

Thursday 1 August 2013

Simon Cowell is Going To Be a Daddy

Just learned from the news announcing that Simon Cowell is going to have a baby with Lauren Silverman. Simon's mum Julie is 'Delighted'. Julie for many years has wanted to see her son settle down. This would be a great gift to his mother.

Lauren Silverman is still married to Simon's friend Andrew Silverman, a real estate tycoon. Earlier in the year the photographers captured images of the three people on a boat and repeated these with the story, showing affection between the couple. While the media are portraying the story, the reality is known between the people involved. The complex situation has been spilled to the world media now.

According the the Daily Mail, apparently there were issues in the marriage. Apparently Andrew's parents did not approve and did not turn up to their wedding. When there is conflict like this, it can take the strain. There is a child between the couple an however complicated this has turned out, there are likely to be lessons learned too.

Once the cracks start to show in a relationship, unless they are healed, the gap can become wider. When people are friends, already there is connection made for a relationship to develop. If boundaries are not in place, temptations can arise.

The step-mother of Lauren has responded with the news of this baby 'Beautiful' and 'a blessing' - every baby born naturally between to people is a gift of life. Rosie Davis who is married to Laurens father Steven said 'We are all excited about the baby'.

Simon's biography 'sweet revenge' made me wonder if he was being blackmailed.

Over three years, occasionally Simon appeared in my dreams - even though we do not communicate as friends. Each dream has a message and sometimes showing me something that was going to happen. One was before he went on to have his own show. From these dreams, I was shown to take notice of all my dreams because they are giving messages that are relevant to understand.

One dream with Simon, a lady had his baby. They arrived 'home' together. The lady was nursing a baby in one room, while Simon was in another part of the house. The house appeared to be a bungalow - it was nighttime. One room had white wall cupboards with the lower part having a storage area - I was holding a book on Psychology. Simon was changing the kitchen cupboards that were 'silver with his initials in large letters and the date November 11 2011. In my dream I gave 'a Crystal ball' as a gift. (strange)

Obviously time passed and no wedding or baby came along on November IIth. I did wonder if 11.11.11 was a wedding date with the Kitchen cupboards and not knowing if this date was significant to this man and his life. The dream was before this. It was not long after this I learned that Simon had an interest in Psychology and has a collection of books. Again validated.

Months before the announcement of the break up between Simon and Teri Seymour, in a dream, Teri and I were together and she said their relationship was over. Months later, the break up was announced in the media, giving Teri time was validated too.

When Mezghan Hussainy came on the scene, Simon announced to Piers Morgan he thought this lady was the one. The exotic Middle Eastern beauty with long dark hair is a look he is attracted to. Evidently the relationship with Mezghan who is from Afghanistan did not work out. Still this relationship was certainly meant to happen as it did, even if it did not work out. There are reasons and lessons to learn. If I recall, her ex boyfriend learned of the relationship with Simon through the media.

Afghanistan was meant to come to my attention (and everyone else considering there is a war taking place - Why?) In learning of a ring belonging to Athena was found in the Royal tombs there and Athena being my mother's name, 'the lost Royal tombs' are found. It is unknown if Mezhghan is from this lineage. If so there is the possibility of being related to her.

Sinita Malone and Simon go back such a long way. Their close friendship is bonded by her children because Simon is their Godfather. So whoever Simon is to share his life with, Sinita and the children come along as part of the package too.

Simon has put all his energy into work and distractions since his father died. On the day that should have been a day of celebration when his band made number one, was the day his father died. The guy could become a multi-billionaire, and that hole that was created would be difficult to fill. I wonder if the loss in his life was so deep, he blocked getting close to someone emotionally.

Men get broody 'when they are ready'. In Jewish people, family is important and children in a marriage are are a fruitful marriage. The singletons watching friends and family settling down, may have seen divorces and people playing around. Someone who takes marriage seriously will think twice. Someone who has witnessed betrayal and ugly divorces might not be quick to rush in.

Knowing people who have met the man, one male friend told me he likes the ladies. Another dear friend in Beverly Hills says he is actually very shy and has a really generous heart. She told me Mr. Nasty is an act and he often goes and apologies to people in case he was too hard on them. So the man who is the entertainer to millions of people, is apparently very shy too.

