

Thursday 26 February 2015

British Authorities Protecting Jihadist John Why?

Just sharing this article link with the reminder that there is an enslaving system in place in the UK with people taking oaths of allegiance to Queen Elizabeth, all her heirs and successors and the people who are born in England are 'subjects for the same..who can be influenced accordingly by these overlords..who might be influenced by demon spirits themselves...I really do not know and neither do you'

If Jihadist John is from England, he is influenced by the British royals..Is the Sacrifice of innocents suiting some demonic agenda...ruling over lands and people by deception......They know.

Perhaps the British establishment can line up a human rights lawyer to protect the killers again, instead of protecting the people...that they do not do and they know this too.

ISIS..known to be associated with the Queen of Egypt. As Queen Elizabeth was crowned on pyramid steps, only 5 steps high, with the oversell of future Queens and secret ceremonies taking place, the officials are not protecting the people in this land that is for sure....

Why is the identifity of Jihadist John being protected.

The UK Government remains tight-lipped over the naming of Jihadi John, who was revealed today to be 26-year-old Mohammed Emwazi, from Queen's Park in west London. Police attended his home today (pictured)

The UK Government remains tight-lipped over the naming of Jihadi John, who was revealed today to be 26-year-old Mohammed Emwazi, from Queen's Park in west London. Police attended his home today (pictured)

So this man is influenced as a SUBJECT TO THE QUEEN.

A few years ago a lawyer contacted me from the East and he said, he recognised my face as being from Anatolia. where my grandmother's family came from. He was right. The Lawyer also informed me something most important..Jihad means struggle, in context the struggle within to overcome evil and the desire to do harm of evil to anyone...If we all were to to focus on purifying out heart and mind, our soul  would easily be pure and evolve...Not everyone comprehends this..Not everyone wants to.

England the land that is known to protect criminals..

The influence over people to kill people, is by influence.

The UK Government remains tight-lipped over the naming of Jihadi John (pictured, who was revealed today as  Mohammed Emwazi, 26, from west London

This photograph is also published in the Daily Mail article and it is written : The UK Government remains tight-lipped over the naming of Jihadi John (pictured, who was revealed today as Mohammed Emwazi, 26, from west Londom.

Not necessarily related but Katy Perry's perfume choice name 'Killer Queen' has been named three times now and we sort of get the message that perhaps there is a Killing Queen with illegal wars too.

What about the people who have been beheaded?

The book of revelation provides some information:

Satan Bound the Thousand Years
3and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were completed; after these things he must be released for a short time. Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection.…

I was told every Muslim Loves Jesus and waits for his return? Something does not add up with this situation especially when people are being killed with their testimony of Jesus. It might be ignorance or evil influence. .The massacre of the innocents and killing witnesses ensures no one is seen to have divine right to preserve The Kingdom, Muslims  are told Prophet Muhammad was given guardianship over the earth, for Christ but there is a lesson and message for all to clearly understand in context.

It is possible there is another man who lusts for the same?

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17 - a helmet is a head covering and the crown chakra is on the top of the head. Helmet crown. 

The Spirit enables us to understand the Word of God...The Spirit Guides and Reveals..I a dream I was able to see Prophet Muhammad as being alive, to remind the Muslims be very careful now.  

The spiritual battle is really taking place and there are people possessed by demon spirits too. You have been given protection from Almighty God if you seek in prayer THE LORD'S PRAYER' to be protected from evil and the evil one...The royals who go against God are not protecting people.

The British government are not protecting people either. If anything people  have been put in danger because of the lust for power ....that comes at a big price Who is Jihadist John really serving? 

With Journalists being killed, the attempts to silence the truth in the news might be the agenda..One reason why the army has gone over to another land in war, is this not to take control of the land and resources? Have Kings conquested before...Why was Prince Andrew sent to the Falkland Isles and Prince Harry to Afghanistan...The warmongers right to rule over lands and people is ZILCH! None at all.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No copyright infringement intended

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