

Friday 2 November 2012

Hampstead - Parliament Hill - London and Canada

Parliament Hill is an area of open parkland in the south-east corner of Hampstead Heath in north-west London. The hill is notable for its views of the capital skyline. From Parliament Hill, many famous landmarks can be seen from its summit, including Canary Wharf and St Paul's Cathedral in the City of London.

Despite its name, it is not home to the Houses of Parliament which are located a few miles to the south in the City of Westminster.

Parliament Hill where friends can be united to put the world right.

From a spiritual perspective, this land is also giving indication of information that is relevant for understanding. For instance, Hampstead is a part of London, that would be my personal preference to live. As years have gone by, house prices have rocketed, particularly in Hamstead. The signs are around to show Hampstead has been identifed as being important in the divine plan. The reasons why are going to be revealed.

Here the elderly couple are looking on at a younger woman alone. This is a reminder that while age brings experience, women bring forth future generatons and spiritually guided to be leaders too.

Landmarks are called so for a reason. If land was not important than people would not be fighting over territory. However with all the devious plans of man, and one can only assume this has happened again, divine intervention responds accordingly.

Sunday 3 July on Parliament Hill, Hampstead Heath, celebrating Origins - Festival of First Nations. This is all about what 2012 is about. These little girls wearing their flower crowns are born spiritually awake - they are born with a purpose.

The City of Westiminster is a physical location in London that is Home to the Houses of Parliament and also the Royal Courts of Justice. This land us connected to the Crown. In the Case of the Spiritual Crown, that corresponds with God's Laws too.

The Corporation for profit might not respect God's Laws. The person who wears the crown might ignore God's Laws too. There are always warnings to people.

The Houses of Parliament is where the Laws are made for the land.

The Queen traces her lineage to King David and the Crown of David is an eternal crown. In other words, no one can just come and take ownership of the crown and say they have a right to be King. With Christ being King of Kings - no man can take his place either.

So we have again the sign showing there is to be another Queen.

Throughout history, the Spiritual Key has been given to women.

Looking a little more into what is said about Parliament Hill.

"In 1133, the hill was part of a manor that Henry I gave to a baron called Richard de Balta. During Henry II's reign it was passed to Alexander de Barentyn, the king's butler.

The area became known as Traitors' Hill, acquired its current name in the 17th century because during the English Civil War it was defended by troops loyal to the English Parliament. Legend states this location is where Guy Fawkes and Robert Catesby planned to watch the destruction of Parliament in the Gunpowder Plot on 5 November 1605.

Over time, plots of land in the manor were sold off for building particularly in the 19th century. The hill remained mainly common land. In 1875 Hampstead Heath was acquired for the people by the Metropolitan Board of Works. Parliament Hill was purchase for the public thirteen years later for £300,000 and added to Hampstead Heath.

Manorial rights to the land remained in private hands until the mid 20th century, when they lapsed under Sir Spencer Pocklington Maryon Wilson, though the titular estate itself was passed on to Shane Gough, 5th Viscount Gough. Until the 1940s, livestock was still reared on the hill to be sold through Smithfields, the London meat market.

The City of London Corporation has managed Parliament Hill since 1989.

With all the talk of the Houses of Parliament recently - this is not by accident. Long overdue is the complete clean up. Spending £billion on 'fixing' it, does not resolve the internal problem, the men who influence the laws for hundreds of years.

Man has decided to name Parliament Hill as a location and the situation of this is in Hampstead and this is relevant to understand too.

Hampstead is an affluent area in London Borough of Camden in Inner London. This is revealing the expression of the 'inner circle'. Hampstead is known for intellectual, liberal, artistic, musical and literary associations too.

Hampstead is also revealing to be spiritually important too.

Hampstead means 'homestead' - This is revealing a 'spiritual home'.

With Queen Elisabeth II being Queen of Canada too. Someone will take over. Prince William, with Kate Middleton are being promoted as future King and Queen. They have done a tour of Canada. Are God's very precise plans being ignored. HIS Laws are!

Parliament Hill, Ottawa. Canada's Constitution and Her Majesty's Government in Canada are modelled after the British Constitution. Independence flourishes. Canadians live under the rule of just laws which protect their property, their freedom and their lives. While the ambasssador Prince is glorified in Canada, it is such a shame that England is a country where officals boast of injustice and refuse to put wrongs right.

Here is the ariel view of Parliament Hill in Ottawa in Canada.

We are in a time for divine intervention. Just recently a little girl went missing in Wales - this was a test for the British Royal family to see whether this news brought to the people's attention, to show what they really stand for.

A man is in prison on the grounds of murder - yet there is no physical body found. A vehicle that the children saw was white or light coloured and the little 5 year old got in by herself with no help. The man arrested drives a dark coloured 4 x 4 - and a 5 year old got into this by herself? Even I would struggle. If this little girl is found alive and I hope so, what about the innocent man in prison? The royals are silent about many innocent people in prison and the Queen's oathtakers actually told me about this.

The Queen is unable to step down without a divinely appointed successor. The reason being because with her holding the Crown of David this has to continue in the lineage of David. This has been written scripurally and so while people are trying to trace their lineage to the Queen, actually it is backwards that is relevant.

It is from a very specific bloodline that God has chosen for the Crown of Law - meaning God's Law. If the law makers refuse to listen, the law of nature will reveal the truth and if they still refuse to listen, the higher forces react.

A few months ago the media reported France demanding the Crown Jewells as compensation. The image that was posted in the media is the Imperial Crown.

What is clear - Parliament Hill, The Houses of Parliament and the Crown are related and connect together. The Queen is Queen of the World. God is not for one nation and not for another. When our world is divided with conflicting information that 'was given in history', 'again' God gives people New Spiritual Understanding.

For this reason, unless someone is appointed by God and annointed by God, they are not King by Divine Right because Only One Man has ever been born who is entitled to this status.

The truth will always be revealed. God does not decieve people.

Keep an open mind.....more to follow that relates to this.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria,_London,_5th_Viscount_Gough