

Sunday 13 October 2013

Planting Seeds for the Future and Growing Trees

A few weeks ago while eating oranges, I decided to plant the pips and see if I can grow some orange trees. In the same pot, there are lemon pips too, I think.

Because they were not spouting straight away, I put more and more....Today I have 15 or 20 small trees growing. They are about two inches high now.

In another pot I planted some apple pips - again these did not do anything. Then there is one shoot - not knowing if it is one of the orange pips. On the side of the pot I put some apple pips a couple of weeks ago intending to plant them. They started shoots too.

Last year I have wrote an article about planting trees. If everyone planted a tree in their lifetime, there would be 7 billion trees in our world. Then I did not know that there were thousands of trees being cut down, in time with the Jubilee.

My planting the the fruit pips was an experiment not expecting results. Having tried to grow bought seeds of vegetables, these were unsuccessful. It is unknown if they will bear fruit. They are also still very young. My hope is they will grow and can be planted to provide free fruit in future; yet, I have no idea if orange trees are successful in UK.

So here are some videos that I found to share.

Next time you buy a pineapple, try this. So easy.

How to grow a mango tree. Enlightening.

How to grow a coconut tree - the start.

This is a good video extracting milk from fresh coconuts.

How about growing chocolate from a seed?

An update on growing sturdy pepper and tomato plants (wish I saw this early last year) also with the chocolate seeds.

Growing vanilla pods - this can be expensive to buy.

Quick video on nectarine, cherry, plum and apricot trees.

Growing lychee trees - in the video 7 seeds are planted in 7 Starbucks cups, now there is a timely find. The Lychee tree is cultivated mainly in Asia and Africa. The Holy Bible clearly identifies 7 churches of the Roman province of Asia -Moses received the 10 commandments from God on Mount Sinai in South Egypt - The Sinai Peninsula is located in Asia.

How to grow avocado trees from seed with progress

Instant apple trees. Excellent video

There are many videos made by different people about about tree planting and growing fruits and vegetables. These are being cultivated from seeds in the fruits. We are shown how initial cost comes with buying fruit and yet our ancestors in lands around the world have planted trees that is the source of supply throughout the generations and unless, we start to take personal responsibility and inspire growth, nurturing and taking care of our planet, we will all perish.

The foods being produced today is with experimentation and being genetically modified. This is having some effect on the body that is not known. If we leave everything to someone else, it has been proven that not everyone is trustworthy. Not everyone is interested in health and well being. The focus of maximising profit does not care about quality as a priority, or about the people either.

We are at a crisis point where there are many millions of people suffering in our world and there comes a point where we cannot turn a blind eye and live with cold unfeeling hearts.

The poorest people in cash in our world, understand appreciation. While my 'bought seeds' have not been successful these years, I am starting to see a result from fruits. A few months ago I had a thought to plant some fruit trees in Moses Gate Country Park....

There are a great many people who are very successful in life once thought 'If I am rich I am going to do X. Y or Z and make a difference in our world' - how many people followed through?

If everyone plants Fruit trees, there will be an abundance of Free Fruits for future generations. It is necessary to break the mindset of greed, self serving and keeping people down.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

1 comment:

  1. Update 26th January 2018

    Of all the fruit tree pip saplings, some were given away. Only only one here survived that I will attempt to graft in a scion (learning process for everything) With time passing by and determination to plant fruit trees, I bought some rootstock to eventually plant 'somewhere in God's Garden'.
