

Monday 12 November 2012

Former Oil Boss: A New Archbishop of Canterbury

Justin Welby was consecrated Bishop last October and has risen to the top job - the new Archbishop of Canterbury. Pictured here with the Angel of the North Statue, NewCastle in the background. 

Is this a sign of the New Queen being recognised?

Justin Welby lists sailing and 'anything French' as his recreations. As Bishop of Durham, his informality and evangelical fervour, described as a revelation, has him winning over various parishes.

"Let’s be clear,” said Bishop Justin Welby back in July, just as the race to succeed Rowan Williams was hotting up, “I’m one of the thicker bishops in the Church of England”. 

This would surely make many people feel more comfortable. The main disadvantage with being an intellectual is isolating people who are not this way inclined.

The former oil boss accepted the role of Archbishop of Canterbury on 9th November 2012. This took place in a highly secret selection process. His enthronement, on 21st March 2013, would take place in Canterbury Cathedral and announced. accordingly. 

The Anglican communion has three main parts. 

The established Church in England, whose crowned head is Queen Elizabeth II at the time of writing. 
The Episcopal Church in America and 
The Anglican churches of Africa.

Bishop Justin Welby has reportedly blasted fatcat bankers for their “sins”, He has also condemned pay-day loan firms for “usury”. 

Even with the debt created by governments this can never be repaid, however the bank keeps earning interest - and there is a system in place I know no facts about, to write or comment on. 

Already Ed Miliband made a comment in a speech about 'breaking solemn oaths' in 2013. 

The Queen made a solemn coronation oath - does this relate?

There is also reference to a 100 year contract being up?

Not everything is clear...or out in the open. We are living in a time of revelation and apocalypse, where what has been hidden is being made known and what is masked is being revealed.  

The mitre worn by Bishop Justin Welby. There are three fish and the different blue colours with symbolism representing the waters and oceans.  Gold may indicate him being a Bishop of Christ. On Bishop Welby's breastplate/heart area where his cloak connects is a cross, It is a reminder to hold Christ in his heart and remember who he is serving, as God sees and knows all. 

The staff, for the shepherd to lead the flock to spiritual understanding.

Not only are we in a time to unite humanity in peace, it is effort to calm the spiritual waters for smooth sailing in critical times. With the fish united together individually and clearly seen the SEAS gives the impression and intention for unity. Holy means being 'Whole' with unity with everyone.

The ministers of God do not choose one country over another. 

The Archbishop of Canterbury is senior bishop and principal leader of the Church of England. He is also symbolic head of the worldwide Anglican Communion. in addition to the diocesan bishop of the Diocese of Canterbury. 

Archbishop Rowan Williams is the 104th in a line which goes back more than 1400 years to St Augustine of Canterbury, the "Apostle to the English", in the year 597. 

The Bishop of Durham Justin Welby will be 105th.

Being liberal about women priests, one of Justin Welby's first responsibilities — which he openly welcomes — is with installing the first woman bishop in the Church of England.

This year more women globally are being called to actively serve in the spiritual ministry, instead of taking a back seat or passive role.

This image gives the impression of a crown elevated; hanging from the ceiling. 

Is this symbolic of the spiritual crown and being crowned from heaven? With electricity lighting the chandelier, controlled by corporate power, the appointment in the role might be too. 

Today the archbishop fills four main roles:

1) The diocesan bishop of the Diocese of Canterbury, covers the east of the County of Kent. Founded in 597, the oldest see in the English church.

2) Metropolitan archbishop of the Province of Canterbury, covers the southern two-thirds of England.

3) Primate of All England -  the chief religious figure of the Church of England (the British sovereign is Supreme governor of the church)  Together with the Archbishop of York, The Archbishop of Canterbury chairs the General Synod and many of the church's important boards and committees. 

The Archbishop of Canterbury plays a central role in national ceremonies including coronations.

4) As the spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, he holds no legal authority outside England, The Archbishop of Canterbury is identified and recognised by convention as primus inter pares (first among equals) of all Anglican primates worldwide.

The archbishop holds a number of other positions; for example, he is Joint President of the Council of Christians and Jews in the United Kingdom.

The Archbishop is identified as one of the "five great sees". The other four are York, London, Durham and Winchester. The Archbishop of Canterbury is ex officio one of the Lords Spiritual of the House of Lords. He is one of the highest-ranking men in England and the highest ranking non-royal in the United Kingdom's order of precedence.

The archbishop's main residence is Lambeth Palace in the London Borough of Lambeth. He also has lodgings in the Old Palace, Canterbury, located beside Canterbury Cathedral, where the Chair of St. Augustine sits.

Since Henry VIII broke with Rome, the Archbishops of Canterbury have been selected by the English (British since the Act of Union in 1707) monarch. Today the choice is made in the name of the monarch by the Prime Minister, from a shortlist of two selected by an ad-hoc committee called the Crown Nominations Commission.

Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, was favourite for the post. Suggestions that he may have lost ground due to some of his conservative views on social issues. 

The Mitre is showing John Sentamu is Guided by Christ.

Another of Bishop Welby’s rivals to succeed Dr Rowan Williams was Bishop of London the Rt Rev Richard Chartres. Chartres, is in France - is there more significance to the name?

Notice the French connection recurring and is a brand name too. 

