

Sunday 18 August 2013

The Assumption of Mary Magdalene - Paris

The Assumption of Mary Magdalene by Baron Marochetti (1805-1867). 1837. Marble. Group for the High Altar of The Madeleine in Paris. Photograph, caption, and commentary by Jacqueline Banerjee, 2010.

In front of this sculpture are six candles, three on each side of the cross. We are given yet another illustration of 3 + 3 (33) from this visual impression. The Holy Bible writes of the 7 churches of Asia. Mary Magdalene was spiritually enlightened and guided by Christ to continue being a guiding light in His Church. Mary Magdalene was the Apostle to the Apostles.

It takes only one light to light many more. In the Church of Christ there is no division, because a church is actually traditionally a people. A church that takes people away from having Jesus Christ as their King and God Almighty as the authority - might be misleading people.

With the image above, is written the following :
'In his biographical account, Philip Ward-Jackson describes this work as "colossal" and it certainly makes an enormous impact on the observer. This is especially so when the doors of the church are open at night: the sculpture rises, luminous, at the top of the Rue Royale. For the sculptor, the tableau would most probably have had added political associations: "the identification of the Magdalen with France, not overtly stated, can hardly have been far from the sculptor's mind," writes Ward-Jackson elsewhere, explaining that the decoration of the Madeleine was originally intended to be "loaded with reference to the act of regicide" ("Expiatory Monuments," 266). This was one of Marochetti's first big commissions, given to him in 1834 as "one of the personal favourites" of the July Monarchy, the sculptor having by then identified himself "with the self-consciously romantic school of sculpture" (Ward-Jackson, Maintaining Distinction, 179, 174).'

Clearly written is of the Magdalen with France being connected.

The Assumption of Mary is commemorated after the death of the Virgin Mary, her body was taken up into Heaven. From this sculpture, we are shown Mary Magdalene was taken up to heaven too.

When Jesus Christ appeared to the four year old on the 9th of August (he told me on the 10th) 'Jesus was with his wife Mary'. 'She disappeared after a minute' and Jesus remained. Jesus told him who he was because the child did not know. He told the child he knew me to calm him down after screaming and with this the child trusted him. The child said there was another lady named Mary too.

Christ was holding in his hands a baby. He said 'she is a girl'.

The determination to bring the truth to people, is being revealed through little children too. The children who are having visitations of Jesus are telling their parents and grandparents who are not listening or believing. Believe the children and ask about their experience. The innocent children are the messengers of truth for the adults who are not listening to him.

In Europe and Latin speaking countries, Mary Magdalene is known as Maria Magdalena. Variations of the spelling of her name can be a little confusing. However this is all connecting with the same family. Anyone who has descended from this family lineage is related as family too.

Last year looking for something, I came across a lady's name, with the same maiden name as my French grandmother. The origins of this name is Kurdish from Persia. This is how I discovered a connection with Mary Magdalene. My grandmother's had not kept this name, I would have never known. She returned to France and lived in Chateau du Loir, where the Plantagents were from.

Learning back in 1910 of a fire at Rennes Town hall, this might have been started by man, or God and in this destruction were birth and marriage records. The British royals trace their family lineage back thousands of years both sides of their family, to maintain the crown. The law about Illegitimate bloodline sitting on the throne - the Assembly of the Lord has been ignored.

Having people praying for monarchs to say they are anointed by God might be scripted in history and preparing the way to do the same again with someone who is not.

Our Lady is how the Virgin Mary has been named. The Lady of All Nations has been also spoken about and people around are being prepared. The Bride of Christ is a Lady.

The Bride of Christ is a Lady who is connected to Christ.

Wizard wand waving is not promoted in Christ's Church.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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