

Saturday 23 March 2013

105th Archbishop of Canterbury - Justin Welby

Members of religious faiths listened to Archbishop Justin speaking passionately about abolition of slavery, while the article identifies 'to Christianity'. No mention of slavery to man made laws, or innocent people enslaved in prison. There is another major concern is people becoming enslaved to debt and contracts being pushed to get people to change services. This could be to serve the interests of the people who own the companies and the shareholders. Sales people need to be careful of misrepersentation. A crime.

Former oil executive, Justin Welby today took his place on the throne of St Augustine, as the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury. He called for 'our courage to be liberated, for God to act among us and for human beings to flourish'.

'Rapturous applause thundered through Canterbury Cathedral as the new head of the Church of England was enthroned - the leader of 77million Anglicans worldwide and the head of church in turmoil.

And in a moment of history, the Venerable Sheila Watson, archdeacon of Canterbury, took a central role in the proceedings. It is the first time an Archbishop has been enthroned by a woman.'

Not so long ago, there was a vote to prevent women to be priests. However, woth of the most known High priestess in the whole world was the Virgin Mary, mother of Christ. Also Mary Magdalene was prepared by Christ to continue His church.

'Arriving in the historic building, the Archbishop was greeted by 17-year-old Evangeline Kanagasooriam, a young member of the Anglican Communion. As he stood just inside the West Door, the teenager asked a number of questions about himself and the purpose on seeking admission to the cathedral.'

Evangeline Kanagasooriam greeted him, saying: 'We greet you in the name of Christ. Who are you and why do you request entry?'

The Archbishop replied: 'I am Justin, a servant of Jesus Christ, and I come as one seeking the grace of God, to travel with you in his service together.'

Evangeline added: 'Why have you been sent to us?'

The Archbishop replied: 'I am sent as Archbishop to serve you, to proclaim the love of Christ and with you to worship and love him with heart and soul, mind and strength.'

Evangeline went on to ask: 'How do you come among us and with what confidence?'

The Archbishop said: 'I come knowing nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified, and in weakness and fear and in much trembling.'

Evangeline then said to him: 'Let us then humble ourselves before God and together seek his mercy and strength.'

Following the official installation, Mr Welby delivered a sermon which he began with a joke, saying: 'It's got a good reverberation, this cathedral.'

"The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu asked Archbishop to swear an oath of faithfulness to the Church of England and an oath of faithfulness to the Queen of England."

He made a reference to the installation of Pope Francis in Rome earlier this week, and also alluded to the controversy over the Church's intervention in the debate over benefits reform.

He also had a message for Britain as a whole, warning the country against 'severing its roots' in Christianity as he attributed important social movements such as the abolition of slavery to the influence of religion.

Mr Welby said: 'For more than 1,000 years this country has to one degree or another sought to recognise that Jesus is the son of God; by the ordering of its society, by its laws, by its sense of community.'

In an attempt to overcome political divisions between Left and Right, the Archbishop said: 'Today we may properly differ on the degrees of state and private responsibility in a health society.

'But if we sever our roots in Christ we abandon the stability which enables good decision making. There can be no final justice, or security or love or hope in our society if it is not based on rootedness in Christ.'

He warned that modern-day challenges on issues such as the environment, the economy and tackling global poverty could only be faced with 'extraordinary Christ-liberated courage'.

Around 50 protesters gathered near the cathedral to demonstrate against the Coalition Government's austerity programme ahead of the Prime Minister's arrival.Campaigners who had gathered for the protest which they had dubbed a 'Carnival Against the Cuts' waved placards including 'Cuts are crippling me' and 'Fight the bedroom tax'.

Keith Woods, of Keep Our NHS Public, said: 'This isn't a protest against royalty or the church because Justin Welby has been a supporter of what we are fighting for.

'But we couldn't let this occasion pass with David Cameron being here without saying we don't agree to the cuts that are hitting the poorest in society.'

Prince Charles and Camilla dressed in Royal Purple attend the enthronement ceremony.

Here the Orthodox Priests arrive. The gentleman smiling, reminds me of an Ukranian Orthodox Priest who informed me about the inauguration of Pope Francis with our Ecumenical Patriarche being present after 1000 years Schism. I was able to share some information that has been revealed to me with Christ wearing His Crown. The issue of the Spiritual Crown cannot be silenced forever.

Archbishop of York John Sentmu has an expression on his face is if to say, stay calm and trust.

Archbishop of London Richard Chartres - the man who said during Kate and William's wedding that every wedding should be a royal wedding he is right. Learning to understand the invisible hand of God is ever present, he did not decide that Kate Middleton would be a more superior being over everyone else. He did not decide the Queen to be either and she knows this.

The bringing together of people from different faiths is necessary for peace in our world. The Buddha spoke at the time of a great teacher who will be born - being Jesus Christ and people were expecting him all over the world.

Meditation is not in conflict with each other - both go together like a hand fits into a glove.

Justin Welby prayed as he was enthroned. He was installed by the Archdeacon of Canterbury as Bishop of the See of Canterbury and Primate of All England. Now he insists the Church must focus on combating global poverty and protecting the environment.

'The ceremony coincides with the feast day of St Benedict of Monte Cassino, a significant figure for both Canterbury Cathedral - which was once a Benedictine monastery - and Mr Welby, who is an oblate of the Order of Benedict.'

Carefully planned events on specific dates are for a reason. Two of my great aunties chose to be Benedictine nuns. Again the connection to the Holy Land is shown also I lived in Kent in my early years - much warmer than 200 miles away.

We are all exactly where we are meant to be for a reason. It is easy to open the Holy Bible and read translated scripture. Sacred Magesterium (Holy Majesty) means to interpret and serve the Word of God - being guided by the Holy Spirit of God. Divine guidance comes in so many different ways and is for everyone to understand, so they may be guided in truth and see also that prayers are being heard and answered - sincere prayers are never ignored. Someone somewhere is praying for you and for me too.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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