

Friday 21 November 2014

Battle For Jerusalem Lives Taken in Synagogue

A Daily Mail Headline reads: We will settle the score in this battle for Jerusalem: Israeli PM's chilling vow as thousands gather in grief after Palestinian fanatics massacre five people in synagogue axe horror.

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed revenge on the Palestinians responsible for the attack on the Jerusalem synagogue, pledging to demolish the homes of the men involved. 

Speaking just hours after the attack, which claimed the lives of five people, he said he would 'settle the score with every terrorist', claiming those who wanted to force the Israeli people out of Jerusalem would not succeed. 

He said: 'We are in a battle over Jerusalem, our eternal capital.' 

The victims were carried to their graves during the funeral and memorial ceremony in Jerusalem tonight

I can only express my shock and horror in what is happening in our world.While I am open about being against war, it seems many people are not in agreement with me  We cannot continue to live in a world where people are being massacred for power.

The problem is there are people who believe they have right to rule and a mindset who are happy to be pawns in the power game. With attacks like this, this evokes reactions and possibly even retaliation. How many wars are taking place now? Can this end.

It is written that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has identified the cause of this attack and killing. There is a battle over Jerusalem, our eternal capital he states, 

Two Palestinians armed with a cleaver and a gun burst into the synagogue in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Har-Nof, killing four and wounding several others. 

The daily mail writes: Thousands of people gathered for funerals of the British-born and three American citizens who died

The other day I was thinking, Jerusalem was divided into four quarters. The Jewish, Armenian, Christian and Muslim quarters - according to the map. So at this place that is supposed to be the light of faith in this world, is also a land with dispute and restrictions, is there really religious freedom to worship God in this place. Did anyone consider that this is the City God chose for a reason?

The horrific attack at the Kehilat Yaakov synagogue on Agasi Street in West Jerusalem. Much of the recent violence stems from tensions surrounding the Jerusalem holy site referred to by Jews as the Temple Mount

The attack took place at Kehilat Yaakov Synagogue on Agasi Street.

In learning that Prince Phillip was given a plot of land in Jerusalem with a building rented to the Israeli government, it is not known what influence the British royals  have, especially since he has passed the President of lands in trust to William his grandson in 2013. (There are prophesies of the antichrist ruling from Jerusalem and people are tense about what will take place with this.

Israeli security forces secure the scene following the attack

Heavily armed Israeli armed security forces are now posted in Jerusalem.

When Queen Elizabeth II was crowned the anthem Zadok the Priest identifies King Solomon. Both Solomon and his brother Nathan were born in Jerusalem. The Blessed Mother of Jesus Mary is descended from Nathan the Prophet so Jesus was been born in this family too. As Jesus Christ is Jewish born from a Hebrew mother, the promises made by God are eternal for the people. 

Much of the recent violence stems from tensions surrounding the Jerusalem holy site referred to by Jews as the Temple Mount (pictured)

Quote 'Much of the recent violence stems from tension surrounding the Jerusalem holy site referred to by hews as the Holy Mount'

A few years ago I had a dream walking with Jesus. Jesus was talking with a man in Jerusalem when he said 'we cannot go there' ( a part of Jerusalem is off limits). Next two men were talking about a prophesy that Jesus was going to be killed. Confronting them I said if you say these things you are going to make it happen. 

In the next part of the dream Jesus was talking to a group of people outside in an unbuilt land- I was sitting on the ground wearing a pink dressing gown I have now. Next we were standing together in a location that had been desolated by bombing (I thought of Syria at the time).Next we were inside a home with very white walls. Jesus was speaiking Aramaic  to some people, I thought family.and this being his family home.

In another vision dream earlier in the year, Jesus was standing inside a building leaning on holding one white pillar. A Synagogue/Temple came to mind. He was standing on the ground wearing his mantle and a white  cap on this head. The seats were with people dressed in dark clothes -(It is not certain that Jesus was showing me that he has returned already or that he will return and this will take place - he will teach again)

With Jesus showing me wearing his mantle, he has shown that he remains to be the authority over the Jewish people because he is the embodiment of the Law, who is given the authority to interpret God's Law. In his resurrection he had already been declared King of the Jews and so he continues to hold this title.

Five men were massacred recently. This took place inside a synagogue. I could not ignore that this sickening evil act and also remembering my dreams and the message. A Muslim lady told me there are people planning to kill Jesus when he returns and it made me feel ill. She said this is why the troops are gathered in the Middle East but she also spoke of Muslims loving Jesus waiting for his return. What is the truth - Killing took place.

Palestinian supporters of The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, (PFLP), a small militant group, dance while waving their flags, after they heard the news of the shooting 

Quote: Palestinian supporters of The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, (PFLP), a small militant group, dance while waving their flags, after they heard the news of the shooting 

In the Holy bible it is written TWO witnesses will be killed and people will celebrate, as sickening as this people are celebrating death and the downfall of other people.. (The prophesy writes after three days the dead will come alive again) I cannot say this will happen but the the prophesy is remembered with seeing this report.

In the ancient times the king has ordered the massacre of the innocents. Who is the hidden puppet master for this evil killing is not being revealed. Any such killing is rooted in evil. War brings retaliation and yet I can only hope that divine intervention prevents this situation escalating with multitudes more innocents killed.
Masked Palestinians hold axes and a gun as they celebrate the massacre of four worshippers

Seeing this photograph has triggered a recent memory whether a horrific dream or a movie I cannot be sure to say  People were attacked by axes on their heads. This photograph is showing men standing with these..

Last year I had a dream message from God of the gold ark - mercy seat in heaven. This was just surrounded by bright blue skies.  On this was sitting a grown clean sheep. Each side were two men one I thought to be Jesus - they did not have wings. The two men were around the same age in appearance. The impression I was given from this is there is to be no blood sacrifice. *in this reported massacre innocents were sacrificed' 

It does not matter where anyone comes from, what religion or nationality, whether they are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindi or Buddhist - we are all human beings. Life was given to learn our lessons and live in peace not to become like animals and primitive tribes. When the blame game endures the war mongers score. 

Read the Daily Mail report with more photographs in the link below. 

Praying for peace in Jerusalem and for the rest of the world.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended. 

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