

Monday 7 April 2014

The War Law: Homosexuality in The Royal House

It is very clear in this article not to show prejudice towards or against anyone who is gay, however with exposed death threats, laws being made for gay marriage might be to serve the interests of the lawmakers. Anyone who has spoken out to oppose agendas might be threatened.

Being the Supreme Head of the Anglican Church, in the 'Worldwide Church', the Sovereign has a duty of care to the people - care that people might not understand even with explaining.

Rumors are rife with gay relationships in the Royal House. We need to be careful, to keep seeing the
person and not the sexual preference. Meeting gay people who have shared their experiences, pain, confusion and even regreting gender change, came when being called to assist healing.
When any law court suppresses the truth - truth cannot be silenced. In the Royal household, the staff are subject to confidentiality. This means if there is betrayal to the people, they are silenced.
There is selective media reporting because 'of agreements'. The law courts is also silencing the truth. Everyone is given the right to express their truth. You are also entitled to seek the truth.
'George Anthony Smith (13 September 1960 – 24 August 2005) was a former footman and valet in the Royal Household of Prince Charles.

Smith alleged:
  • that he was raped by Michael Fawcett, a favoured servant of the Prince Charles; and
  • that Fawcett was himself in a homosexual relationship with the Prince of Wales, who protected him.
The allegations made international headlines in November 2003 and were the subject of a legal injunction in the United Kingdom' (Wikepedia)

'Smith approached Diana Princess of Wales and made two allegations. He repeated his allegation that he had been raped. He also claimed to have witnessed the Princess's estranged husband, the Prince of Wales, lying in bed with his aide, Michael Fawcett, on one occasion when he brought the Prince his breakfast. Diana made a tape of the interview. The whereabouts of the tape became a matter of considerable controversy following Diana's death in August 1997.

A subsequent inquiry by senior staff members of the Prince of Wales into the rape allegations dismissed them as fiction. Smith was retired from the Prince's Household.' (Wikipedia)

The man lived a short life. Suspecious indeed reading between the lines. - On 24 August 2005 Smith died after suffering from an unknown illness in Newport, Wales aged 44.'

In history thrones have been overturned - with reason.

The Daily Mail reported 'He was her husband without the sex', Paul Burrell's brother-in-law once told me about Paul's relationship with Princess Diana.'

'In the earlier years, when Camilla Parker Bowles visited Highgrove, Prince Charles ordered him to lie to Diana. He heard the savage rows, insults and sneers from Charles that Diana looked like an air hostess.

He saw the physical fights. He observed the Prince's petulance, vanity and nasty temper. He witnessed the times he called his wife a hysteric and made it clear he loathed her.

He comforted William and Harry when they wept during the terrible arguments.'

'He knew that a member of Prince Charles's staff had been suspected of homosexual rape.

Diana even asked her butler to buy pornographic magazines for a teenage Prince William, which I find pretty unpleasant.

These facts came out because Paul Burrell was forced to give a police statement prior to his trial. Undeniably, he gave far more details than were necessary. However, if sense had prevailed, no statement would have been required because there wouldn't have been a trial.

Transport the Windsors' and Spencers' behaviour to a sink estate in the North of England and they'd be two dysfunctional families under the care of social workers with occasional intervention by the police.' (Daily Mail)

Perhaps Diana was doing what she thought was right to ensure that William was into women by asking for Pornographic magasines. Strange that a mother would do this for her son.

Just with the discovery of an affair and children witnessing fights - masses of people around the world might have been going through the same experiences. The royals influence masses of people, even with what is happening behind closed doors. They are not excluded from learning lessons.

There are couples who are sexually liberated for flings, same gender relationships, 'swinging parties', and orgies. Promiscuity and extra marital affairs is accepted as the norm for many people. The STD statistics coming to light.... people should be thinking twice.. 

Diana provided a letter to the Daily Mail that stated her husband was planning an accident in her car. She also said Camilla was just a decoy. That bit was very strange for me.

'The Spencers and the Windsors have proved yet again that those who pride themselves on their breeding do not necessarily behave with either wisdom or honour. They demand loyalty but feel no need to give it in return.

Paul Burrell worked for the Royal Family for more than 20 years but, when he was in trouble, they turned away. Prince Charles failed to talk to him. He accepted the total falsehoods he was told by the police.

Prince William knew Paul had seen the Queen but said nothing. '(Daily Mail)

Wealthy men, especialy men in positions of power attract women who are interested in that.  Spouses have been killed to preserve wealth and so the remaining partner can move on in life. Karma returns when anyone marries for the wrong reasons. Diana was also betrayed by her family.

There are also a vast number of marriages of convience. These arrangements with benefits is so the person they marry can continue 'as if' happily married for respectable appearances. In the time that Charles and Dianas marriage was long over - She still was expected to smile at his side and appear as the loving wife. Then one day Diana announced her retirement from public life.
From that day, Diana's life might have been in danger. 
Diana was described a loose cannon by the government. It is unknown if spin doctors were raising alarm. She was the brave Princess showing people the evil from weapons of war.
Charles has his own lessons to learn, as we all do. 
See the person - not their sexuality. See their agenda. We do not know the history of any person; their pain, loneliness and seeking comfort, even in the wrong company. Babies are not born gay.

Who is the real Charles? In his early speech after being crowned Prince of Wales in 1969 - 'if that 'young man had married Diana, would their marriage might have stood a better chance. If the scales are not balanced - the relationship reflects this. Once respect and trust is lost, it is gone.
Diana had one special gift - to love with all her heart. Charles had not known this love and might have felt overwhelmed. Children thrive with love and emotional security. Harry was just 12, the same age my mother became paralysed in a crash and miraculously survived. 
The remote possibility that Diana could have survived is not said to hurt William and Harry...I did not expect the dream after she died - Diana knew of my studies and plans. She took me to meet the Queen in Buckingam Palace who acknowleged us both - That was very strange. In someway I know Diana is watching over her boys. It is said there is nothing worse than a woman's scorn...  
Their marriage was destined - Diana being a Spencer highlighted the name. The destruction of Spencer Court by the Law of nature, highlighted the flaw in the New Spencer Court.  
A fire in Buckingham Palace in 1992  - Why? "On Dec. 9, 1992, Britain's Prince Charles and Princess Diana released a statement announcing their separation after 11 years of marriage." 
George Smith, 43, worked for Charles for 11 years until 1997.

USA TODAY 11/11/2003 report 'Smith says he witnessed a sexual incident involving Prince Charles and a former male royal aide. He says he recorded what he saw on an audiotape and gave the tape to Princess Diana. Now, the tape is in the hands of Paul Burrell, Diana's former butler.'
In 2003 'Burrell began publicizing his tell-all book, A Royal Duty. He mentioned the tape and said that revealing its contents would rock the monarchy.' 
Citing Quote 'Whether people are gay or bisexual is neither an issue nor a scandal as far as we're concerned. The real scandal is whether any close personal relationship resulted in serious allegations of rape being 'made to go away' (as Fiona Shackleton, Charles's lawyer, might say)' 
Guardian 5th November 2003 - 'The original injunction prevening The Guardian from revealing the name of the former royal servant, who had taken out an injuction against the Mail on Sunday, was granted at around 7.10 pm on Monday by Justice Henriques.
The Guardian was seeking not seeking to report the contents, but only to disclose who sought the injuction.' - Indeed. Perverting Justice is a very serious crime indeed (Biblical Law).
Peace, love and best wishes
Pauline Maria

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