

Saturday 17 August 2013

Lady Gaga, Ryan Seacrest, Katy Perry - Why?

Lady Gage, Ryan Seacrest and Katy Perry - in this article the three have been shown to be pictured together and being friends too, there is a whole lot more that can come to light.

The Daily Mail has published more photographs. Here creative expressive Lady Gaga wearing black with colours on her face - not getting a good feeling about this, I was unsure of the message. 

The second day the headline said 'war paint' - Thanks DM. In case people have forgotten, wars have been taking place. There are people who want to silence the truth. There are people who want to speak the truth and are unable to. Also there is no law to prevent the media from writing lies.

The first impression I had of this is a warning - not a good feeling at all - 'as if' with facial expression and wearing black, 'black and blue being bruised. Has Lady Gaga been threatened? 

Ryan Seacrest - the man, a presenter from American Idol. Ryan is involved in radio broadcasting and television reality shows. Ryan is another person who is working in the public eye and behind the scenes. Ryan has been instrumental to raise awareness of Iran and Turkey. 

Ryan is also wearing 'war paint' with an unhappy face.

Katy Perry, who I have yet to share photos from her 'Killer Queen' perfume promotion, with sitting on a throne chair. Katy has clarified the 'Killer Queen' name choice is from Freddy Mercury's song of a lady who is strong, bold and can command attention - not a cold blooded killer. 

The message is there in the name, but what is the true message?

Katy Perry wearing grey at Jf Kennedy airport in New York, with Converse Trainers.  Dark glasses hide her bright blue eyes. On top of her head is a grey band. JF Kennedy's famous speech about secret oaths and secret societies was not just about America. Is this a coincidence too?

The Kennedy's have family ties in England as do many Americans. 

The Kennedy family have been vocal and remind people, can use your voice too. 

Many entertainers use creative expression to share truth.

Converse means to communicate. Converse invites understanding. 

'Noun - A situation, object, or statement that is the reverse of another, or that corresponds to it but with certain terms transposed. 
Adjective: Having characteristics that are the reverse of something else already mentioned. 

With Katy walking in Converse Trainers, we can look at both sides. With what we see. we can also get to consider what is the reverse of any message being given. A trainer trains.

The caption reads 'What you looking at: Katy gave the camera a look of confident attitude as she made her way through the airport' - Photograph Elder Ordonex/ - Old Order In is photographed walking into JF Kennedy Airport. Is this the ancient order?

People are becoming aware of the Princess's of Pop and Queen's of Pop.

Reading comments from people who are saying 'who does Madonna, Katy Perry, Beyonce and Lady Gaga think they are? People have said they are not even Royal? 

Being royal is nothing to do with a given 'royal title'

One article writes: 'Katy Perry is already in the lead as Lady Gaga trails behind her, despite the Poker Face singer's desperate attempts to regain her position as Queen Of Pop.

And in an earlier show of solidarity, Gaga posted the following Twitter message for Katy: ‘Wanna grab some shovels and f*** up some hackers? @katyperry excited to hear your ROAR, sorry to hear about your truck!’ she wrote, referring to Katy's promotional truck and the accident it had at a Walmart parking lot.

'@ladygaga what a WILD weekend so far,' replied Katy. 'Claws out, paws up! Looking forward to putting my hands up & making them touch too!'

We are being shown two women who appear to be rivals and yet they are not. We are made aware of computer hackers that track our every move. Just reading the Lost Symbol gave the awareness of how advanced the tracking is. So I write and research TRUSTING that the right people, who are ethical and care about our world and the global population can see the light in truth too.

Lady Gaga wearing black, with a black cape. My thoughts were of the bat over the Crown of Valencia initially and this could apply. 'Cape' came to mind - 'Cape Town' in Africa. Barristers and Judges wear black cloaks. The cloak is a Mantle that relate to the law. With Lady Gaga not wearing a crown or wig, THE LADY is exposed with war paint, as makeup has been described in years gone by.

In seeing this image, Lady Gaga applause album cover, black and blue, bruises came to mind. Lady Gaga has both her eyes open ( she is wide awake) surrounded in white that brings different visual perspectives. The black head covering could be a hijab. Lady Gaga has worn a wedding gown and brides wear veils to hide their face. Here we see the veil is off her face.

Applause is when people show their appreciation.

Yet we cannot ignore the forced marriages and child brides still taking place in our world. There is a war on terrorism and that includes confronting the most horrific human rights abuses too.  

It takes a really cold hearted person to sit back and not care about the people who are being killed in wars, dying of famine, homeless and destitute. With all the injustice taking place, suffering, oppression and enslavement are evils too. Exploitation of the poor and the horrendous conditions that millions of people live, without clean running water and living in Shanti towns - yet the actual meaning of the word for Shanti means PEACE! We are many who cry privately and limited, even prevented to do anything. As people are kept down and poor, they easily accept self appointed overlords.

