

Thursday 20 December 2012

Will You Remember Nurse Jacintha Saldanha?

When a telephone prank goes wrong

Leading up to Christmas 2012, this has been a tragic year for so many families who have lost loved ones. One family has been thrown into the media eyes unexpectedly and in very tragic circumstances. International news reported the most tragic death of nurse Jacintha Saldanha. 

Husband, Benedict Barboza, with son Junal and daughter Lisha are faced with losing the woman who was their rock, source of wisdom and encouragement to her family.

The loss of life of Jacintha was seen as an ultimate sacrifice - a dedicated lady of faith working in the healing profession and of value that people are being forced to consider carefully. This followed days after a hoax telephone call at King Edward VII hospital where Jacintha worked. December 4th 2012, two jokers from an Australian radio station telephoned the hospital and pretended to be the Queen and Charles.

Jacintha is remembered as nurse to the Queen (Elizabeth II)

At the time Kate Middleton was admitted into hospital reportedly with hyperemesis gravidarum - acute morning sickness. Women with this condition can be debilitated for weeks, if not months. The sickness is aggressive that expectant mothers find it impossible to keep down food and liquid. This can result in hospitalisation and being house bound, particularly with feeling profound weakness. 

The media hype of Kate Middleton created an unexpected situation.While working, Jacintha answered the telephone and put the call through to the staff nurse on duty. The nurse then gave details of Kate's condition during her shift - saying she had a restful and uneventful night.

Breach of security can be identified and revealing information about a patient that should have remained confidential, regardless who was calling. 

The hospital stay was an opportunity to heavily evoke public sympathy for Kate Middleton, coinciding with the timely announcement that if she has a daughter. A 'new law' for the commonwealth countries, she is said to be Queen. It seemed rather premature to announce that any unborn baby will be Queen and 'rule over people'. Psychological programming of the masses is in overdrive.. 

Consider also possible complications can occur in pregnancy, even if Kate is given the best of medical care. It is possible a genealogy trace was done, that would be to support this status. 

Meanwhile there were rushed through succession law amendments.

Another concern from a spiritual perspective, people are being coerced and seduced to give away their energy. With focus on Kate and her baby/s, people empower her and her children.

We can draw comparison with Diana and media popularity. Overdrive continued for over a decade beyond the car accident when Diana reportedly was killed.  In magnifying energy focus for power - masses of people suffer oppression by systematic abuse and human rights violations.

Introducing emotional element, any concern about Kate or her baby, people easily become emotionally attached. People are outpouring their love on Kate and her unborn baby as they did with Diana. Any speculation of William being king was planned and met with international approval.When Diana was pregnant, books; and PR, with ongoing public sympathy for 'her boys' support when she died. 

Jacintha is dead. NHS accountant, Benedict, her husband is demanding a full investigation. Evidently there are unanswered questions and possibly even suspicious circumstances. If this is so, this will surely be buried so deep and will never surface. Yet something might be amiss with this.

There is a reluctance, if not refusal to address issues and put right wrongs. Being honest - when first reading the story, the reported suicide of Dr. David Kelly (that was highly suspicious) came to my mind. We do not know the truth because we were not there. There is no law preventing the media from telling lies and omitting facts - this is how they manipulate people for agendas.

Jacintha's family and loved ones are grieving. To lose a mother and wife is going to be really difficult. Jacintha's husband could not bear to tell her elderly mother what happened and said she had been ill and died. No mother expects her child to die before her that is for sure.

People are emotionally torn with this situation. 

Is Kate a more valuable as a human being over nurse Jacintha? Not at all. In an ethically run hospital, every patient is equally of value for care and every member of staff is a valuable team member to assist healing. Without staff, doctors and nurses, the hospital would not run smoothly. Having pranksters call up in this situation was disregarding the vital service the hospital gives in society.

Jacintha did not seek public attention. She was a dedicated nurse who had made a personal sacrifice so her family could have a better life. She lived apart from her family when she was working and stayed in nurses accomodation. She had trained in a highly responsible and vital vocational career choice, assisting healing and saving lives.

The actual value David Cameron and Queen Elizabeth place on people in the healing profession is unknown. Having studied for decades to learn and understand, with 6 professional training for crediblity, my interest was to heal root causes of illness and this entails identifying root causes of illness. The Queen's court and officials even seeing evidence have declined to give me justice. I have little respect for a court that protects corruption and also one that supports the burying of evidence that will enable justice.

