

Wednesday 31 July 2013

UK 6000 Beds In Sheds - Thermal Camera

The Daily Mail report of 6000 beds in sheds calculated by a thermal camera. Just to show the capability of the spying government, they send out this message. These cameras are used to trace criminals when they are on the run and can detect in the dark.

It would be a very interesting disclosure to know who owns the big rent private properties in London that the government is funding. Learning of a family gaining £7000 a month housing benefit, the landlords are rubbing their hands!

Big Brother government spying on people are being watched too. The expression as above so below. As people are being spied on in their homes, this is reflecting the clear seeing and exposure that is taking place with officials too.

While the Orwellian state is here, is there a book named Animal Farm?

Bluesky is identified with Slough Borough Council. In another Copyright Image Bluesky Internation Ltd - with the Ltd, this shows this is a corporate set up and perhaps the government are paying well with contracts. For what purpose who knows.

The potential to use technology both on the ground and from above, whether the skies and satellites can enhance human life and our world. However the capability to monitor and spy on our every move is already happening. To what ends will this be?

Article with images said to be captured by the thermal camera in the link below. In the public interest, sometimes it is necessary to bring to light what is going on and what is being exposed to the people. The Daily Mail publish a number of articles every day and so by bring this here, it is so that the information and original article is not lost and forgotten by the people.

Before I close, on camera filmed is Kate Middleton's Uncle Gary who actually said he is going to be the Duke of Slough and have his own wing in Buckingham Palace called the Goldsmith wing. Was he joking? The guy is a businessman, like his sister Carole.

What is particularly interesting, Uncle Gary has in his home a menorah and he might well know what this stands for too. Not seeing a close up, the impression is of black candles on top. These can be used in mourning.

Shabbat Chazon - the Shabbat of fortelling. 'Rabbi Mendel Hirsch points out, the prophet does not lament because the Bet HaMikdash (The Temple in Jerusalem) was destroyed; rather he laments over the underlying causes of that destruction. '

First born Jewish males are instrumental in whatever way God chooses. Gary is who he is. The reality is many millions of people take drugs, and cocaine is apparently the social recreational drug for many party people. There is still a person, even if there is a bad boy image and one that is not prepared to bow down to William.

If Kate and William became King and Queen, they could make Gary Duke of Slough! The UK has many people with 'given titles'.

People have said Kate Middleton will bring down the monarchy - she is, as we all are, an instrument. If the monarchy is to be brought down exposing the illegitimate bloodline and inclination to sorcery, rather that than war. For years, the British establishment have refused to abide by their obligations in relation to Justice and the government is on the Queen's shoulders.

If we are to compare the huge palaces and landed estates that have been held in trust fro a very long time, these have been passed down from generation to generation, no inheritance tax. How do they pay their gas and electric bills? The Duke of Edinburgh has been the President of the Lands in trust and his grandson, William is to take over. As long as people are struggling to get by, paying their bills on time and obeying the laws made by the government, there are people who see the common people as peasants.

The system in England has been designed to keep people down and conforming.

In closing, while I have shared observations of photographic and video evidence of Kate Middleton, everyone has been given this to see clearly. Already is it known that the Crown has been stolen 'Jewish people know of the Crown of Torah'.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright Infringement intended

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