A man in a position with plenty of opportunity, fame has it's liabilities too. A man who has said doubts he will never settle down, yet is not celibate evidently seeks some comfort. Some time back the media reported of a woman who broke into his house. Not knowing if they had some relationship - to discover someone had broken and entered home would freak out most people.

Casual relationships can never bring the fulfillment of a loving bond.

Julie Cowell is her own person, very much a mum for her children and a rock in Simon's life. Their relationship 'is special' and an indication of the close bond that Simon can have with a life partner that allows honesty and laughter too.

Whether people are meant to be together or not will tell as time unfolds. Relationships take work. If this baby is born, this is exactly how it is meant to be. Deep down in his heart, maybe Simon was contemplating being a father for this to happen.

The media report is clear to say that it wasn't until the couple ended their union around a year ago that Lauren's friendship with Simon turned to romance. According to the report Mr. Silverman filed his affidavit on July 24th. Not knowing if this marriage was enduring in paper only, obviously with a baby on the way and photographs of a wife showing affection to another man, it is over now.

Friends of Lauren have spoken out to say is expecting Simon's Baby.

'Lauren loves Simon, she says that she wants to marry him. And with the baby, she's going the right way about it! But I think this could be really good for Simon.'

Now with the baby announcement, the media has reported that her husband has filed divorce papers. The report says that the baby has been said to be conceived after Lauren's marital relationship had come to an end. There are people who have married and yet they stay together, sleeping in separate bedrooms. Under such conditions, affectionate people seek affection.

When a baby comes along with someone else - a decision has to be made. We only know what the media report publish. This might not be truth. At least with a divorce, Lauren will be free to marry and time will tell if the most televised wedding will take place. Also Andrew will be free to marry someone who is right for him - there are surely women who are faithful.

Life is full of twists and turns, heartache and heartbreak. So much heartbreak would be saved if people got together for all the right reasons and build their relationship by sharing from the heart and creating emotional bonds.

Simon remains on good terms with his girlfriends. His inability to settle down could have been rooted in a past relationship or because of the opening of his heart to suffer another loss, if he lost someone he loved. Only he knows his truth. What is certain, eventually everyone has to become self aware of the emotional chaos because of casual and non committed relations.

In maturity we learn take care of our heart and make wiser choices. When someone is living his life surrounded by so many people, in work and socially, I can see why he values quiet time in solitude too. It is peaceful.

Sometimes the most powerful people are the most vulnerable. The strongest and challenging of personalities - the most soft inside. The most comical people might be masking tears - and this one way people send out mixed messages. Not just saying what they do not mean. In England, many men would rather tell a lie than admit the truth. Many men drift instead of listening to their heart and mind. We live in a world where people wear masks and say they are feeling fine when they are not.

I hope for all concerned that there is a happy ending. There is of course the harem of women friends, with individuals who might be thinking 'why her and not me?'. Silly question. This is a time when emotions run high, yet one day this was inevitable.

With Simon rushing to the lawyer, I am sure will want to do right by a child of his, whether the relationship becomes a solid commitment together or if they live separately. Recalling a few years ago when he had to leave most of his fortune to children and animal charities. Am also reading the reports where this lady said up to 6 months ago she is going to have his baby.

Many women get pregnant to trap a man into marriage. Manipulating with any method for a relationship with someone might end up in tears, or two strangers living separate lives. The cheating lover does not always end up in a faithful relationship if they marry again. Then speaking with a lady, who was trapped in a horrendous situation it was moreso because she visited someone who did a spell with locks of his hair for them to be together. Yes this really does happen and it is going against people's free will.

There are also people who think the grass is greener elsewhere. With every relationship, you swap on set of problems with another.

Simon Cowell is going to be a daddy....sitting with the radio on and listening to this being repeated is big news, with several articles about this just in the Daily Mail. It would be bigger news for the world discovered that Simon Cowell is eligible to be King of England! This 2012 BGT commerical has just come to mind...The man has a mission - to find another star this year!

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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