Katy Perry's Roar Single shows a tiger on her back. As a child remembering a commercial about putting a tiger in the engine of a car - petrol/gas. Esso tiger. They also used a well-known song tune of "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" (smoke would cause eyes to stream too - so does war)

The eye of the tiger is a song title - by SURVIVOR

Tigers are the largest of the cat species. Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of Russia. These particular areas are vulnerable. 

With the Holy Bible identifying the Crown of Asia, this land is connected with Turkey. Israel is also in the geographical region of the Roman Province of Asia. 

Russia is the holder of the Imperial Crown and has also created a new Imperial Crown that is held there and been put on display already. This is not common knowledge to everyone.

Queen Elizabeth's Scepter holds the Star of Africa Diamond to show that she is Queen of Africa. With Prince Charles, William and Harry involved in 'charity work' for a Kingdom within Africa, also in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea a garden has been created to connect the Kingdom of Lesotho too. Of course this was created in memory of Diana - any other agendas?

For some years there has been talk for war on Iran, when actually as primitive as it seems, once land has been conquested in history, a king has been declared. War disregards the people. 

Queen Victoria had in her possession 3/4 of the world - Did she gain this by spilling any blood? Queen Victoria had several children who were to then sit on thrones. Yesterday, I noticed a newspaper headline that indicated William and Kate want many Children. Catherine is very competitive and the impression is given that she will get what she wants. She seemed ambitious to be Queen too.

In America, Lady Gaga makes a clear statement, walking while covering up, the message she gives is 'I am born this way and this is who I am' as a person as we all are. In the background is a black and white van - we can see LAW seemingly in GREY. Who we are as a person is our birthright. However because people do not know who they are they also do not know their birthright.

Our genetic makeup is our birthright. We are given a voice to speak and yet so many people who care about our world and humanity are silenced or ignored. The music industry escalated bring to the global awareness what is happening in Africa. It took people from the Music industry to bring to light what is happening in India too. The 'stars' have huge following to inform and influence.

Who is Lady Gaga? Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta

So these wars - are they for a King or Queen? 

Conquesting the world by bloodshed, not good at all.

Conquesting hearts and minds with love....few can do.

Billions of people are using the internet now and how you choose to use the internet is up to you. Billions of people have gravitated to this digital resource of power that is providing information that people can seek out, research and with gathering facts learn the truth,

We can speak to people in other lands and unite together in peace. 

Tim Berners-Lee was the initiator to bring the World Wide Web of information sharing - for freedom of speech and that includes truth telling. Lady Gaga is

Interesting that the French Media published a magasine cover with the headline that translated into ;The queen is naked (or the Queen is exposed) Kate Middleton was photographed and the royal by marriage sought through the courts to get compensation for invasion of privacy.

By rights that should mean everyone has a right to privacy too..

With people saying the Queen (Elizabeth II) is not the rightful person sitting on the throne, then who is? British people who refer openly to the British royals who are extremely wealthy, as being the biggest benefit scroungers - very odd to even state this. However if the Crown has been stolen as has also been said 'does this mean the income collected has been stolen too? 

People worry about their £100 a week income. The Queen collects £13 Million a year and Charles £18 million - on top with a £200 million expenses claim, £100 million is just for security.

How much did Jesus Christ and His mother claim for security?

In looking at Lady Gaga promotion for her applause album, she is depicted with long brown hair. The impression of a lady who is naked, beautiful, sensitive and holding what looks like the arm of someone who meditates in her arm. Surely this detail is included for a reason too. 

Princess High Stache - Born Royal. The lady wears a turban and a diamond head piece that could be a necklace. Diana, Princess of Wales often wore necklace as a head decoration too.

Long overdue is Global Peace in our world. Who is obstructing this?

Kate Middleton's occupation is written on a legal document (Birth certificate) as being Princess of the United Kingdom. A document used to legally register the birth status.

When pregnant, Kate became God-mother to a Princess liner ship, The 'show' perhaps had far deeper significance. (Prince is a monarch over a Principality) Marriage can be powerful.

Yet there is something that is not commonly known. If a marriage union has been brought together by witchcraft, in a love binding spell, it is considered to be unlawful./ And any child from that union even after marriage can be considered illegitimate. This has repercussions with the church.

Why is it considered to be an unlawful union is simply this. When two people enter into a love union with pure heart and pure intention, with faith in God who brings these two souls together, then it is not necessarily going to be smooth and perfect marriage, but the sacred union is honored.

Over the course of history, people have been legitimised by a monarch and there was an ammendment to royal succession made - also to prove that Kate Middleton descended from a former monarch would allow her child to be born a Prince or Princess...

Yet oddly a BBC documentary was released to indicate Queen Elizabeth II was born from an illegitimate bloodline, therefore all her heirs and successors would be illegitimate too. 

The timing of this was ...precarious, yet learning of this brought the realisation of a far bigger picture that is unfolding in the world...and there is in place measures as with people who do not have much tolerance for nonsense and egos lusting for power - when it is time to break free.

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