

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Home Built in USA for Jesus Christ is being Sold

There is a slight problem also because he does not have US currency to buy this - However, this is worth reporting on to share with everyone this home.

The expression 'divine' and 'heavenly' has been used to describe homes. The difference is, this home was built for Jesus Christ himself - on His Second Coming. It seems as if the owners got impatient and want to sell up, for a kingly $14,988 million.

The hall leading to upper floors, Notice the throne style chair.

"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

The New York Theological Society constructed the palatial home in 1928. It has gained a name of being the Chapel Hill Mansion. The 15,000-square-foot estate has limestone walls, ceilings adorned in gold and silver leaf, imported French walnut detailing throughout is enhanced with the hand-carved marble fireplaces.

Here we see two chairs, with the reminder of the Bride of Christ.

Manhattan College previously owned the property. They planned to use it as dormitories or a seminary. From there it came into the hands of a private owner who is an attorney, The Real Deal reported. Are we being told house has been sold before?

The hot pink paintwork in the dining room, certainly is feminine and also a reminder that colour can be daring - this could become a trend.

The stain glass windows in the home are associated with a church - they also add colour relfecting from the daylight. At night, perhaps it was in the plan that the house would be an illumination of colour. I am reminded of the rainbows and the coat of Joseph with many different colours. There are people waiting for a King born from this lineage, especting a man. However, there are people saying the person is a woman.

The kitchen has been taken as the style to be fit for a King.

What I have learned is that God decides and He knows every find detail about every one of us. He has been involved with the overseeing and planning of everything - we think we are in control, I realise we are not in control of anything. We are all instrumental and whe we are willing to cooperate to be of divine service, then we can be.

The chandeliers were designed by the artisans of The Plaza. To the finest detail, the marble floors have been imported from the Vatican. The Royal connection with the Orthodox Christian uniting with the Vatican SEE is perfectly brought together here.

In the foyer reception area, gold and Silver lead aforn the ceiling.

The home, built in 1928, has seven bedrooms and eight bathrooms and a spacious conservatory to sit in the day and watch the stars and moon at night.

The master suite has been decorated with the finest attention to detail. The fireplace is hand carved. The colour purple that we can see here in the soft furnishings is the Imperial Purple, keeping in line with a comfortable bedroom fitting for a King.

The master bathroom suite reveals the design chosen for a King.

The mansion sits on the highest point in all of New York City, with woodland surroundings. At Chapel Hill Mansion, it is said the view is the the best outlook of the city that one can possibly buy. Built for the messiah...yet it is being sold now. NOW?

The home was built to house "the Christian savior once He returned to earth to judge the living and the dead," listing broker Sean McPeak of Prudential Douglas Elliman, told The Real Deal. Sitting on 2.3 acres of land at the highest point, is a reminder of the Temple Mount - The Temple is our body that houses our soul. However, the peaceful setting high up is perfect for solitude, prayer and meditation.

Here is the music room with the piano, with the reminder of the Song of Songs in the Holy Scriptures connected with King Solomon and Holy Wisdom being shared. Also again, to remind readers that songs can convey powerful messages that enable our healing and spiritual awakening - music is an energy vibration we all resonate with or repel against. Depending on our inncer process will decide our personal preferences.

The lime green crown mouldings certainly stand out in this reception room. Noticing the white piano, is a reminder of the other house I had in mind. It is also in an area with royal connections. A few years ago I dreamed of a white piano and a specific person sitting at this - we were talking together. Two or three years later, he built this lovely spacious home and the newpaper wrote an article with this white piano, that was given by him to his wife only the month before, she died.

I had decided to be involved in real estate of property, when mans rules put blocks on this setting certain standards to be met to sell a property. Then man's rules put blocks set up an ethical law firm - the courts allow corruption and injustice and puts blocks on putting rignt wrongs. Eventually the blocks need to be smashed away. Everyone is being reminded of spiritual laws now. If this home built for Jesus, was sold, another home would be found. The house locally is not on a hill and I am not in a position to buy it, even at a really good price. It has lots of privacy....very pretty location and very peaceful.

Christ dwells in our heart and His Presence has been seen several times in Bolton, UK (there is Bolton In NY and London, UK) by a 7 year old. Christ can be anywhere and at any time. He is revealing himself to people now in different parts of the world. With my eyes closed in prayer, I had a vision with him descending from the heavenly realms and his light was so bright. Glorious White Light.

The power of God heals, breaks down barriers, moves mountains and knows no time of space limitation. All the people hungry for power and spiritual knowledge, we must first learn to FEEL love unconditionally and let the energy flow. It is hard when we hurt because hurt blocks the flow. Love is flowing again now.

My prayers and thoughts are with the people in America and while catastrophe has hit again, with these floods, I have seen American people pull together and unite together, help each other - Big hearts are over there. It is with appreciation of the organisation and teamwork of officials who are helping people. It takes 'discipline' to manage and clear the vast area of people, in emergency preparedness of the Hurriane and floods.

Back in the 1980's I was told in the event of a nuclear attack, UK government had already decided who was to have passes to the shelter and were to be given to high up officials and their families. If officials only want to save theirselves and have no value for the people - the ship is not safe to be sailing in. In life we learn to become swimmers again, or to float on water. Walking on water is not my interest to even try.

Any officials who neglect people and ignore the warning signs, are being faced with this too. Accountabiity is decided by a far higher power than us mere mortals, even if we are spiritually awakened - we are not the all seeing and all knowing.

People say they are beleivers; yet who actually really trusts God? Even being a woman of faith, with prayers answered since a child, there are times I doubt, guidance and times I seek that assurance with validation. What we are meant to know will come to light. If we ignore instruction, then in different ways we will be shown why this information is being given and everything contributes to a bigger picture yet to unfold.

A few weeks ago I was told to ask for £100 million in compensatoin - they already decided after loss of income for three years and double whiplash injury, that they would allow maximum £2000 and took me to court 200 miles away to try prevent me having what I could earn then in ONE DAY from talking to a small group of people.

Three houses have come to my attention for sale on Crown territory; associated with the Heir to the Throne. This hilltop house in NY is also on Crown Estate. The Crown of God is ruling everywhere. The Crown Plaza has revealing this to be.

Any information that was relevant to come to my attention, is because it connects with other information that is relevant to know. If we do not doubt, we are not remaining humble to ask God for the right way. If we do not totally submit to God, we might be forcing our will and this might change the divine order.

Not having £14,988 million, I am unable to buy this for Him. My previous article invites the kindness of the Queen to do right by me and provide a comfortable home. I am not demanding this. The Queen is obliged to do right by all people and the House is on UK Crown Estate is meant to accomodate the Christ family

We can only set an example within our own being to do right by everyone. Making promises we invite introspection. If we are unable to fulfil our promises then there is no point making them. If we give up before the finish line, we will never get there. There are many people who have promised God they will do anything and serve him, and even asked for wealth, yet they have forgotten what they promised to do for him.....

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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