A drastic end of life by hanging, for someone who was not responsible for confidential patient disclosure, naturally raises questions and suspicions. The conversation transcript was documented in the Daily Mail. When first hearing about Kate being admitted, again being really honest, I thought she might have had food poisoning or a tummy bug.

Much emphasis is given in this situation in the media for a reason.

The more people try to silence the truth, the truth is going to come to light anyway. Why is Kate Middleton being glorified, where people so willingly see her to be a Queen over them? People are 'sensing something is not right' yet they are not putting their finger on what it is. When you peel away the layers of illusion you have been sold, you might stop putting yourself in a lesser position than someone who has a given title.

If Jacintha was a recognised Royal Princess, globally people would be grieving now and 10 years on still speaking how they miss her. People are idolising Kate who gives nothing of herself to YOU! Jacintha is a lady who gave her heart and soul to help people - yet this is a lady that many British people want to quickly forget. That is not going to happen. This lady' life is not going to be forgotten - Jacintha is not meant to be forgotten. People are warned about false idols. Be very careful of false idol worship (Kate) and become aware that you are giving your power away to people who might be exploiting you.

Questions that came to my mind was if Jacintha was reprimanded and if so, why? There is just something about this story that does not add up. If Kate Middleton was not at the hospital, would Jacintha be alive today? Did Jacintha know something? There are many layers to this situation. The dynamic impacts everyone involved. It is easy to blame when tradegy happens. The media and British establishment must take responsibility too.

Jacintha could well have been a conscientious lady who could not live with herself by putting through a prank telephone. A highly intelligent lady who had studied advance nursing with a family and children - a private nurse to the Queen, (it is unclear if Kate has been crowned Queen overseas, explaining why William over reacted with this being exposed and if so, does Queen Elisabeth encourage deception to the people?)

David Cameron publically said there are many lessons to be learned from this. William and Kate sent their condolences via staff at St. James Palace, residence of the sovereign for hundreds of years. Princess Diana lived here with Charles and their sons, until her divorce when she moved out to live in Kensington Palace. Charles was crowned in the ancient Kingdom of Wales and Wiliam has been given the title ruler of Scotland.

Lesson: In a time for people to weigh up what is most important. Christmas time is a very emotive time where millions of people remember loved ones the have lost. Jacintha's family and friends, associates and complete strangers will be thinking of the tragic loss of Jacintha to her family. Many thousands of people are praying for the family.

After hearing of Jacintha's death, students from a nursing college in Bangalore, India, holding up a poster of Jacintha, held at a candlelit vigil organised in her memory. The nurses were in prayer for Jacintha's departed soul.

A memorial took place inside St Teresa Church, Bristol, with family and friends of the 46-year-old nurse in attendance, We are reminded of Mother Theresa, a dedicated lady who gave her life as a servant of Christ to help humanity.

The family were gathered to light candles and say prayers for their mother. Notice the image here is revealing the spiritual colors. King David wore Purple with being guided by the Holy Spirit. The colour purple is Royal purple - this is the spiritual colour purple. The image shows Jacintha's son being surrounded by the purple. We get the impression from this that he is being comforted with spiritual love from his mother. Many people originating from India have developed their spiritual eye. They are evolved souls.

Jacintha is pictured surrounded by white and purple light - Purple is the third eye chakra colour - white is crown chakra enlightenment and pure soul consciousness. People recognise Jacintha as being evolved spiritually and understand her soul will go on.

In Jacintha's career to assist healing, this would have been Jacintha's spiritual calling - as both my mother and myself were called to assist healing too. We might know why we are born and what we are called to do - we do not always see the way that we are meant to be working. My mother who became paralysed - then become an inspiration to many and consultant for medical experts around the world. Jacintha did not want to be famous, unlike Kate, yet her greatest work can be to inspire many thousands of nurses around the world in relation to profesional ethics and setting the standard of dedication in the profession.

And with Jacintha being evolved spiritually, she would be divinely guided and what was meant to come to her attention would have been so. We are being shown this also with the reminder that Jacintha is also important now in implementing the DIVINE PLAN.

Last Saturday, Westminster Cathedral in London held a Mass. The family were outside and gave their messages that was recorded by the media. I cannot imagine the pain and turmoil this family, but I have felt the physical pain of losing my mother. This is a family who have held the love of Jacintha even with her working some distance away. To realise that she is taken from this life is going to be felt physically by the family.

