

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Auschwitz Survivors 70 Years On - Why Remember?

Just a few days ago I was guided to watch an episode of Strictly Kosher, about the Jewish community in Manchester not far from where I live..Thinking to post the videos here and did not. One man shared his story of returning back to the place where he was fortunate to be a survivor - A history we do not know in truth because we have not  not lived the horrors of someone else's experience. We can only imagine the despair. The evidence is showing multitudes of people were killed, painfully thin and piled high.

For many people, they have been silenced - trying to put the horrors behind them and try and rebuild a new life in freedom. But there are people  who are emotional and who fear for the same fear happening in the next generation. The weaponless survivors are never going to silence the truth - because the truth of what has happened in history is written in hearts and mind. Where man has feared man above God.

We really cannot imagine the horrors of history but to say it did not happen, is to deny someone else's truth and their experience. I was shocked to read about Smyrna, the survivors silenced - what my grandmother said to me, not knowing anything 'We forgive but we do not forget' - another genocide agenda of Orthodox Christians - Notice there are targeted groups of people at different times. There is a reason why.

Auschwitz survivors and their families visit the Birkenau Memorial as more than 300 attended the 70th anniversary of the camp's liberation

The meaning of holocaust writes ;destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war; - how many times has this happened before - the slaughter of masses of people. 

Inside the giant marquee, survivors and heads of state sit by the glass covered railway tracks, which were used to bring Holocaust victims to Auschwitz 
Inside the giant marquee, survivors and heads of state sit by the glass covered railway tracks, which were used to bring Holocaust victims to Auschwitz 

Films that have been made and documentaries about the holocaust provide an important insight about history, Evidence with photographs raises awareness of truth. Surely we must say 'NEVER AGAIN'

Rabbis lead the attendees in prayer at the beginning of a ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz 

Rabbis lead the attendees in prayer at the beginning of a ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz

Just because I do not write about profoundly emotive and challenging issues published in the news, just trying to get my head around it - sometimes it is just too much - too much information, too much going on. And there is a bigger picture involved - We do not see all of the picture. Not everything is told.

Survivors pay tribute to those who died in Auschwitz by laying flowers and candles at the 'wall of death' where prisoners were taken to be shot

Survivors pay tribute to those who died in Auschwitz by laying flowers and candles at the 'wall of death' where prisoners were taken to be shot

Sometimes seeing a photograph, speaks a thousand words.

Polish president Bronislaw Komorowski lays a wreath on behalf of his country during commemorations to mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz 

Polish president Bronislaw Komorowski lays a wreath on behalf of his country during commemorations to mark the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz 
Two elderly Holocaust survivors embrace each other as they arrive at Auschwitz for the 70th anniversary of the camp's liberation 

We just cannot imagine the horrors of history....Here are survivors. I look at these people who know terror, fear, survival and sorrow - they could be filled with vengeance. We see 'humility' and valuing life.

This generation today, do not know how fortunate we are to be living in these times - the crime of the Jewish people to worship God alone and knowing something that has been kept hidden. Interpretation of The Law is dangerous in the wrong hands. Changing The Law to suit agenda has invited reactions today.

A female survivor is overcome with emotion and wipes a tear from her eye while standing outside one of the camp's detention blocks 

A group of ladies, one seen wiping tears from her face, standing outside one of the detention blocks.

Events at Auschwitz included a church service, a laying of wreaths and the lighting of candles..

People gather around to visit the wall of death, the wall where many Jews were executed after being sent to Auschwitz in the 1940s 

People gather around to visit the wall of death, the wall where many Jews were executed after being sent to Auschwitz in the 1940s 
The Daily Mail writes: 'But there was a combative undertone to yesterday’s commemorations following this month’s massacre at a Paris kosher supermarket. ‘I was going to make a very different speech here today,’ said Ronald Lauder, the American philanthropist and president of the World Jewish Congress. ‘But after the recent events in Paris and around the world I cannot ignore what is happening today. Jews are targeted in Europe once again because they are Jews.

‘There are mass demonstrations with thousands of people shouting death threats to the state of Israel and to Jews.

‘It happened so slowly and it all seemed so unimportant that few people paid any attention. Until now, when Europe suddenly awoke to find itself surrounded by anti-Semitism again and it looks more like 1933 than 2015. Once again, young Jewish boys are afraid to wear yarmulkes on the streets of Paris and Budapest and London and even Berlin.’ At the root of it all, he said, were ‘lies about Israel’.

