

Saturday 16 August 2014

Whitney Michael & Mariah - The Family Awakening

Whitney Houston a gift...a beautiful voice...and such a tragic ending. I was told to get in touch with her in a time of my own struggles when already been offered all expenses to help someone in America - instead finding myself battling to survive with the circumstances facing my life...

We all  go through different experiences to force us to grow as people and there are people who go through so much in their life...these people have the greatest capacity to reach other people. 

I believe Oprah Winfrey was meant to be the person who reached many millions of people. Her healing and growing experiences, with the ability to connect at an empathic level is what people can relate too. 

Having someone to care and say hey I know you hurt but it will not always be this way - has far greater impact when that person found their way out of darkness into the light.

Years ago someone bought me an album of Witney Houston that was never played becuse I did not have a record player...still I listened to her songs and some touched my heart more than others...

Watching the Bodyguard I cried...the intensity between the bodyguard and the star of the show, even with protection - the film showed the dark side of being famous we cannot ignore.

... and then the assassination attempt. Looking on the streetmap in London..Portman Street was named and I shuddered. Seeing the map has taken shape and plans already laid down....surely it does not take much intelligence to comprehend that diverse powers operate in this world.

This video with the stage setting captures an open temple...

Having stood on and sitting down on the steps of the ruined Acropolis temple, there I was told as a teenager  about the stolen Acropolis Marbles..I said then they should be returned.

Mariah has the name Maria...Saint Mary Maria, Maryram...all these names trace back to the ancient times. A time when people of faith prayed and sought divine guidance in prayer too.

Miracles if you believe....Miracles happen when we pray..

God grants the miracles as along as we keep praying...

In listening to and watching this song being performed...two women...two spiritual sisters are singing a song that actually has resonated with my heart for years...And now the Acropolis these years is being rebuilt...Is there a greater purpose? Restoration is taking place in many ways.

Rachel is the name of the Role of Whitney Houston in the Bodyguard...

Notice in the video, before the assassination attempt, Whitney is dressed in a cloak and her body guard Kevin Kostner gives her a CROSS...I do not think this is coincidence. 

The bodyguard who knows someone is in danger and the reason why. The man with the cross, who was willing to give up his life, Jesus Christ...The bodyguard willing to give up his life to save...

Rachel is a biblical name...the younger sister of Leah, Jacobs first wife.

Rachel had a son, Joseph who became the leader of the tribes of Israel. 

Joseph prepared the way in Egypt for his family's exile.

The Messiah - son of Joseph is an anticipated figure by the Jews.

In this image of Rachel from biblical times, there is a feature that is revealed as prominent...a narrow forehead.. This feature is distinctive not knowing for certain if genetic and inherited.

In this 1989 performance,I was guided to find a video with both Whitney Houston and Michaels sing one after the other.. Whitney sings One Moment in Time and Michael from his heart 'you were there'

Soul singing is named with singing from their soul and yet this can also be reaching other people through their their mind heart and soul with being moved. emotionally.

America the land of the Free is with Lady Liberty. The announcer finishes with 

"The Palace now has a Queen and the goosebumps will continue"

Whitney Houston was born in Newark, New Jersey. As an African American, she also had Native American and Dutch descent -  The POP Princess used her voice to sing to the nations.

Michael Jackson was born in Chicago; he had a difficult life. Michael named one of his sons Prince - a royal title. Was Michael a Prince using his creative expression to expose the lack of care for people in prisons and destruction to our world. He also had profound awareness of people starving in our world. 

Michael Jackson knew about the crown too.

Michael being known as a King of the People may have placed him at risk..

Mariah Carey was born in Long Island, Huntington, New York. Mariah is of African American and Venezuelan  and Irish descent. Her surname Carey came by a name-change by her Venezuelan grandfather, Francisco Nuñez, after emigrating to New York. She continued to use this name in her singing career.

Notice Jim Carey has the same surname...what is his real message?

The greatest gift you can give is your love...

Men have a brotherhood....women a sisterhood...our DNA lines provide connections to family lines, yet there has been emphasis on blood groups with public figures too.

Is it possible that certain people are connected by birth to a greater number of people that they can communicate a message that will be listened to and taken on board. Just a thought.

In one dream, a man gave me a paper and said 'this is Barack Obama's private number that you can access any time 24/7' -  Are we related in some way as family too?. 

The Egyptian connection might be revealing. in this  

Each person has their own calling

...all I can do is pray and contemplate the way to global peace.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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