

Monday 7 April 2014

Gay Marriage, Lesbian Queen & Sperm Donor

For the sake of time and getting the message out I want to quote the Guardian in context. There is another article to find another time.

21st May 2013 Nicholas Watt Chief Political Correspondent wrote an article with headline

Gay marriage bill may lead to 'lesbian queen and artificially inseminated heir'

Former Tory chairman Lord Tebbit also warns that legislation could allow him to marry his son to escape inheritance tax (Is this law being considered too and kept quiet?)
Lord Tebbit
Lord Tebbit's remarks indicate that the gay marriage bill will have a bumpy ride when it reaches the Lords. Photograph: Dan Chung for the Guardian

The determination of David Cameron to press ahead with legalising gay marriage opens up the possibility of a lesbian queen giving birth to a future monarch by artificial insemination, Lord Tebbit  has warned.

In one of his more outspoken interventions, the former Conservative party chairman told the Big Issue magazine that the legislation could also allow him to marry his son to escape inheritance tax.

Tebbit's remarks indicate that the marriage (same sex couples) bill will have a bumpy ride when it reaches the House of Lords.

Tebbit, who said that ministers have "fucked up" by alienating Tory grassroots, accused Downing Street of forcing through the legislation with little thought.

"The government discussed it for 20 minutes on the morning of its announcement," he told the Big Issue. "They'd done no work on it beforehand."

Tebbit also said he had challenged a minister about legalising gay marriage at the same time as ending male primogeniture in the royal succession.

"I said to a minister I know: have you thought this through? Because you're doing the law of succession, too.

"When we have a queen who is a lesbian and she marries another lady and then decides she would like to have a child and someone donates sperm and she gives birth to a child, is that child heir to the throne?"

Tebbit joked that the change could allow parents to marry their children as a way of avoiding inheritance tax. "It's like one of my colleagues said: we've got to make these same sex marriages available to all. It would lift my worries about inheritance tax because maybe I'd be allowed to marry my son. Why not? Why shouldn't a mother marry her daughter? Why shouldn't two elderly sisters living together marry each other?"

Lord Tebbit, who recently said he could understand why many people vote Ukip, said the party would attract greater financial support if they won the European parliamentary elections next year. He said: "If they make significant gains in the European elections, I know there's people rich enough to get involved and fund a significant campaign at a general election."
With father's marrying sons, and a rise of pedophilia is not by accident. There are diabolical activities - diabolical ,meaning of the devil - including Satanic rituals. Being given the understanding not only of the Holy Laws being corrupted, the Holy Covenent is deliberately destroyed too.

Sperm donor could include bed hopping, IVF and even a clone. Would this include a surrogate too?
The Frankinstein movie  explains an increased electrical charged being being brought to life with power. The Daily Mail has shown an electrical charge is used in human cloning too. 
On the 18th of October 2013 before the baptism of baby George, after prayer I heard the following and wrote the message down.
"They are betrayers of my word and My Holy Law" ............................"They have used me fortheir own furtherment"

In the Baptism, Richard Chartres, the Biship of London was formally dressed with a big face of Jesus Christ in the Byzantine Holy Icon. Perhaps he was reminding everyone inside this secret ceremony that God is watching everythng that is happening even behind closed doors.

The male babies in the royal family are circumcised by a Rabbi. They are also baptised in waters brought from the River Jordan - Do they have an Islamic ceremony too?  
Muslims are told about the antichrist.....
Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria
No Copyright infringement intended

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