

Monday 24 December 2012

UK Royal Swans - Christmas Flood Message.

Will you be swanning around this Chistmas, or drowning your sorrows?

For many people Christmas will not be as they have known it to be. The cost of living has been hiked up in England and all those man made laws for profit,they are for profit. They have nothing to do with any thing Holy that is for sure.

So with more floods in UK this image caught my eye to share.

Here we see the swans gathered on the River Severn facing a building. The message that is given with balloons usually shown with reason to celebrate is:

Book Your Christmas Party NOW - Ask About Our Boxing Day Menu - Five Star New Years Eve Menu - THE QUAY.

Keeping in mind what we can see because this is relevent too.

There is a red brick building (the design reminds me of a Pelion mansion I wanted to buy in Greece years ago. Sounds grand but it was not. Pelion being in Thessaly; that was blocked) We see many windows and two entrances. Four windows below with a central opening looking like a fifth - above partly seen are 5 windows. The building is evidently closed for business. The swans are still gathering together.

Five Star we are reminded of the five pointed star and the path of Venus which forms a five star shape. Venus is feminine in nature and the energy is Love.

2012 is also totalling to number 5. On December 21, 2012 the Mayan calendar has identified th end of an era and if you look to the Holy Scriptures and read the Book of Revelation, the prophesies have been unfolding for some time now.

In the background we can just see a bridge - linking one location to another. Water is symbolic of emotions. The ocean is water and this is what unites land together. The Queen is Queen of the Seas.

The Queen of the Seas will have a connection to all people. The reason being because seas and rivers connect all lands. To be Queen by Right, is not to show favour over one people or another. The Queen of an Empire is an Empress. The World Kingdom is the Kingdom of God. Have people forgotten who is the Boss.

Swans are connected to the Queen - She is their protector. Notice the swans are gathered together and facing towards the steps that give the impression of an unfinished pyramid. This is the reminder of the all seeing eye on the dollar bill. Consider the cornerstone the builders rejected. We see the Royal pyramid not completed.

Every year unmarked swans are collected, weighed and registered - much like when we are born, we are weighed and registered by law and the Queen is supposed to be protecting the people. Because we are all related and descended from Adam and Eve, we are all equal in the eyes of God. With the Queen being Royal, so is everyone else. Not everyone has attained Spiritual Wholeness and Oneness with God, with the Crown Chakra.

A Quay is a concrete, stone, or metal platform lying alongside or projecting into water for loading and unloading ships. Water does not stop swans and ducks.

With the Quay - we are reminded of Key and keys open doors also gateways to understanding. A few weeks ago I had a dream where a lady gave me a bunch of keys - these were not only representing physical keys they also related to spiritual keys. In the ancient times, the Spiritual Crown was passed from our mother - the Isis Gene. The Holy Bible identifies the Crown of Life and this relates to empowering the people too.

Hundreds of homes and businesses have been affected. Are the royal family taking care of these people. Have they who account for £200 million a year income, opened the doors to the palaces to let these people be warm and fed over Christmas. The homeless toll in England is rising, not just from increased cost of living.

All the effort to promote and make William king, he is not Christ and he is not appointed by God. Already the signs are to clean up the area of land England of the royal ruling to make way for Christ. God rules this world, yet officials are not listening.

We see here 'Bargate Lane' is flooded. Be reminded of the Bar Council and the Barristers. With there being a refusal for justice, the authority of the Bar has been washed out now too. Gate relates to entrance and exit. We also see 30 here twice.

"For it was little which you had before I came, and it is now increased unto a multitude; and the LORD has blessed you since my coming: and now when shall I provide for my own house also?" Genesis 30:30

The River Severn is the longest river in the United Kingdom.. It flows through Shropshire, Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, with the county towns of Shrewsbury, Worcester, and Gloucester on its banks. The banks here are have burst and flooding - reflecting the wealth that has been amassed in many ways and taken from the people. People are paying for water and tap water deliberately poisoned, so people buy it in bottles. The landowners are not fools. They are running a racket here. To deliberately poison water for profit is bad enough - these toxins contribute to illness, cancer and brain disfunction.

Shrewbury is revealed for a reason. I had a buyer for my home and was about to buy number FIVE Shrewsbury Road Bolton when injured in a car accident and had to pull out. Had I bought the home, it would have allowed me to continue with my business intention because the premises were to become this. English lawyers and law courts would rather STEAL peoples homes and livelihood than administer justice and compensate as obliged to.

