

Saturday 29 September 2012

Casual Sex and Gang Rape - Is this Rule of Man?

We are not living in safe times. With the law courts allowing footballers to walk free for alleged gang rape years ago, back then I was told gang rape is happening far more prevelantly than people realise. Women are being drugged and then become helpless, those who do have some memory. There are many people who do not. Even so, these women 'have an inclination' something happened to then but no clear memory. There are women waking up with bruising in a strangers home, or unfamiliar location, with no memory of what has happened while they were there.

There are drugs named 'date rape' dropped into unsuspecting women's drinks. Men are being subjected to this too - male rape is not considered an open subject and the only reason this is all not coming out in the open is because people have not found the courage to speak out. Women and men are scared to seek help. The crippling cycle of self destruction while trying to cope with sexual violations and showing symptoms in different ways. Speaking with a very successful buisinessman a few years ago, he would make his fortune, then lose everything, make his fortune and do the same. It helped him deal with his pain. He did make his fortue and keep it the third time and many millionaires have a few failings before they succeed, so what happened did not appear oout of character. Internally a lovely man who has lived his life with his innocence stolen from him. This happens every day.

A few years ago an article reported 1 in 4 unattended drinks being 'spiked'. On three occaisions I have been drinking water, put my drink down and when sipping, feling suddenly extremely dizzy and needing air. Scared me enough not to keep the same social company because when I told them they thought I was making it up. One thought I was having a flush because an admirer was nearby. This is no joke ladies and gentlemen. The hospitals deal with this issue and there is nothing they can do. No prosecution will take place either unless, there is a rape, samples, DNA and a full investigation. One root cause of the problem is supply of the drugs. Dealing with the mentalty who do this is another concern altogether.

As woman have got wiser and are not so willing to conform to men, perhaps this is why these drugs have flooded the open market. Notice there is prosecution of cannabis but rarely prosecution for rape. For holding these drugs? In England lass than 6% of rapists are prsecuted and that is just what gets to court. Having spoken with women who have been gang raped - they were not encouraged to prosecute and one fears she would lose the case because she has mental health problems. I have spoken with many women who have expereinced 'date rape' drugs - it is no date when a woman goes out with her friend or family somewhere and her drink is spiked by a complete stranger. Men who think this is a big thing to do - think again.

Any lawyer or judge who prevents justice because of anyone's mental disposition, needs to reconsider why he is in the legal profession. The law court that is representing God, does not excuse the violating of people. Most certainly God does not excuse lawyers and judges who obstruct justice either. A law court that excuses a 17 year old girl being raped by 5 footballers who live a wild life, is a disguting set up that has created a bigger problem in society. In England the loser pays the legal bill and the girl would have had media blackout too. I do not know who they girl is but she has been on my mind over these years and every other person who goes through these experiences too. Do not suffer in silence.

Years ago I saw a British movie with a scene where a woman was taken down a back street and a male was portrayed to have sex with her. My awareness was raised to what is happening in some pockets of society. This might be the choice of two consenting adults and yet, are they 'both' really consenting? If a woman was to think a man was going to use her like a garbage can to empty his testicals, would she consent to having sex with him? Would she want to have sex with a man who is going to spit on her afterwards and think/call her a whore? There are men who go around like a dirty dogs having sex whereever possible, and do not respect women - Do women really find this so appealing? I do not think so.

Listening to a man years ago boasting about being sexually promiscuous and not using protection, I told him he was irresponsible and what he was doing is dangerous. He also said he would lie to have sex with a woman if 'he wanted it'. The boys spoke of regular visits to the veneral disease centre, described as 'the clap clinic' as if it was some social club where 'friends met up'. This is one situation I was put and meant to be in to LEARN how people really think and what is REALLY going on. Out of serious concern for the danger he was putting women in, I asked what he would do if he contracted a deadly disease and passed this on. At the time, I did say HIV or AIDS. He told me he would take it out on every woman and make it his mission to have sex with as many women as he could to 'punish them!'

In speaking with another girl. She was a heavy drinker at the time and often got into states where she was vulnerable to exploitation because of this. She spoke of having a one night stand with a man - her choice and she was attracted to him. However, the reason I share this is because she showed me a card he left her, like a business calling card. On this it thanked her for a good night and advised her to go get herself checked out at the veneral disease clinic ASAP 'in case he had infected her with something'. I do not remember the exact words. Other women who have slept with this man will have been given a card like this too.

At one time, there was a massive campaign to warn people about safe sex - to use condoms or better still it would make sense to abstain. This was the time when HIV and AIDS were brought to peoples attention. This was marketed as a killer disease and should have raised peoples awareness to other STI's. One would think when there are STD's and STI's brought to light people would take the warning signs and be more careful. Casual relationships are not safe with unprotected sex. The secondary issue is the ongoing self destruction to self esteem etc.