He went on: ‘We all learned that when you tell a lie three times and there is no response, then the lie becomes the truth.’

There were both Jewish and Catholic prayers – the Germans interned and executed many Polish political prisoners here in the early years of the war – before delegation leaders and a handful of survivors made the half-mile walk through falling snow to the main memorial. 

A Holocaust survivor stands in reflection outside a detention block at the death camp. It was liberated 70 years ago by the Soviet army

A Holocaust survivor stands in reflection outside a detention block at the death camp. It was liberated 70 years ago by the Soviet army

My heart is with the Jewish people; many who rebuilt their lives  with goodness in their hearts. And if there are people who are insecure and choose to remain in company of their own people, with shared history there is shared understanding too. In solidarity,unity together there is strength together to endure..

Polish president Bronislaw Komorowski walks alongside survivors on a visit to Auschwitz earlier yesterday, where he laid a floral tribute to those who died

Polish president Bronislaw Komorowski walks alongside survivors on a visit to Auschwitz earlier yesterday, where he laid a floral tribute to those who died

The survivors of the holocaust, their children children and children's children deserve to live in a world without fear - can this be allowed? Are people allowed to live in a world in peace?

French president Francois Hollande lays a wreath at the Shoah memorial in Paris as part of Holocaust Memorial Day. Later he was at Auschwitz to pay his respects

French president Francois Hollande lays a wreath at the Shoah memorial in Paris as part of Holocaust Memorial Day. Later he was at Auschwitz to pay his respects

Brave people revisiting a time of haunting memories and facing the horrors of history yet again. The survivors are the people who have given hope to life and knowing that people can be free. There are people today who have disregarded the human rights of people. The lust for power is also great today too.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre at a ceremony in Moscow. He didn't attend events at Auschwitz amid a low point in relations between Russia and the West

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre at a ceremony in Moscow. He didn't attend events at Auschwitz amid a low point in relations between Russia and the West

Putin sat with the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar, left, and the Russian president of Jewish Communities Alexander Boroda, right, during the ceremony in Moscow

Putin sat with the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar, left, and the Russian president of Jewish Communities Alexander Boroda, right, during the ceremony in Moscow

There is a very serious disposition of people in our world, who carry the knowledge of history on their shoulders and are sitting on a knife's edge; taking risks to prevent another global catastrophe of wars. The journalists who write the truth are often courageous - in history people have been silenced. And so to silence the truth could be inviting the repeating of history. And yet emotional trauma can bring silence.

One commenter wrote in in reply to the Daily Mail article:

'Seeing the emotions of the survivors in this respectfully organised ceremony makes me tear up. I'm 29 and have a 89 year old grandmother, who's very fit. Talks 90 minutes in an hour. But if you make references or ask questions about the war, she shuts down completely and not only does the look in her eyes change, she also will not say a word. Nothing. That still haunts me and even though I would really want her to tell her story, knowing that it might give some relieve to her and understanding to me, I will never ask her for it again. The pain in her eyes and awful silence say enough.;

Another commenter wrote frankly and this says it all:

Nobody should have the power to decide ''life or death''

Holocaust Memorial Day 2015 This film was created for use as an assembly with primary school pupil (ages 7-11).

"What has the world learned since 1945? How would I behave if I had been the gentile?

The massacre of the innocents is known throughout history

My heart is with the Jewish people and when I learned of the Jewish homeland being created - remembering. God is the ruler over the Jewish people and Christ was born to preserve the Jewish people; with all the tribes of Israel. As long as Christ is alive, no man can take his place. Yes he was crucified and he was also raised from dead to being alive. This was yet another miracle in history to preserve the True Faith.

And God spoke to this effect—that his offspring would be sojourners in a land belonging to others, who would enslave them and afflict them four hundred years. ‘But I will judge the nation that they serve,’ said God, ‘and after that they shall come out and worship me in this place.’ Acts 7:6-7

The number 747 came to mind chosen plane and Scripture:

 47"For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little." 48Then He said to her, "Your sins have been forgiven."…Luke 7:47

The LORD forgives those who live with love in their heart. The LORD forgives those who sincerely repent and the heart is circumcised - turning away from evil and evil personified.

