

Friday 21 November 2014

Empress of Eccentricity Duchess of Alba dies

Visitors pay their final respects at the lavish funeral which was attended by thousands of dignitaries and members of the public

Family, friends and dignitaries pay their respects to the Duchess of Alba in Spain who died leaving £2.2 billion and several palaces. The 88 year old was rushed to hospital reported with pneumonia.

The Duchess and Alfonso Diez walk out of the chapel after their wedding in October 2011. It was the Spanish billionaire's third wedding

Pictured with her husband on their wedding day 'The Duchess and Alfonso Diez walk out of the chapel after their wedding in October 2011. It was the Spanish billionaire's third wedding'

TheDaily Mail report is quoted with the full article in the link below.

'The Spanish duchess was one of Europe's wealthiest aristocrats when she passed away yesterday at her Seville residence, Duenas Palace.

Friends, relatives and well-wishers paid their respects to the duchess, also known as 'Cayetana', after she died following a battle with pneumonia.

Her 64-year-old husband Alfonso Diez, who is 24 years her junior, was said to be at her bedside when she passed. 

He is not set to receive any of her fortune, which includes an impressive property portfolio, 50,000 pieces of artwork and 18,000 rare books, after he signed a document renouncing himself from her wealth prior to their marriage in October 2011. 

Instead, the Duchess - who is a direct royal descent from King James II of England - has left her entire estate to her six children, with them each receiving a palace, as well as thousands of acres of land. Her eight grandchildren are also said to have inherited a substantial chunk of her estate.

The Duchess pictured at her marriage to Don Pedro Luis Martines de Irujo in 1947

'The Duchess' royal family tree can be traced back to King James II and Arabella Churchill - the daughter of Sir Winston Churchill, who was also an ancestor of the British Prime Minister. the Duchess pictured at her marriage to Don Pedro Luis Martines de Irujo in 1947'

Quote Queen Sofia and the Duchess of Alba posing for photographers in front of Francisco de Goya's painting 'Portrait of Duchess of Alba in White' at Palace of Cibeles, in Madrid in 2012

In the photograph above, the painting reveals her finger points to the sand and so while there is masked symbolism, the connection to the sand and land is shown to be significant. 

It is written in the Holy Bible
 22'As the host of heaven cannot be counted and the sand of the sea cannot be measured, so I will multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to Me.'" Jeremiah 33:22.

To live to 88 is a ripe old age and photographs show a lady who still loves to dance. There is something with the music from Spain and tradition that I can resonate with. The Duchess has shown that Spain should not let age get in the way from dancing or to marry for love if this is the case.. 

The Duchess enjoying a family holiday on the beach with her daughter Eugenia

The duchess as a younger mother with daughter Eugenia

This lady was evidently a wise lady. We are shown in Spain the law protects children's inheritance (English Law does not) ICould a spouse who is not a parent to the children of the first marriage, be the exclusive heir and force the court to make the children pay the unpaid international legal bill. Somehow I think not - referring to my ongoing nightmare experience. 

In Spain, where forced heirship rules, also known as “entrenched rights”, apply in relation to children and spouses. This means that under the Spanish inheritance system, children – whether born in or out of wedlock - and spouses will always be entitled to claim their share of the estate of the deceased person. 

According the the law the spouse even though he was said to be excluded from the estate, might be still entitled to claim a percentage. The law is written and so it is not known what will happen in this situation.

There was opposition to the duchess marrying a younger husband. Family and friends should question the sincerity of marriage (a tradition that is not taken lightly for many people).The marriage went ahead.
Strong bonds can easily formed between people of different generations. Such relationships might be a union of close companionship and mutual caring. Only the people involved know the truth. 

Alfonso Diez, 24 years her junior, remained at his spouses bedside when she died. (my father's widow 24 years younger fled shortly after marriage - a sham marriage. Time will tell if she will be prosecuted for perjury).   

 Sometimes reports are published in the media that make us think about life. While we may not know the truth about the accumulation of wealth or other personal details and preferences, there are lessons to be learned and there are unmarried men in our world who want to be married to a faithful wife. There are people in our world who still value marriage for all the right reasons - to be together. 

The Duchess lived a long live and was much loved.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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