Any man who can go from bed to bed having unprotected sex is a walking time bomb. Not only is he functioning on a very low vibration, he could be spreading disease. There is also a mindset promoting the rape of women to get power. Are males so weak they need to stoop to the lowest possible behaviour to feel powerful? Women have been put down because why? Fear of inadequcy of the manhood?

Men have reached the lowest possible mentality to treat women so badly and with all the other problems in the world, this is one not being ignored!

Men who are aware know, a man who lives without love in his heart, will fight, go to war, beat up and rape men, women and even children. Any man who has not developed emotional intelligence, will never understand the real meaning of refinement and gentlemanly qualities and why these is necessary.

Put aside all the 'given' titles where people look down or up because they have titles. Even the Royals in history have done their fair share of bed hopping - a life living a party at the expense of the people, does not take away that even people in 'high places' excuse affairs and mistresses. Just recently the palace were reminded that when those who expect respect are romping about naked in front of people and treating women with disrepect, they deserve to be exposed as Harry was in the international media. One lady in USA was asked to comment on the photo and said 'That is not a ROYAL PENIS.' She has a point there.

Years ago I used to say men need to carry a government health warming because some can potentially damage your health. At the time this was related to broken hearts. With what is happening in society, evidently they do. The males need a cure for this degenerative mental illness, that is masked 'as fun'!

Women get raped every day, even in marriage and are expected to put up with it. Even if women escape danger - children are still vulnerable. A woman might heal from an abusive relationship, to later find a man who treats her well. She may never marry. Many men do not want to marry. Not every man wants to make a commitment because they are not emotionally ready and yet are in steady relationships. Men who refuse to enter a relationship might be healing from the past and wanting to make sure they are with the right person before involving their heart.

Men who refuse to marry might want to keep the door open in case something better comes along. There are many men who dismiss marriage because they have no intention to be faithful whatosever. Few people maintain a marriage with fidelity and so in a time when veneral disease is a real and still growing concern, how many faithful partners have been infected by a cheating partner?

Women have got the idea of the fairytale is marriage - yet if a man is refusing to marry, who is asking who? Who started the relationship? There are men drifting into women's lives and moving into their home and yet, women have not even taken time to know who is the person - a stranger who has no home who sweet talked their way into their lives. Children are very vulnerable today. A man who does not talk about his past and why he is without a home, what happened in his last relationship should be sending a red flag. Why do men get kicked out of the house?

Meeting a coach in Manchester city a long while back - waiting allowed me to witness the prostitutes at work and while they might have even been using precautions, there were so many cars picking up these women. This was lunch time. In Bolton, while the problem area with prostitution has been cleaned up, the problem will have moved to somewhere else. Speaking with a girl years ago, she had been abused and raped by her boyfriend, met 'a nice guy' who gave her drugs and then sent her out on the street to earn the money to pay for his addiction.

Not everyone wants to be helped or is ready for help. The lifelines still need to be in place. The safe houses and shelters that allow women to go to and get the therapy and care, to allow healing are needed. There are places, the demand is far greater. There is a need to address what is happening with the males who show abusing self and women is the only way they know to live. Anyone who is existing in life as a drug addict is at the lowest point. Speaking to drug dealer years ago I told him, if you can sell drugs for profit - you have the potential to trade legal goods and be successful in business. He was given his wake up call!

From where I am sitting and what has been witnesssed - women need the help to be empowered, because they are the child bearers of future generations and primary teacher. Men need to have a massive wake up call. If everyone was tested and was cleared of any STI, this would still not eliminate the problem. There is a huge task that needs to be addressed an multidynamic healing too.

Men have been conditioned to see women as sexual objects and domstic companions. One man was complaining that his wife does not clean the house - so I told him to hire help. He had married his wife to be a bed mate and clean his home and he had high expectations. When I asked he gives as a husband he replied 'a nice house to live and she should be grateful'. Not impressive!

When a couple are miserable and 'not in love' it is because the man is not treating his woman right. A woman who is in love with her man, responds well to his kindness, thoughtfulness, generous heart and RESPECT. A woman might put up with being short changed on what really matters, for some material gains, in the long term if a man wants to be happy and fulfilled emotionally, he has to give from his heart. A man who does not love his girlfriend or wife - is he using her?

One lady spoke of her deep unhappiness and feeling trapped living with a man 'she hates'. He treated her badly, went out drinking leaving her at home. She said she pretended to sleep when he arrived home and hoped he did not want to have sex with him. He had taken her forcefully, when she resisted. She said she put up with the situation for a roof over her head. She does not have financial means of her own and he does not want her to work. He does not want to lose is sex slave and cleaner he kept prisoner for years. She lacked confidence and yet she heard her truth she is liiving with a man she hates. The realisation of the end of a relationship, is to acknowlege there is no relationship.