In looking at the exterior of the building, the archway reminds me of the entrance to Heath Hall. Heath means health. The Church traditionally is a house of prayer and healing. The ancient Greek Holy Temple was for prayer and therapeutic healing. Our mind, body and soul are connected. In ancient times only a priest or priestess, would assist in this process with prayer intercession and spiritual guidance given in counselling.

Westminster Cathedral is built with Byzantine style and inside neo Byzantine mosaics. Notice a Royal Princess wearing a diadem (crown) carrying a palm leaf. Here is the Princess of Peace. This is physical evidence to show the Byzantine lineage MtDNA is important for the Crown. Hagia Sophia in Istambul was a Byzantine Cathedral built to honor the Holy Mother Mary. In this place once stood the Temple of Athena that was destroyed during an earthquake. God does not change His truth. He does not change His mind or His Laws either.

Jacintha cannot be easily forgotten. The 4th of December when she took the phonecall at the hospital was the date of Athena, my mother's birthday. Since a little girl I have sensed connection with people in India. My grandmother was born in Asia Minor - Hagia Sophia in Istambul connects Asia and Europe. With Christ spending time in India, he has connected India and Europe together for a reason too.

Jacintha was reported dead at 9.30am and I want to share a scriture in relation to these numbers for they are for a reason. If we consider that everyone is related, not everyone considers that people from a different faith or culture has value to share in relation to spiritual understanding or being important in the divine plan. Everyone is!

"What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have obtained it, a righteousness that is by faith" Romans 9:30

With the reminder that Benedict, Jacinthas husband wants a full investigation into what happened at the hospital - if he was not a man of faith, he would not be solid in his faith and demanding the truth to be given. In my position, I am demanding that Brition brings an end to all the corruption taking place and it is time to implement ethical standards in every profesiosn that are not loose or to be taken for granted.

Jacintha died on 7th December with the reminder of 7 and the Spiritual laws. The seventh law was the Establishment of the Court of Justice. How many times this has come to light is for a reason - Spencer court in 'newcastle' has been shown to be demolished.

On 7th December 1965 – Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras simultaneously revoked mutual excommunications that had been in place since 1054. The true beleivers are surely united in wanting to live in a world with peace, no war and no injustice. When people are divided - they can be easily turned against each other. We must look right to the top to the people in the positions of reponsibility to set this standard for peace and healing.

I am unable to bring Jacintha back and did not know the lady personally. However, a great many people in England and India will keep her memory alive. Jacintha is an inspirational light to training nurses and sets an ethical standard for being very conscientious in a highly responsible profession that humanity is unable to do without. Healers are necessary for saving humanity - both Jesus Christ and his mother were healers.

For anyone to take their life it is considered to be a very serious sin and so there is justified questions and answers that must be given as to why a mother who was deeply religious would drasticly end her life. What is most certain, the All Seeing and All Knowing God, knows everything that has happened behind closed doors - He knows what is written in our hearts and in our minds. Jacintha, might have cried many tears behind closed doors. He sees and knows everything that is going on behind closed doors too.

A memorial service took place for Jacintha before her burial that was attended by 4000 mourners in India. Jacintha, an unknown lady, was loved and respected by the masses at home in India and merited respect has been given by the masses internationally.

Jacintha's final resing place took place, where her body was flown overseas to be settled at Shirva, Karnataka at Our Lady of Health Church. In the divine plan, this is exactly where she is meant to be with the reminder of the healing lady. Perhaps Jacintha was inspired by the Holy Mother Mary with her healing work. Mother Theresa is also an inspiration to many women who are nurses, carers and cousellors. India is the healing land of the Holy Divine Mother - the land where knowlege of the soul has been given to the people.

Being baptised Greek Orthodox I see Jesus Christ as My King and KNOW Kate Middleton is not anointed to be His Queen! Furthermore, because the Queen has violated her coronation oath, with the help of her officials, the land has come again under the Rulership of God Almighty - with divine timing the Biblical Jubilee Laws also apply too now.

Globally millions of people are praying for peace. Hurting people are not at peace. People who are without justice are not with peace. We can pray for healing and send love to people who are hurting in our world. Time does not bring back loved ones. I just hope that Jacintha's family can remember the love and wisdom she gave and treasure this.

Ethical people who are working in the system are very rare these days. There are people who do not back down and shy away from injustice - they do not do silence.

My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Jacintha.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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