a detailed way. Beulah Crescent relates to Beulah land; also WALES. Crescent relates to the Moon and the Fertile Crescent in Mesopotania where early civilisations have come from. Humanity has been born from one woman.

When I lived on Beaulah Cresent, there was a nursery - a garden centre. 'Garden' and nursery reminds of Garden of Eden. Looking on Googlemaps there is now a building called 'Lakeman Court.' How uncanny to find a lake reference to connect this.

The Lady by the Lake is a mystery. There is in ancient egypt some mummy tombs been found that are near a lake. We see in the video above, this scene setting is around a lake. We are reminded of the lost city of Altantis and times before the great floods.

There is a spiritual Family Tree of Peace. The Olive Tree is the gift to humanity from Athena. The Olive Tree is the Tree of Peace.

In the background Maria Callas is singing. We are reminded of Zion singing and the Virgin Mary being the Queen Mother of Mount Zion. For all the effort man has gone to to rule the world, it is the women who have nurtured life. It was Athena that God chose in ancient history and to keep her name alive too. The Virgin Mary was chosen to carry the Living Word of God, as Jesus Christ. We are shown that women are instrumental in the divine plan.

History keeps repeating itself to show Women are the peacemakers and the power of love from a woman, can transform humanity. The strength of a woman is not sitting and looking pretty - the Goddess of Wisdom did not do silence! When people are divinely guided they can show this to be. With sharing this information is to show how everything is connected and what is relevant to know today is being revealed too.

Every child has been born to pave the future. Be conscious not to teach a child hate, fear, prejudice, greed and remember that children learn by example. Being raised with parents who encouraged me to travel and see the world - to appreciate the uniqueness of every culture, has brought the reminder of timelines and all the ancient wisdom and inspiration given.

In the dawning of a new age, this brings renewed spiritual understanding. The sign of aquarius is the water bearer and divine wisdom being given again. A child has been born for this purpose.

Everything happens when the time is right and not before.

We must give humanity a chance. The youth are carrying the legacy of peace and unity into the future. Please allow this.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria