

Monday 12 November 2012

Another Song - "Not Just a Queen, My Empress".

A while ago, I noticed a lady in America using the name Empress Bolton. In writing to ask if this was just a user name and had she any connection to Bolton. She did not reply. So with this, I deduce she is yet another light to bring awareness to the people for the Empress of the New Kingdom who will be coronated.

A Queen is expected to have noble qualities from the core of her being. This is not about being a perfect human being and put on a good act. Being noble is doing right by everyone. The difference between a Queen and Empress, is the Empress of an empire. This is the Imperial bloodline. Many people anticipate her.

The sad reality is, many real issues are waiting to be addressed - there are blocks. It is difficult to tell who is honorable and who is not in our world. We decide our own process. The New World Order is much in discussion - I am understanding this being a One World Order, Did anyone ask officials to explain this?

What is sure, 'if' this is a Kingdom of righteousness for all people, for ethical leadership and with global peace, then there will be no more war or injustice. For a New World Order - this relates to the whole world. A new Kingdom will mean a new currency for the people in our world, without Queen Elisabeth II's Head on. People are fearing a new religion - New spiritual understanding is building on established learning and given to everyone. From what I am guided to share - there are no forced conversions of religion.

In the Holy Scriptures there is a very specific church that identifies the one who will be given the crown for all nations. There is a very specific bloodline that has been chosen to unite humanity in peace. God orders everything in our world.

The mysteries with detail, when being revealed to me, sometimes had me saying 'Wow'. My faith being compounded with each revelation. There are times when I doubt also because a lot of important information is being revealed too, and this relates to everyone. So much information is being validated at this time,

My journey is not just confronting injustice, with justice refused, there is so much more than the Queen violatinh her coronation oath too. The name of someone who lived in Bolton before I arrived here has come to my mind many times over these years. I will write about this in a later article. This explains more of why I was guided to look closer at Heath Hall. As a young woman I wanted to live in Hamsptead Heath. Hampstead Heath is connected to the man, whose name has come into my mind.

With a world of millions of hurting people, with my own pressures I am tired out. My prayers are for global peace and healing. Please join me in this focus. There are now many people being motivated to make a positive difference. Let's build on this. People are finding the courage to express their truth. People united together can steer this ship in the right direction. As a united humanity, we might be disagreemnts, but a civilized world is without wars and injustice. We could use th e massive expenditure to benefit people.

There are many different ways to bring smiles in our world.

Thousands of people have descended from the Imperial bloodline. Countless from the Royal Bloodline. And countless people from the Priesthood. There is not one person more superior than anyone else. The Holy Mother Mary was the divinely crowned Queen and Empress. Christ, King of Kings - The Emperor.

This song is really heartwarming. The easy way to descibe an Empress, is Lady of All Nations and Spiritual Mother of All people.

At one time, men were King of their Castle; with his Queen. Men treated women with respect. Women value being treated like a lady and respond with love when the man they love shows kindness, love and appreciation. Love is a gift. It is unknown if the song above is a love song, or for the new Empress Queen.

To the gentlemen who wears his heart on his sleeve, with the Fleur de lis, Thank You for such a beautiful song. God Bless You.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria