

Thursday 17 October 2013

Waris Dirie on FGM - Ban This Butchery NOW

The front face in campaigns for Chanel and Revlon, also starring in a James Bond movie - Waris Dirie, the person has embarked on her most important role to influence change.

Waris Dirie came to the world’s attention in 1997 when she opened up about her horrific experience with female genital mutilation (FGM). For a number of years she has campaigned against the practice and has now been recognised in the form of a 'Woman of the Year' Campaigning award.

Waris, who is now 48, lives in Poland with her four children. As a five year old, she was subjected to FGM in her home country of Somalia. Then at 13 she was forced to marry a 60-year-old mam - a threat which left her no choice but to flee to Mogadish, where she had family.

Waris later moved to London and lived with relatives. She worked in a local McDonald's before getting her big break when she was scouted by a fashion photographer in the 1990s.

Her career as a supermodel has grown from strength to strength. Again the example is given of someone who has been chosen for a greater purpose. Waris is using her voice for change.

It is time to make Female Genital Mutilation criminal. It is vitally necessary to educate both men and women that this is not the way. More mothers are refusing to mutilate their children today. Women are getting their voices and standing their ground to say NO. Not everyone likes the truth.

We are born as we are meant to be. Today we only need to look at the cosmetic surgery industry that thrives because both males and females want to change their appearance. Why? Millions of people now willing to go under painful experiences for vanity reasons. The mistakes are many.

One of my associates when training was a specialist doctor who rebuilt faces after they had been disfigured by horrific car crashes or cancer. This is justified. Today vanity surgery is promoted in a subtle way. People are influenced by false idols and photo edited media images.

FGM is butchering a child who has no choice. For a long time adults do not listen to children. Surely there will be a historical reason for why this decision was made. This must stop NOW!

Using my God given Right to speak out - consider this. Jesus Christ is never going to say young girls must be disfigured for life or put under such torture that scars psychologically for life.

Actually in one scripture Jesus Christ has said: “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!" Matthew 18:6-8

To stumble, come to harm, to oppress, to violate. This is a figure of speech to say it is not at all acceptable or permitted to harm any child and there is consequences to face for this.

There are no excuses. FGM is to be stopped immediately.

Men would not be happy if they were butchered and their testicles chopped off. The male circumcision became a Covenant between God and the sons of Abraham. Male circumcision is a reminder to males not to violate girls and women. What has been asked for is the circumcision of the heart (pure heart) and sincere faith and Trust in God. Without this, the male circumcision has no meaning.

People are regarded as commoners by overlords while they/we suffer in so many ways. When officials anywhere believe they are the law and people are being violated, silence is not an option. There is no man or woman on earth who is above The Law by Jesus Christ and God Almighty.

There is deep concern of the human rights abuses that are taking place, even in England - also the promoting false idols with given titles. Sacred Majesty means to Serve and Interpret the word of God by the Holy Spirit. When divinely guided the Word of God and HIS Law is clear. Sometimes The Word is not given, as in spoken - The Truth is Brought to Light for everyone to understand.

It is time for every woman to rise up and realise her value as a human being. 'Every mother' is the most important influence on earth in her child's life. If men fall and are unable to be protective over their children then the role of this responsibility falls on the women.

It is time for every parent (and adults) to listen to children.

How many prosecutions have taken place in UK for Female Genital Mutilation? Is profit gain still an excuse to prevent justice? It is about time that the British establishment address their law breaking - serious crimes.

Society falls when the structure in society keeps people down. In some societies children are married off even today and that is to be stopped too for the child's safety - to allow physical, mental and emotional development.

FGM has been taking place for generations and it is with the internet and people who are speaking out 'breaking the silence' the world is waking up.

In the UK millions of children are sexually abused every day and masses of people ignore their pain. The violations taking place to children 'by adults' is not determined by the colour of skin!

ALL children are encouraged to keep speaking out and make sure their voices are heard. Someone is listening somewhere. Adults who are suffering in silence do not need to. Speak OUT NOW!

Waris has been propelled into the light to use her voice and encourage other women to unite together in making this human right violation be brought to an end. All it takes for evil to flourish is to sit in silence and do nothing. Women are inspirational visionaries and understand women more than men can. Keep a woman down and she is unable to empower her children. NO MORE oppressing women and children! Generations of women have been conditioned to conform and suffer in silence.

Amnesty International advertisment on Female genital mutilation.

It takes one voice to start a revolution of change. If only one person is being the focus, this is ignoring the voices of all the other people. Every person has been born with a purpose that might be profound to make a difference. Fame without a purpose is pointless.

Waris Dirie has my full support and encouragement.

Peace, love and best wishes

Pauline Maria

No Copyright infringement intended.

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