

Friday 5 September 2014

Prince Charles, Barack Obama & Her Majesty's Band

A royal handshake for the president. During the reception, guests were entertained by the Prince of Wales's official harpist, Hannah Stone, along with the orchestra of the Welsh National Opera and students from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

Quote A royal handshake for the president. During the reception, guests were entertained by the Prince of Wales's official harpist, Hannah Stone, along with the orchestra of the Welsh National Opera and students from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

President Barack Obama has warmly greeted Prince Charles during a reception at the Nato summit in Newport, Wales this evening

Quote President Barack Obama has warmly greeted Prince Charles during a reception at the Nato summit in Newport, Wales this evening

The pair at the Celtic Manor event, which is being held to promote Wales and thank the community for its hospitality

The Daily Mail reports 'Prince Charles visited the Royal Navy's latest destroyer, HMS Duncan, which is docked in Cardiff as part of the summit.
Huge crowds gathered to see the prince, who is Admiral of the Fleet, as he boarded the £1billion Royal Navy T45 vessel, the latest destroyer in its fleet.
During his tour, he inspected a dining room, where Nato defence ministers are having a working dinner this evening, and a hi-tech control room accompanied by commanding officers.'

On board, he met officers and staff

Charles pictured with a smile wearing his crown cap. Featured is seen two rows of oak leaves meeting in the middle and above the gold crown with red material inside is seated on top of the anchor.

Prince Charles today, who is Admiral of the fleet visited the Royal Navy's latest destroyer, HMS Duncan, as well as other warships at Cardiff Docks. 

The prince posed for a picture with members of the crew of the French warship

Charles posing with  crew members of the French warship;
After his visit, Prince Charles briefly spoke to some of the crowd, who had been kept entertained by Her Majesty's Band of the Royal Marines.
Tonight, he is hosting a reception for 60 world leaders on the first evening of the 2014 Nato Summit at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport.
The summit is being dominated by the situation in Iraq, as well as the stand-off with Russia over Ukraine.
There are 9,500 police officers from 43 forces involved in the security operation for the event, along with 12 miles of security fencing.'

After his visit, Prince Charles briefly spoke to some of the crowd, who had been kept entertained by Her Majesty's Band of the Royal Marines (above)

The detail on the caps cannot be seen, With research on the officers badges - 'Each badge features the distinctive globe in laurels design with a double shank with split pin fitting. Colour: anodised gold..- it appears as if these caps are with a crown on top too.

Her Majesty is crowned to serve (to give) and intepret the Laws given by God..What is certain, while Charles is the Admiral of a warship fleet, he is obediant to what his mother tells him to do. 
In addition to La Motte-Picquet (staff, pictured, with the prince), among the other vessels joining HMS Duncan are the M-05 Viesturs ship from Latvia, a minehunter; a Dutch minesweeper HNLMS Urk; a missile patrol boat in camouflage colours called HNoMS Skudd from Norway; and German-built minesweeper LNS Kursis from Lithuania

Quote ; In addition to La Motte-Picquet (staff, pictured, with the prince), among the other vessels joining HMS Duncan are the M-05 Viesturs ship from Latvia, a minehunter; a Dutch minesweeper HNLMS Urk; a missile patrol boat in camouflage colours called HNoMS Skudd from Norway; and German-built minesweeper LNS Kursis from Lithuania;

Notice Diana was exposing landmines that have been buried and also the damge these do, because people have been losing their limbs, in war too. 

We are not meant to be silent about anything...

U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, right, speak before taking their seats at the start of a NATO-Afghanistan round table meeting during a NATO summit at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales on Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014. In a two-day summit leaders will discuss, among other issues, the situation in Ukraine and Afghanistan.  (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

Quote Barack Obama and David Cameron speak before taking their seats at the start of a Nato-Afghanistan round table meeting during the summit at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales today

The other day I spoke with a man and said, 'Do you know that Afghanistan used to be a tourist resort? He fell about laughing...Actually it is here that the ring of Athena was found in one of the Royal tombs. And now it makes sense why a lady from Afghanistan, far prettier than me, was seen in the paper by someone and told my friend he knew it was me! NOT!.

We are related through the genrations in some way. The boys above are cousins. They are all identifying 'Her Majesty' in this occassion. They are faced with serious decision making .and perhaps they do not have all the answers - they might make the wrong decisons too.

What is certain, war does not bring peace. Peace agreements have been made after war. Billions on warships and reading that in one years military spending this can fund 300 years of United Nations programmes to benefit the peopel...would you prefer war or to use the cashe to benefit poeple. It would of course help if the scavengers were not eager to cash in...So much good can be done in our world, especially in the most impoverished areas in our world...but not everyone cares about people...

There is much more going on in our world in this time.

Praying for peace and global healing...

The rule of war cannot endure forever.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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