Many men look at women as dirt. This is about their process - Sny man who is not treating a woman with respect, lacks self respect. The challenge to violate a nice girl is a game to some men. If a man cannot restrain himself, he reveals himself to be a very weak individual. The man must acknowledge this and how the man has sunk in his behaviour - there is no lower he can go to.

Domestic violence is a huge problem, internationally. So is rape of women even in marriages and this is now being confronted head on. For certain, there are leaders in countries that are motivated to address these issues. There are people within all structures of society who are not actively working to address this too. Now we need to deal with the system who excuse it. We need to heal the root cause of the problem if we want to resolve the problem. Civil servants are in a 'paid' position to empower people and have the right to confront inappropriate behaviour. Law courts are for prosecuting criminal behaviour - real crimes.

Another casual trend is 'friends with benefits' - those who sit right at the top 'who are aware' watching society mess up their lives, do not care if people sleep around, rape each other, have illigitimate children, have birth certificates where the father does not need to be identified. As long as people do not know where they are born from, they will never know their heritage or their rights. It is bad enough people's human rights are violated by the system here!

Taking risks, crossing fingers and legs hoping to be safe is not the way to be responsible about bed choices. A man might want a friend with benefits because he has others too. The man in a casual relationship is no fool, he leaves himself open to being with a woman who is fooling around with other women too. A causal relationship is never going to turn into a serious relationship. If you love yourself enough and want real love, seek real love not second best. if you have been hurt, used and abused - get help. So have other people. You have two choices, keep feeding the pain and feeling more dirty, or heal and live with love.

What is the world going to be like for the young children today. Men have kept women down and blamed women for their weakness. Where are the men who show restraint and respect? Where are the men who can say no and walk away from being allured by a women and control internal urges. There are men like this so it is possible for males to respect a woman and also learn self respect. How many married couples look in each other's eyes with hearfelt love and trust? The spiritual battle has been to prevent such a union. In England many people oplenly rubbish marriage and love, yet people are open about wanting/promoting casusal relationships. These people might not be 'protective' of their children too. This is not all - we are living in a promiscious society who are blind to the dangers and cannot see the potental consequences further down the line.

Men who continue to live a promiscious life violating women and spreading disease, will reap the consequences. One of the most common STI's today is Chlamidia, which causes infertility in women. Millions of women are unable to have children - perhaps because infertility has been a cause. So many women have decided not to have children, aware of the way society has been heading. With millions of orphans around te world, a woman can still give her love is she is inclined.

The numbers are immeasurable of people who have gone down a very dark path in life because they are emotionally abandoned and psychologically scarred. Hurting people can be a liability to hurting people. While groups of people gather together, like minds attract like minds, there are groups also living a destructive life, with drink, drugs and promiscuity - to numb the void and pain.

Men do not just become rapists. Women do not just become sexually available. Women do not have a sign on their head to say they invite men to use and abuse them - then cast them in the gutter. Weak men target vulnerable women. The macho front is not the real person and men are capable of deep love and tenderness too. When a man has grown up witnessing a mother being disrespected and abused - they might have learned this and re-enact in this later in their own life. An man who recognises the reasons why he abuses any woman, can start his healing process. If a man is not going to exorcise his demons, eventually he will reap the consquences.

As for women who seek sexual gratification without love - this is the consquence of accepting conditioned learning. Women are not machines. In a society where body image is seen as important and heavily promoted. Surgery to enhance the breasts, women are saying they are doing this to feel more like a woman. Women are having these operations with scars to appear more attractive. We come in all shapes and sizes - when a man loves a woman, he loves THE WOMAN, not just the physical shell. This is a new era where love is and self love is being promoted in context. Self harming and causing harm to other people has been addressed!

There is every reason to be deeply concerned with what is happening in society. With millions of hurting and lost people just in Britain, a healing need is identified. Injustice and corrupt lawyers is only one issue of concern!

Before we can forgive other people - first we must forgive ourself. When we can be honest with ourself, we can be sincere with forgiving other people. We are children who have been taught to blame, instead of taking responsibility. It is easy to step into the destructive and hate cycle. Only you can break it.

The global healing need is multilayered and sometimes, we must be prepared to look at what is happening, so that we can bring positive change. Change is not going to happen without conscientious effort and willingness to reject a self destructive life. It takes inner strength to not use or exploit other people. We all know when something is not right....Guys, the rules change now!

The healing need is far greater than the male ego need!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

Images from public domain. No copyright infringement intended.