

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Brides by Force (RT Documentary)

Another reality - young women abducted to be brides.

'It will hardly surprise anyone that bride-snatching is illegal in Kyrgyzstan, but when you look at sentencing, the reality paints a far different picture. A sheep's life is worth four times more than a young woman's. The custom - in which single young men kidnap their bride of choice and pressure them to agree to marriage - is very common in this country. But as RT's team has found out, this centuries-old tradition surprisingly has its passionate proponents as well as harsh critics.'

The documentary shows, young people grow up to have their dreams shattered. Education being hugely important in some cultures, often is not put to use for women who marry, often become the wife looking after home and husband also children. In many cases when a man lives with his parents, the abducted bride is doing all the work to take care of her in-laws too.

Another example to educate men that taking a woman by force is not going to be with a happy bride and a happy life. Men who hold in their heart someone, are finding their love has been stolen by someone else. Women who are desperately unhappy and violated - see no option but to put up with their situation, or take their life. Tradition an have its positives - forced marriage is not.

As this generation of young people are being exposed to different ways life living life, they have an opportunity to rethink their values. What is certain, taking anyone by force is not love and the experience of marriage by force would be traumatic for many women. However, people have accepted this over generations. Teaching another way...perhaps this is why movies were created.

The next generation are the leaders of the future.

Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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