

Friday 5 September 2014

Obama, Cameron, Nato Summit Newport Wales, ISIS

Speaking with a lawyer friend of mine from Europe a few months ago, He said the greatest threat that Europe faces is Islam....and yet the extremism is nothing to do with the peaceful Islamic people. There is political agendas and it is rather confusing for anyone to see the truth of what is going on.

The summit at the Celtic Manor Hotel in Newport has been billed as the most important since the Cold War, with members facing global threats on multiple fronts

The summit at the Celtic Manor Hotel in Newport has been billed as the most important since the Cold War, with members facing global threats on multiple fronts

There are laws written in the Holy Bible in relation to Royal Succession. Anyone who is placed to be subject of anyone involved in sorcery, wtichcraft and black magic, can easily be influenced to their own and other people's detriment and Royal Law is given to break this obligation. It takes the understanding of why everyone is given FREE WILL so that we can look to God as The Authority.

Sacred Majesty is to serve and Interpret the Holy Laws..

Mr Obama, Mr Cameron and Mr Rasmussen bow their heads during the opening ceremony of the summit

Quote 'Mr Obama, Mr Cameron and Mr Rasmussen bow their heads during the opening ceremony of the summit'

Extremism in religion has included acts of barbaric nature, executions and assasinations. As with wars there is also retaliation and we are at a time of potentially very dark times indeed that can escalate.

The deaths of innocents anywhere comes at a price on the soul of those who are deciding the deaths of people. That is a very high price to pay - a high price to pay for very short term gains.

It is not the religion, People have assumed the right to rule with ruling powers. Such people are able to easily influence individuals or masses to the detriment of mankind. This has been happening.

Do we even know who is ruling over what lands?

The police have recognised now that Black Magic is being used to commit murder and this is something that cannot be any longer ignored. There are people who are the cause of physical injury by unseen force and actually in the Holy Bible in Ephiasians 6 the warnings of what is happening is written.

Police motorcyclists patrol the perimeter of the the Celtic Manor Resort as world leaders gather for the 2014 NATO Summit in Newport
Police motorcyclists patrol the perimeter of the the Celtic Manor Resort as world leaders gather for the 2014 NATO Summit in Newport (Wales)

Is this a 'new police force' - just wondering with the changes taking place.

The leader of the self-declared Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, pictured here delivering a sermon at a mosque in Iraq, was rumoured to have been killed in a US airstrike yesterday. But his right-hand man Abu Hajar Al-Sufi was killed, military sources said today
Quote 'The leader of the self-declared Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, pictured here delivering a sermon at a mosque in Iraq, was rumoured to have been killed in a US airstrike yesterday. But his right-hand man Abu Hajar Al-Sufi was killed, military sources said today'

Baghdad is revealed in the name, Capital of Iraq. 

Al-Sufi was killed - Sufism is of the Spiritual Islam

Danger: British hostage David Haines was captured by militants in the Atmeh camp in March last year. Mr Cameron suggested the UK government has been in contact with the hostage takers, but insisted Britain would not pay a ransom
.Quote: Danger: British hostage David Haines was captured by militants in the Atmeh camp in March last year. Mr Cameron suggested the UK government has been in contact with the hostage takers, but insisted Britain would not pay a ransom'

With David's name being identified - it is my understanding that people who decide to break away from the club can also be in danger. All is not clear with what is happening.

What is certain, there are brave people in our world and people are being killed while bringing a truth to light of what is relevant to know. With David I also thought of Jesus the Davidic King. Here the baby's face is shown as hidden - a baby boy has been revealed by Christ..

The Daily Mail healine reads : Three top ISIS lieutenants killed in US bombing raid as Cameron vows to bring Jihadi John to justice 'one way or another' at Nato summit

  • David Cameron and Barack Obama present united front at Nato summit held at Celtic Manor Hotel in Newport, Wales

  • In joint article the British Prime Minister and US President vowed: 'We will not be cowed by barbaric killers'

Mr Obama reads a note passed to him by US Secretary of State John Kerry during talks. The Nato summit has been dominated by the military response to Russian aggression in Ukraine, and the rising terror threat from ISIS

At the NATO summit in Wales this afternoon, Secretary of State John Kerry was seen to quietly pass President Obama a note while David Cameron was speaking. Shortly after members of the press were cleared from the conference hall.