Israel is named, not just a Jewish homeland but the tribes of Israel are scattered around the world. It is written Salvation is with the Jews. Jesus Christ is Jewish and while there are people who deny Christ, only the God mockers will deny God almighty.. In one dream 17th September 2014, Jesus prostrates on the ground and is praying to the Father in heaven -.I did not hear the words of his prayer but I saw the man who asked for the land to be blessed with his physical presence so the people can be saved.

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
21Jesus said to her, "Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. 22"You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23"But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.… Isaiah 4:21-23

I believe prayer is powerful and knowing the power of prayer is never to be underestimated with a group of believers or individuals alone in sincere prayer, God is listening and watching over his chosen people who remind everyone that war and killing people is not the way to save your soul.. The role of the Jews was discovered in the Holy Scriptures when one day being guided to a specific page: the words are written clearly 'The Jews have been entrusted with the Oracle of God'

It is really such a crime to look to God to bring His Revelation in Truth from the Heavens when this has been written. The signs are around that people are ready now.

This menorah is 'somewhere' - truth is everywhere to understand.

It is also written in the Scripture book of Psalms:

'A Song. A Psalm of Asaph. O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God! For behold, your enemies make an uproar; those who hate you have raised their heads. They lay crafty plans against your people; they consult together against your treasured ones. They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Israel be remembered no more!” For they conspire with one accord; against you they make a covenant—' Psalms 83:1-5

Who denies the Holocaust or the reason why killing happens.

There is difference between a representation and the truth.

The Documentary - Auschwitz The Forgotten Evidence History

The killing of multitudes of Jewish people was evil indeed. Today evil in our world that has been silenced is being exposed -even if people are scared to talk openly. In solidarity we oppose evil..

Why have Jews been targeted and killed? Do you know? 

Message to the Church in Philadelphia
8'I know your deeds. Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name. 9Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-- I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you. 10Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.… Revelation 3:8-10

Ancient History has been written with Royal Decrees too. This means the law that was made cannot be changed. The Royals today know this too - so the corruption of the Holy Laws might be to further their plans - BUT, laws made by Royal Decree in history cannot be overturned - except by God. Jews know this too! So we are told people do serve Satan; who may have made a pact for gains too. 

Jews are commanded to Worship God not Satan.

Look at the statisics of the Unholy Wars and realise, whether a Jew or Gentile is speaking out about mass genocide, at least the peolple are informed this is going on. The truth is silenced. The truth will be revealed in some way to know the truth. 

The Imperial Power - The New World Order. Is this BY EVIL?

We are living in a world with multitudes of hurting people - many mask their insecurity and fears. This era will allow healing for a multi layered healing need in our world today - by choice.


Why is it that everyone who has survived the holocaust is  stamped with a number> We are given a reminder of biblical prophesy. It is the left arm above that is stamped 'on the forearm' and there is an expression that comes to mind in this moment writing this, forewarned is being forearmed'.

The Mark of the Beast
16And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.… Revelation 13:16-17

There is more than one beast that has been foretold. The witnesses of evil and biblical prophesy that has come to pass are the Jewish people and they will validate this too. Seeing is believing.

Years ago I noticed people who go to clubs and bars are 'stamped' on their hand to allow them to exit and enter. Since 2013, there are barriers being erected in places with an increase of armed police in our world too. .The warnings of man's planned control system is revealed - The control system with oath taking officials who will do whatever they are told to be paid is of great concern.. Today good and evil thrive side by side. Individuals can overcome the influence of evil and resist 'earning from death and oppressing people' - The Crown 'given by God' does not belong to God mockers.

Officials are scared to break their oaths. God forbids people swearing an oath so if the truth must be told, just remember keeping silence allows evil to escalate. Evil will be destroyed - Babylon will be destroyed it is written. Will this be done literally or symbolically? We really do not know. An inspired painting shows rocks falling from the heavens on a building - perhaps the palace where plans to the detriment of mankind have been made. Prophesy of wars and rumours of wars include. 'The son of perdition (meaning utter ruin)  Universal laws apply...the law of return is also written.

My thoughts and prayers are with the people in need to have strength and healing. And I pray for realisation of the right way; for peace in our world and for the horrors of history to be banished forever

Peace be with you.
Pauline Maria

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