Remembering the article a few months ago with the French demanding the Crown Jewels as compensation - this included the Imperial Crown. It just happens that my French Grandmother was living and died not far from Angiers. Here in Bolton, the Twin Town is Le Mans and so all the connections are already written down in the divine plan.

All the ducking and diving by officials will not work. Time is up now!

In 1138, King Stephen besieged Shrewbury castle held by William FitzAlan for the Empress Maud during the period known as The Anarchy. The castle was briefly held by Llywelyn ap Iorwerth, prince of Wales, in 1215.

The Prince of Wales is the title of the ancient Kingdom of Wales and we see the Empress is revealed here too. Back in 1976 here in Bolton the Empress Club had a fire - coinsiding with my going to live in Greece. Replacing this was Spencer Snooker Club (Princess Diana was a Spencer) corresponds and there have been signs to say that Spencer Court is now demolished. The Spencer bloodline do not have right to rule land or the people.

They are not an authority over God and neither are any officials.

Furthermore, there is very suspicious circumstances in relation to Diana's death and I would even go as far to say a Satanic Ritual was involved. Officials in England know all about the evil that is happening and also people at the top who are involved.

The 'constitutional cris' was created when Diana and Charles divorced and he wanted to be with his lover. Once Diana was out of the way, he was free to marry and people accept this - where Edward abdicated to marry Mrs. Simpson. Weak willed men is a reminder for people to question who is the head of the Church and what does He and the church represent. There are churches set up for a profit making front. There are churches of God.

Not forgetting Diana, When her life was taken, the Princess of Wales also holding the title Countess of Manchester, passes on to Her rightful successor. There is a mystery of what happens from the heavenly realms. The All Seeing and Knowing God is for a reason that is true. With the Queen violating her Coronation oath, the Crown goes to who God has appointed - all the manipulation does not change this. We who are Royal by Right, do not sit and wait for this. Man made laws cannot take away anyones birthright.

The Queen being Duke of Lancaster includes Salford - meaning Sea Lord, and Bolton where I live. Manchester is the City where the Royal Court of Justice has committed crimes to be complicit in profiting from corruption in my personal experience also with theft of inheritance. The Queen took her Coronation oath to God Almighty.

A bridge that has been completely destroyed by the force of water in the village of Snapper, North Devon, near Barnstaple. Water is one of the elemental forces.

The second Royal Duchy in England is Cornwall. Since 21 years old, Prince Charles collects his income from the Duchy of Cornwall and Devon. Here a bridge in Devon has collapsed. Lawyers speak about the law of nature and now they should begin to see what this means, in context. If lawyers refuse to work for justice and courts allow corruption, there is consequence. When the Queen broke her coronation oath, this does not mean her sons or even her grandsons can take her place. Christ is a higher power than man.

People paid and unpaid, are helping the people. Here we see a lady being rescued. A while ago a lady was shouting at officials for not helping people in these floods. These floods are warnings in the Holy Scriptures. People need to realise that the officials took their oath of office and it is they who are being judged.

This is a time especially when everyone who works for the emergency services and especially all the volunteers are being acknowledged for the valuable service they give. Traditionally Christmas is not about materialism whatsoever. We are given the opportunity to realise that caring about people and helping people does not cost anything.

The people who have been impacted by these floods have also been witness of people coming together and acts of kindness from other people. It is such a shame that it takes disaster and catastrophe to bring people together and to value life. For the people who are opening their doors and sharing their food to people who have lack, this is the Christmas spirit that is traditional. We are rich if we have food to eat and shelter over our heads when many millions of people are starving and homeless in this world.

There is a golden opportunity for everyone to evolve spiritually.

About three years ago I had a dream that the land where I am living is flooded and did not understand it then. This is not just about rain falling. A shift is taking place cosmically and must also impact this earth too - this is universal laws.

We are in the age of Aquarius - Aquarius is related to the water bearer. We are reminded of the spiritual waters and the Word of God - Wisdom. The Oral law is associated with the Torah - the Writen Law. Sharing spiritual understanding is timely for people to understand the meaning of Spiritual Laws. This is the Age of Enlightenment!

Peace, Love and Best wishes
Pauline Maria