

Thursday 10 April 2014

Prince of Curses - Brogyntyn Hall For Sale £5m

So much has happened this week....and happening too.

Today the Daily Mail published an article about a stately home for sale. My reason for sharing is because it has some interesting connections. The reason why the Daily Mail reported it might be because they are taking the role of real estate agents...although perhaps, because the property and people have a history that might be worth learning more about.

 Brogyntyn  Hall Estate in Oswestry, Shropshire is a fine elegant stately home, while in need of refurbishment it also has unique characteristics and details that have been published.

The headline reads : Yours for £5million... if you're brave enough: Stately home of family cursed by three car crash deaths and a suicide goes up for sale

Three owners of the property have been killed by car crashes - a family cursed, can mean a family who are hated too. Curse can also mean being doomed through black magic.

In 1940 Lord Harlech married Sylvia Thomas, daughter of Hugh Lloyd Thomas. Sylvia Thomas was killed in a car crash when he was 13 years old. 

The Onassis family and Kennedy Family are people who have known sudden deaths in the family.  There are families who have had a curse put on them over history

Lord Harlech was one of the pall bearers who carried the coffin of Robert. F. Kennedy at Arlington National Cemetry in 1968 - the year before Charles was crowned Prince of Wales.

Harlech Castle is in  North Wales. No coincidence. 

There is in the grounds a secret cottage by the lake known as 'Swiss Cottage'. It is interesting that the house is named accordingly and might be for this purpose. One photograph shows the inside of the cottage furnished to indicate it is being lived in. (unable to copy to this page)
 Time to relax: The interior of the Swiss Cottage living room, which is part of the stately home in Shropshireh Swit
Living in Switzerland in England is revealed here.

'The Estate comprises 234 acres including a lodge, a fine stable courtyard with a 'triumphal arch' and a gardener's cottage' - 'The sixth Lord Harlech sold the property in 2001. The new owners are inviting offers of more than £5million for the hall'

A Hall was also identified with being the seat of the Magistrate.

On the second floor this ceiling detail is revealing an octagonal shape at the top of the staircase. Notice the ladder detail as symbolism included in the design - 

Jacob had a dream of a stairway to heaven. This ladder has been depicted in paintings. The pillow - being a stone where Jacob laid down his head sits underneath the Coronation Throne.   

'Brogyntyn Hall was a residence of members of the princely dynasty of the Welsh kingdom of Powys and one of the taî'r uchelwyr(houses of the gentry) in late medieval Wales. 
Mansion tax is also in the news today. It is unknown if this landed estate has been passed down the generations without paying inheritance tax. Trusts have held secured investments with tax avoidance - Not sure if this also has impact on the British royals and the landed gentry.

Brogyntyn being in Wales, the connection with Wales and Switzerland is identified on this land. In Wales, recalling watching a documentary about railways and the changes taking place. One depot is  named 'Canton'. Switzerland is divided into Cantons...Nothing is coincidence.

With receiving telephone calls from Switzerland, one discussion took place looking for a home. This property has been published today for a reason perhaps not so obvious.

 File:Brogyntyn Hall, Oswestry.jpg

1 Kings 7:21
1 Kings 7:21
Yesterday I opened the Masters Healing Presence King James Bible to see precisely my thumb location (symbolic of the head and crown) the words written were about the Keystone.

With the name Thomas being identified - The Lady killed in a car accident, Thomas is a family name by marriage too.  It is through royal marriages alliances lands and people have been married too.  

The Gospel of Thomas the translators have written

"Jesus said, "Show me the stone that the builders rejected: that is the building stone." -

 We have seen the ladder shown that is significant detail at the top of this building. If there is not a link between heaven and earth - this could also explain the Dollar with an incomplete pyramid.

Some time before, I had a dream: a lady standing on a ladder at the top of the stairs had put a light bulb in the ceiling chandelier that was turned on. I was standing at the bottom of the stairs holding several new bulbs. The lady was wearing a short golden haired wig. I was seen going towards the house and had the impression this home was in a Jewish community - ie Manchester UK.

Angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith in Manchester USA. 

Is this a coincidence, or another connection so we take notice.

Notice one humble light hanging down. The intricate design of the ceiling roses show also how people and families are connected together. The center point shows just one source of all power. 

This ceiling light is in Swiss Cottage on the estate. 

In London Swiss Cottage is named. In Switzerland Sion is named too. 

The article identifies the current Lord Harlech Francis David Ormsby-Gore as the 6th Baron Harlech. It is written he has a history of drug and alcohol abuse and was sectioned in 2011.

Noticing the name Gore reminded of a Senator in America named Al Gore? Has Al Gore been pushing the Global Warming that changed to Climate Change (perhaps because of lawsuits).

The British Ambassador to the US was David Ormsby-Gore. 

The Omen trilogy movie strangely identified the British Ambassador to the US.  His wife was given a baby with powers. The movie showed how easily a child can be replaced with another. With IVF being common today, there are clone humans made for decades too.  With Bill Clinton refusing funding for human cloning, he knows about agendas too. This is no secret or hidden.

Some movies have elements of truth to understand.

These houses might show eligibility for Swiss bank accounts owning a home named, offshore banking and taxation advantages.. If I recall political agenda to explore Swiss bank accounts - Switzerland being a tax haven enjoyed by many wealthy. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is also based in Switzerland so the Swiss connection is not something insignificant...with meetings held there. 

Taking into consideration all the above - is Brogyntyn Hall cursed or people who own the home targets of powerful sorcery and black magic? People being killed in car crashes - The Prince Curse. 

A former girlfriend of Prince Charles Kanga said she was pushed out of the window. What is not commonly known is the invisible force, perhaps evoking demons to push people.  

This Stately home is being sold for a reason...

'Brogyntyn Hall and its 1,445-acre estate, was sold by the 6th and present Baron Harlech in 2001 for less than £5m to a local developer, who divided up the estate, and investigated the potential for a retirement community development in and around the Hall. However, the Hall and 234 acres went up for sale for £5m in December 2013. '

One never knows the reason behind what is seemingly vastly profitable decisions...however, there are surely people in the know, who know a good deal and any relevant tax loopholes too.

1 comment:

  1. So many assumptions and inaccuracies. Wales is not in England, it is Great Britain. Wales is a principality, governed by many laws (not all) under Westminster. Brogyntyn hall (formally Brogyntyn house, originally Porkington Hall), though originally in Wales, is in England (borders (again) moved over a century ago for political reasons). The current developer, isn't 'that local', but has a wealth of land, properties, businesses and interests in the local area. I won't put his name nor any of his businesses here.
    He bought the whole estate in 2001 for less than 5 million, which comprised of over 3400 acres of land with many dwellings and farms. He broke-up the estate and sold all the properties Barr 2 or 3, for somewhere in the region of 5 million.
    Causing structural damage to main hall (Brogyntyn), he listed is for sale late 2013 for offers over 5 million, knowing there wouldn't be any interest with estate now decimated, carrying little more than 230 acres in the lot. With woodlands destroyed and many historical points of interest, not to mention the tonnes of rubbish their, it's certainly not a great advert.
    Part of the original estate (some 3 mile East of Oswestry), holds an historic iron age hillfort (one of the most prominent and oldest in Europe) is currently going through planning for somewhere between 600_900 houses at the foot of this historic monument, against the wishes of every single Oswestrian (local person), English heritage and many archaeological people's a cross the whole of great Britain.
    That's the power this 'local' businessman has.