These are signs not to ignore. France is where Mary Magdalene lived. France and Spain are where the descendants of the people who arrived fleeing from Jerusalem in the boat.

Wikipedia writes: 'In 1417 Chartres 'fell into the hands of the English, from whom it was recovered in 1432. It became seat of a Duchy in 1528. During the Wars of Religion, it was attacked unsuccessfully by the Protestants in 1568, and was taken in 1591 by Henry IV, who was crowned there three years afterwards.'

There is a message being revealed that whoever is called to be a spiritual leader, is not being measured by being the most eloquent of even with academic intelligence and accolades. 

...all that is needed is a pure heart pure intention witb selfless service. 

Trusting God in this role is vitally important too.

Justin Welby, newly appointed archbishop of Canterbury, at Lambeth Palace.

When Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Channel 4 asked Bishop Justin Welby if really believes in the Virgin Birth - without hesitation or a smile of the journalist's question, Welby replied, "I can recite the Creed without crossing my fingers at any point." 

Asked if he believed that Jesus was physically resurrected, he said without any hint of doubt, "Yes."

There is often 'something' that guides people to commit their lives to serve God. Once that connection is made, there with a commitment to do what we are called to do, to pray, assist healing and the upliftment of the human condition. We must abandon self interest to be available to enable other people on their spiritual journey. Once wise man said, many are called and only a few are chosen. 

Not everyone serving God in truth lives in a grand palace. Church the ministers of religion are many provided with a home and stipend. An interesting point told to me, whether true would need to be validated. All furnishings belong to the accommodation - not the officiate.

Tragedy hit Bishop Justin Welby's life.  In1983 his daughter, just a baby was killed in a car crash. It is possible with soul searching and prayer, this brought him closer to God while grieving. He attended the Alpha Course, an evangelical group within the Church of England. In 1989, he left his position as an oil executive choosing to dedicate his life and studies for ordination. 

Justin Welby had a fine start in life with being educated at Eton and Cambridge. He became an oil company executive straight out of university. Evidently Eton and Cambridge opens doors. Top jobs come with big salaries, expenses and other perks. There comes a time when we all examine our heart and prioritise why we are here and what we really must be doing in this life.

This is an era for understanding people as people, regardless of their nationality, cultural background, social or economical status. We are all reminded Jesus had no money and was born in a stable which still sends a clear message to those who lust for power over people - who are oppressed.

Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the great injustice that was planned and resulted with Jesus Christ being crucified - both officials and his associate condemned the innocent man to death. 

People have lost their way when turning God and churches and religion as a competition instead of understanding the powerful force beyond human manipulation is not the enemy that divides people. Geographically we are divided. Spiritually we can be united in one God. Through one God humanity is united as one family. In Christ, everyone has the opportunity to know God.

Christ gave people the instruction for people to go to their rooms and close the door to pray. There are no excuses. Many people find their faith after much disillusionment, with prayer. 

We are given the validation that even if we cannot get to church, there is no excuse or obstruction in your life that can stop you to pray. When barriers are put up, God breaks them down. 

When the path is blocked, He clears the path for you too. 

A personal relationship with God is full time, meaning 24/7.

England is a nation where millions of people say they are Christians and yet not everyone's heart is not open for all people, especially originating from other lands. So many people christened and yet how did people who are subjects of a 'devout' monarch become non believers? Does not add up.

As with Jesus being born in another land....He was and is Jewish. One cannot despise anyone who by nature of their birth is from the Middle East or Jewish. This reveals ignorance. 

Not everyone realises that the Middle East has been predominantly Orthodox Christians in history. Then six hundred years after Jesus was born, Prophet Muhammad was the unlikely chosen person to be given instruction - when angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him to 'recite'

Over a billion Muslims are not going to eagerly become Christians, if it means contradicting the truth given to them handed down over the generations. However, many will be or become Orthodox believers with waiting for Christ to return. They wait for the Imam Madhi (The Guided One)

For there to be peace in this world, there needs to be not just formal agreements between people to live in peace. Peace is made easier with people uniting from all faiths together. 

Yet without the state of our inner being wanting peace, and choosing to live in peace within, then the choppy waters and gales of negative energy can stir up emotions and reactions. 

There are so many misunderstandings and misinterpretation of the truth when there is no willingness for communication, even to resolve matters respecting everyone. Masses of people are divided in their views and classifications. We are human physical beings but we are spiritual beings too.

The nature of our spiritual essence is love. Pure love.

It does not mean as humans we will not feel sadness, sorrow and pain. As for many who have been called to serve God, they suffer even enduringly greatly. Our world torn apart and brought to our knees. Making a solemn promise to God is not a public declaration. God knows our heart.

All who have had their plans and world torn apart, God allowed it to happen...

The enemy comes to kill and destroy....remember this. 

The system in England is ruled by dark forces....this was said to me by a police officer in uniform. He then said th police have been given manuals on witchcraft and black magic.

Cannot really say much to that...when officials confess openly.

Many officials in England too scared to rock the boat.

The horrors of history have shown the most horrendous acts of torture resulting in the demise of someone who was disloyal to their their earthly master.

There is a lesson in this ...Serve God alone and do so without fear, shame or willingness to be complicit in any act of wrongdoing, or planned act to destroy anyone or take their life.