

Sunday 18 August 2013

999 Journists Killed since 1992

There are also a number of journalists who have been murdered (and scientists too) in recent years. Have they been killed because they are reporting the truth or publishing lies. It could be they know too much. I will share what is published in the Daily Mail with photographs too.

It really does help to find out the truth whenever possible. This way we can understand what is happening. We can only arrive at the truth if we have facts. We might get wrong information and make mistakes. There are so many truths buried, including the most diabolical goings on.

Mainstream media is not publishing everything. Newsreaders are scripted. Is the scriptwriter in control? Who is the puppet master? What about your overlord and who is over them? Do you know?

The war was based on lies back in 2003 - a continual war since. How many lives must be lost and how many more people are going to be willing to be paid to shed innocent people's blood. How can a people who assisted with the theft of the Acropolis marbles understand Democracy?

How can people who serve the devil, serve God? This is said as an expression and it is for individuals to know their truth. Even in the most negative and darkest situations the truth can come to light. In a time when people have been silenced, in other ways people are getting their truth out.

Creative expression is a powerful tool. Also some amazing photography with captured scenes from the beautiful snow scenes, the lightning over the UK on 22nd July 2012 and since. There have been fires too and floods - Are we recognising why these are taking place. Not all is good.

To Quote what has been written in the Daily Mail:

'According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, there had been 32 journalists from across the world killed during 2013. It says that there have been 999 deaths since 1992 and a further 456 journalists have been in exile from their native countries since 2008. The last 20 years has seen 2,000 journalists violently killed worldwide according to the International Federation of Journalists. Since the start of the Egypt uprising in 2011, a number of journalists have been attacked, with several female journalists said to have been subjected to sex assaults. Here we look at a selection of the UK journalists killed while carrying out their job:

Paul Jenks - In January 1992, European Pressphoto Agency photographer Paul Jenks was shot and killed by a sniper in Croatia.

Ibrahim Goskel - A freelance reporter, Mr Goskel was shot and killed at Sarajevo airport in Bosnia in July 1993.

Dan Eldon - The Reuters photographer was stoned and beaten to death by a mob in Somalia in July 1993.

Vincent Francis - Worldwide Television News bureau chief Mr Francis was killed in an ambush in Burundi in April 1995.

John Schofield - BBC radio reporter was shot dead in Croatia in August 1995.

Kerem Lawton - Associated Press Television News producer was killed by mortar fire in Yugoslavia in March 2001.

Martin O'hagan - Sunday World reporter Mr O'Hagan was shot dead in Lurgan, Northern Ireland in September 2001.

Roddy Scott - Mr Scott, a cameraman for Frontline TV news agency, was shot dead in Chechnya in September 2002.

Richard Wild - The photographer was shot in the head in Baghdad in July 2003.

James Miller - A freelance camaraman, Mr Miller was shot by an Israeli soldier in Gaza in May 2003.

Terry Lloyd - ITV News correspondent was shot in the back by crossfire as he approached Basra in Iraq and was then shot in the head by U.S forces in March 2003.

Simon Cumbers - Was shot in Saudi Arabia while working as a BBC cameraman in June 2004.

Kate Peyton - The BBC producer was shot in the back in Somalia in February 2005.

Paul Douglas and James Brolan - CBS News cameraman and sound man were both killed when their convoy was hit in Baghdad in May 2006.

Rupert Hamer - Sunday Mirror reporter Mr Hamer was killed in January 2010 when an improvised explosive device went off underneath his behicle in Nawa, Afghanistan.

Tim Hetherington - Freelance photographer who was killed in a mortar attack in April 2011.

Marie Colvin - Sunday Times reporter died in a rocket attack in Syria in February 2012.

It takes a robust person to film while people are being shot and killed. In all the years of war, how many people stood up to those at the very top and said war is not the way to peace. There is a reason for these wars and this is what we all need to get to know and understand.

Mick Deane - Among at least 100 killed in clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and security officials in Cairo, Egypt, August 2013.'

Mick Deane looks to be a cheerful chappy, before he was killed. Pictured at work with his PORTAPROMPT - is this a teleprompter that instructs what is said on camera?

"Mick Deane was a really lovely, lovely guy," he said. "He was great fun to work with, he was an astonishingly good cameraman who took some brilliant pictures.

"But he also had a first class editorial brain. He had brilliant ideas.

"He was also good fun after the job was done. He was laid back, and I'm really going to miss him, like lots of people here."

Sky's Foreign Affairs Editor Tim Marshall called Mick "a friend, brave as a lion but what a heart… what a human being".

He added: "Micky was humorous in a dry way, he was wise and when you're on the road with small teams, people like that are diamonds to be with.

"Our hearts go out to his family. He died doing what he'd done so brilliantly for decades."

Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted: "I am saddened to hear of the death of cameraman Mick Deane, covering Egyptian violence.

"My thoughts are with his family and the Sky News team."

There is a system in place, a machine. Many people work in official roles who do not care about people. Then there are people who do. It takes courage to stand up and speak out, knowing the most terrible abuses are taking place in conditions of conflict. Men woman and children are being raped. When there is silence about these abuses, they are escalating.

Foreign rulers over land have had people turn officials against the own people. The oath takers are obliged to be obedient to their master and obey orders. EXCEPT, if people are being asked to commit crimes against humanity, to cause loss, suffering, hardship destitution and death to anyone, they can be free of this oath. No one realises this. Man can put down his gun and hag his brother.

If overlords do not care about people overseas, you can be sure they do not care about people on the turf they are living on either. Kings in history have decided who lives and who dies. People forget about the only man who was given Divine Authority over mankind; who said do not Kill at all.

999 journalists killed since 1992. 999 in UK is the number of emergency services. Do the schools in England still teach children the song 'onward Christian soldiers marching onto the name of Jesus? Follow Christ and submit to him. Do not spill blood in his name.

The media is a powerful tool to communicate.

Relying on someone to communicate on our behalf allows people to say what they want to say, unless you have a teleprompter and a script to be followed. Where is congruence.

Long overdue is global peace and healing.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

No Copyright Infringement intended.

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