

Sunday 24 March 2013

Peter Kay Comic Relief UK 'Sit Down' Tour

Every intention to post this at the time and did apologies.

Just before the New Pope Francis was elected and officially welcomed internationally - people were speculating who would be elected and why. Political justifications were given when actually, being a servant of Christ is a spiritual calling. There is not one person involved in bringing people together - in different ways, different people are touching hearts and lives.

In our world there are so we many real and pressing issues to address. The priority of Christ would be to take care of the most needy and vulnerable people in our world. There are hungry, homeless and people without clothes today - in a throw away society. Throughout the UK, there are people who are homeless, struggling and injustice is rife. People are suffering in silence.

Comic Relief is an annual major national fundraiser that is heavily promoted in UK. So many people get involved in their unique way and with songs carrying messages the 2013 message is an important one for everyone to hear.

The 2013 Peter Kay a commedian from Bolton in England travelled UK on a bright red motorised two seater Chesterfield with his entourage, raising money for Comic Relief. Peter Kays stand up - sit down tour, witnessed him sitting down on his travels, in cold winter British weather conditions for this cause. As with everything there is always a bigger picture to consider.

Bolton has been highlighted with the Olympic arena support and Mittal Orbital tower being built here. For Peter to decide to contribute in this way - in the first instance, remembering Saint Peter, one of the 12 Apostles who was ordained by Jesus Christ. The Parish Church in Bolton is Saint Peter's on Churchgate. Saint Peter was chief of the Apostles. Everything connects together.

Peter Kay was raised a Catholic and went to Mount Saint Joseph's School in Bolton. The Catholic Church and Saint Joseph are connected with Joseph of the family of Christ and Patron Saint of the Church. The meaning of Church can relate to a family and assembly of people. The gathering together of people in harmoney and peace has not always taken place a church.

With Chesterfield, Chester is a city in England. With Peter being a man, this connects with Manchester. Field is ground. Red and white are the colours of Manchester United football team. Putting everything together we see Manchester is uniting the whole of UK. Bolton is in Lancashire County - Greater Manchester. Manchester is now promoted as EVENT CITY. Eve NT. (New Testament?)

Bolton is situated in the Royal Duchy of Lancaster. Queen Elizabeth II is Duke of Lancaster. Prince Charles was given titles including Earl of Chester. Princess Diana was Countess of Chester. Time has progressed since Diana was killed, people still remember. The truth might be buried - what is relevant to know is going to come to light anyway. What is most relevant is that it is known right at the very top, that people are appointed as God's servants on this earth. When people block this, they are preventing people from knowing that there is a far higher power beyond human manipulation. With overlords, people in our world are not FREE!

Initially seeing Peter with this white outfit and hat, the pope came to mind. The Pope wears red leather shoes and so with sitting on the red leather chesterfield intended or not, Peter brings awareness of the Pope who is spiritually called to serve.

Bolton's Saint Peter's Parish Church and Saint Peter's Bassilica in Rome refers to the same person. In Christ and his Apostles there should be no conflict whatsoever. The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, is known as Westminster Abbey.

In Bolton is Trinity Street Station. Opposite this on the crossing is Holy Trinity Church that is closed and boarded up. Attempts for charities and even developers to change the building has failed. Not meant to be. The Church consecration ceremony was performed by the Bishop of Chester, in whose diocese Bolton was situated till the Manchester diocese was formed in 1847.

The Holy Trinity Church is situated on land called 'Sweet Green' - a green is grassland or field. Again we are shown how Chesterfield and Mancheseter are connected in a physical realitity, plus Bolton connects with Peter Kay personally.

In seeing the photograph with Peter and the two handled spade, I laughed, with having bought one for my flower bed the day before. Two hands are certainly better than one and in different ways we are reminded of this. There is also the acute reminder that eveerything that is happening, gifts that are being given, even the healing plants are carrying messages too.

My connection to Peter Kay is living in his hometown. Quite uncanny the song above is about Maria.

The 1890 coat of arms. Bolton adopted the motto Supera Moras meaning to "Overcome Delays".

Eerything happens in the right time and not before. Everything happens with divine timing. We are all part of this amazing drama called life and all instrumental in each others growth and learning. Sometimes we experience pain and loss so other people can learn the lesson. No one can go through life causing loss and suffering and expect grace and favour 'a ticket to heaven'.

The ancient past and present time are actually connected. History can relate to 50 100, 500, 1600, 2000, 3500 years ago. Truth will never change. The Holy Bible consists of the Old and New Testament. The collection of books were written up to over 3000 years ago. The 7 ancient churches, people, places, all have meaning and we are the living descendants.

Saint Joseph is the Patron Saint of the Catholic Church. Catholic actually means Universal. Pope Benedict XVI name is Joseph Ratzinger. The New Pope was inaugurated on Saint Joseph's day. We are not meant to forget the origins.

On the corner of Minerva Road, leading to Royal Bolton Hospital a sign caught my attention. Mount St. Joseph Business & Enterprise College address is Greenland Road. Minerva is a Roman goddess of Wisdom; also known as Minerva of Peace.

Saint Joseph, Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mother Saint Mary (Maria in Latin) are an eternal Spiritual family. Saint is meaning these people are sanctified and officially recognised intercessors of prayer with miracles taking place.

£78 million was raised for Comic Relief. British people know how to generate the feel good factor. Most of that money will have come from people who have very little and even children were giving their pocket money. We can continue to give in other ways and not lose the giving spirit by keeping our hearts open and caring about each other. This is the meaning of 'community spirit'

In 2005 Peter Kay released 'Is This The Way To Amarillo' alongside Tony Christie to raise money for the charity. The song stayed at the of the charts for seven weeks and 1.31 million copies. The video features many people singing along with Peter 'on a journey' - one being a few seconds with Jimmy Savile who has been exposed in the media as a pedophile. The reality is there are masses of pedophiles in Britain alone. One media report documented 165,000 hits to child porn websites a day. We must face this!

The song written by Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield is about a man traveling to Amarillo to find his girlfriend. Amarillo was chosen place name because rhymed with "willow" and "pillow". The song was originally to be titled, "Is This the Way to Pensacola" referring to Pensacola, Florida, but Sedaka felt that Amarillo worked better than Pensacola.

Pensacola is nicknamed "The City of Five Flags" due to the five governments that have flown flags over it during its history: the flags of Spain (Castile), France, Great Britain, the Confederate States of America, and the United States.

At Pensacola in Florida is Plaza de Luna - City of the Moon. Here in Bolton is Orlando Bridge leading to the car park at Trinity Street Station. Orlando is in Florida - You can dismiss all these connections. Or, realise everything is connected!

With Florida - I always think of Florida Oranges. Orange is in France. Also in California America is Orange County. There is a Royal House of Orange. In 2004 the first French Market came to Bolton; held on Victoria Square. The Road that runs around the Town Hall is Le Mans Crescent. Being part French from my father's family - My French Grandmother lived close to Le Mans in France.

Since 2004 the British legal system has refused to rectify their miscarriages of justice. So with last year the media reported on the French are demanding the Crown 'as compensation' - they cannot stall doing right by the people forever. Police and lawyers have spoken of many innocent people in prison. Prison officers say many people in prison should not be there at all.

"For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light." Luke 8:17

Comic Relief raises money for real causes. Decisions can be made to prevent people suffering. Sometimes the cure of an illness is not a medicine - we must look to the cause of the illness and heal that.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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