

Monday 26 January 2015

Syriza Alexis Tsipras Regains Dignity For Greek People

As the Daily Mail has reported I am sharing here.

Eurozone braced for 'catastrophe' as Greek PM concedes defeat in crucial election with radical left-wing anti-austerity party on brink of historic victory

  • Anti-austerity party Syriza soars ahead of ruling New Democracy 
  • Syriza set to win 149 seats - just short of 151 it needs to rule outright
  • In third place is ultra right-wing party Golden Dawn on up to 7 per cent 
  • PM Antonis Samaras conceded defeat after warning of 'catastrophe'
  • 'The Greek people have spoken', he said. 'My conscience is clear' 
  • Syriza's leader, aged 40, promised to 'restore the country's lost dignity' 
  • Euro fell in early trading on Australasian markets after the result

'As outgoing premier Antonis Samaras phoned Syriza's leader to concede defeat tonight, jubilant supporters waved flags on the streets of Athens. 

'The Greek people have spoken', said Mr Samaras in a televised statement. 'Everyone respects their decision. My conscience is clear.'

To the booming sounds of Rock the Kasbah by The Clash, Syriza's leader Alexis Tsipras told a rally of thousands of supporters he would defeat 'austerity which destroys our common European future'.

'Our priority above all will be to restore the country's lost dignity,' Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras, 40, told a rally of thousands of supporters. 'We regain hope, we regain smiles, optimism and dignity for our people'

The radical left party leader promised to clash with 'old establishments' and the 'regime of corruption'

The radical left party leader promised to clash with 'old establishments' and the 'regime of corruption'

'I would like to reassure you that the new Greek government will be ready to co-operate and negotiate for the first time with our partners for a mutually beneficial and sustainable solution so Greece comes out of a vicious circle of debt,' he said.

'We have a great opportunity for a new beginning both in Greece and in Europe. For a new policy, for a new model of relations based on mutual respect.

Our priority from tomorrow will be to restore popular sovereignty in the country, to give justice, to clash with old establishments. To clash with the regime of corruption. To promote reforms in the state, public administration, everywhere.

'Our priority above all will be to restore the country's lost dignity. We regain hope, we regain smiles, optimism and dignity for our people.'

The outgoing Prime Minister was unrepentant. He said: 'I received a country which was almost destroyed and I was asked to take the hot potato and I did that.

'Most people didn't give any prospects that we would endure... We had to take difficult measures and there were some mistakes and injustices but we averted the worst.

'I am handing over a country that has no deficit, secure for the citizens... a country that gets out of the crisis in an organised way.

Despondent: Outgoing Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said: 'I received a country which was almost destroyed and I was asked to take the hot potato and I did that... My conscience is clear'

Despondent: Outgoing Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said: 'I received a country which was almost destroyed and I was asked to take the hot potato and I did that... My conscience is clear'

Greek people show there is a price to pay for corruption.

Devious acts of greed is known to prevent in my case Greek birthright inheritance -not once, twice. But this is meant to be .The shame of Attorney Konstantine Skouras is not silenced because I was sent his dishonest affidavit from the High Court in Manchester. His arrogance and greed is without considering repercussions..

In a time of writing openly to establish the Greek Law I named Mr. Skouras not knowing he was up election for mayor. A lawyer in Greece told me he was furious in learning what I have done. He only got 18% votes and my reply Good - perhaps his dishonest act is why he is not popular, An ETHICAL lawyer confronted this dishonest attorney asking him to retract his dishonest affidavit. Skouras said he had no recollection. I can prove it!

The law in Greece states when a Will has been executed in Greece Probate it must be in Greece. Children cannot be excluded from inheritance or denied being born from a Greek mother' womb. Imagine Mr. Skouras was so eager to corrupt the law to be paid, to cause loss and destitution to the daughter of a mother named Athena - The name of the city of Athens. Another lawyer in Athens assisted theft of inheritance too. IDIOTS. 

In Greece corrupt officials are confronted by people and ethical officials. And there are officials in Greece who are concerned about the corruption taking place tool. Ignoring it will make it grow.

Greece rejected being involved in the war on terror I was told. There are people in our world who refused to get their hands dirty with the contracts offered in rebuilding. This is the integrity Greece honoured. But to see people plunged in great poverty - acts like this is an act of war against the people. In our weakness, the Spirit within Greek people becomes stronger and faith is returned with prayer by the people of The Lord.

There is a price to be paid for greed and corruption

As for debt - this can be wiped away. Cheaper than war.

Usury (/ˈjuːʒəri/[1][2]) is the practice of making unethical or immoral monetary loans that unfairly enrich the lender. A loan may be considered usurious because of excessive or abusive interest rates or other factors. However, according to several dictionaries, simply charging any interest at all would be considered usury.[3][4][5] Someone who practices usury can be called a usurer, but the more common term in English is loan shark

When debt is created - do the banks foreclose if these debt is not met? What a way to have hold of a country and enslaving people to overlords who rule to their detriment.

“If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him. Exodus 22:25

In you they take bribes to shed blood; you take interest and profit and make gain of your neighbors by extortion; but me you have forgotten, declares the Lord God. Ezekiel 22:15

An Old Proverb about Israel
7if a man does not oppress anyone, but restores to the debtor his pledge, does not commit robbery, but gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with clothing, 8if he does not lend money on interest or take increase, if he keeps his hand from iniquity and executes true justice between man and man, 9if he walks in My statutes and My ordinances so as to deal faithfully-- he is righteous and will surely live," declares the Lord GOD.… Ezekiel 18:7-9

My comments and scriptures are in addition to what is written above because Greece has lost something - a light was extinguished....The Acropolis Marbles were stolen too.

One memory of Athens, a police officer knew my name and just said "Good morning Despinis Paulline, how are you?" My grandfather saw him talking to me and slapped  him across the face for being so disrespectful. Immediately the police officer apologised to me and this says it all. 

Another memory sitting on the steps of Acropolis, feeling a connection with the universe and the whole of Athens and beyond - In that real experience, I did not know then the significance or the sadness people have felt. What they have been through and rebuilding their lives over again. My grandmother's family came from Smyrna. She said wise words. "We forgive but we do not forget".

First admire courage to stand up to corrupt officials and even those who rule the world by deception. But most important is to restore the God given birthright of everyone.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

No copyright infringement intended

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