The revelation came after Mr Cameron pledged that the militant threatening to murder British aid worker David Haines would 'face justice'. He also urged Nato countries join the UK and America in putting a 'fatal squeeze' on ISIS. 

Barack Obama is sitting behind the United Kingdom flag, David Cameron sitting behind the posiotn identifying Secretary. . John Kerry has a name connected with Ireland. 

Read the full article below.

Speaking with a Lawyer from Anatolia, he said the greatest Jihad is to purify our heart and soul to live life with pure intentions and do good works, give chanrity too. So how on earth has Jihad become so twisted to be sometihng that is involving the kidnap and killing of people?

Just reading inbetween the lines, Celtic is a football club in Glasgow Scotland and also a basketball team in  Boston. Massachusetts. (Remembering the Boston Bombing that took place)

Celtic Manor located in Newport South Wales, features a Gold Lion on the logo. There is a song named 'gold lion's gonna tell me where the light is....'

In Australia New South Wales is this connected?

In 1991, plans were unveiled to develop two new golf courses and a convention centre on land between the Manor House and the River Usk. Work began on the Roman Road course in 1992. To prepare for the 2010 Ryder Cup, The Twenty Ten Course was built, The new bridge, The Twenty Ten Bridge, links the practice ground to the golf course across the River Usk. 

After Diana was in the car crash I thought then, that is the end of the Prince of Wales - especially if she was killed. This would be more so if Black Magic was used to cause the crash. But there has been denial. Since a lookalike of Diana was identified attending William and Kate;s weddding. 

There is reason why The Princess of Wales title is not used.

Roman Road- the Road in London I was injured! 

Just some scriptures that come to light with 20/10.

Differing weights and differing measures-- the LORD detests them both. Proverbs 20;10

And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Revelation 20:10

For I hear many whispering:  “Terror is all around! Denounce him! Let us denounce him!”  All my close friends are watching for me to stumble.
“Perhaps he can be enticed, and we can prevail against him,  and take our revenge on him.” Jeremiah 20:10

Just say no to war...that is all. Seek the HIGH WAY!

Opponents of further military action in Iraq waved placards urging the 60 leaders to reject intervention, as Mr Cameron said he would rule nothing out in the battle against extremism

In Newport people gathered to say no more war and Free Palestne.

 During a march through the streets of Newport several people waved the flag of Palestine

A French warship moored in Cardiff Bay 'as a show of strength'. 

A French warship moored in Cardiff Bay as a show of strength during the summit, where France's commitment to Nato has been in the spotlight


'To the east, Russia has ripped up the rulebook with its illegal, self-declared annexation of Crimea and its troops on Ukrainian soil threatening a sovereign nation state.
'To the south, there is an arc of instability from north Africa and the Sahel to the Middle East.' 
'We will not waver in our determination to confront Isil. If terrorists think we will weaken in the face of their threats they could not be more wrong. Countries like Britain and America will not be cowed by barbaric killers.'
'With Russia trying to force a sovereign state to abandon its right to democracy at the barrel of a gun, we should support Ukraine's right to determine its own democratic future and continue our efforts to enhance Ukrainian capabilities.'
'Britain and America are two of only four Nato members to meet the target of spending 2 per cent of our GDP on defence and other states must urgently step up their efforts to meet this too.'

This is just some of the snippets from the orignal article, with consideration into looking at the bigger picture and realise that there is a whole lot more that is going on in our world. 

Just hearing 'who is not with me is against me'..(Jesus)..It is written 'Whoever is not with me is against me; whoever does not gather with me truly is scattering' Matthew 12:30

I do not know what the future holds...but I hope and pray that there are good people in our world who are able to break free from the spell and spiders web that has been cast over all of us. And to bring an end to all the illegal wars and illegal laws that are made to the detriment of people. 

Can we live in a world without war and injustice? Let it be!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringment intended.

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