

Friday 27 February 2015

Madonna Have You Had An Accident Not Your Fault?

Looking at the headlines today in the Daily Mail - after writing about Madonna falling, there is another article with a string of pictures - photographs can even tell a story...We do not know.

Also when there are articles with two or three stories together, not sure if journalists are trying to tie these together. In this time of awakening,  some journalists are connecting the dots...and it might be that they know a whole lot more that is going on and not allowed to talk about that.

Insurance claims: Memes erupted on Twitter in the wake of Madonna's backwards fall

Then this follows on iwth another photograph....

Clever: One meme doing the rounds was a mock-up of the movie poster for Martin Scorsese's Cape Fear, with Madonna's crying eyes

Then there is another message Madonna is conveying...

'Madonna Falling Down': Several clever Twitter fans made up fake movie posters

The WORLD STAGE is a political  expression. This is relevant

Madonna is angry! The bishop from sitcom Father Ted - whose outfit looked remarkably like Madonna's - also become a trending image

It is written Quote Madonna is angry! The bishop from sitcom Father Ted - whose outfit looked remarkably like Madonna's - also become a trending image.

Madonna has power on stage with a huge following...The bishop exercises some authority in relation to the Church...what is the connection? The Virgin Mary is also known as the Madonna.

Stairway to heaven: One such image included Madonna on a stairlift with a notable injury on her face

Here is another disturbing image...with this quote 'Stairway to heaven: Why is one such image included Madonna on a stairlift with a notable injury on her face'

There is a famous image called Jacob's Ladder and it is about the Stairway to Heaven - about the ascension of souls. It also shows demons pulling people down to prevent them ascending to Christ...

Two trends collide: EastEnders' murderer Bobby Beale was blamed for the epic fall.

The quote on this image is with picturing Madonna falling on stage and an Eastenders clip. It is written 'Two trends collide: EastEnders' murderer Bobby Beale was blamed for the epic fall'

Blame is mentioned...murder too...what is the truth?

The picture is shown...Bobby - ROBERT...actually I know a man named Robert who also had a nasty fall down steps and broke his leg in two places...That was very odd indeed..He was also in a car crash and survived, but it prevented him going away for a few months....was not meant to be.

Locally two women I knew have also had falls too. I am again made alert to danger around. One lady who had a fall also prays devoutly - she was already injured in a car crash too....

'Still does her own stunts': Several memes were clearly in praise of the star

Another message is given here...

The 56 year old still doing her own stunts...Was this is a stunt or a fall that happened, 'not by accident' to cause injury...being 56 years old, Madonna is still 'owning the stage' -an expression.  

Smug: One clever Photoshop fan edited a picture of Edna Mode over Madonna pre-fall 

This is published with the question, said to be by an unnamed photoshop fan. Twitter is identified and that is OK...there is lots of tweets happening now. Edna Mode said 'No Capes'.

Cape Town Africa comes to mind. With Queen Elizabeth holding the Star of Africa named Diamond in her Scepter, we get the idea of the Inclusion of Africa and the Imperial Crown.

'These people could teach Madonna how to wear a cloak': One user compared the singer to Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger in their Hogwarts school uniform

Another image...odd that this would be included? Not at all. After all even not seeing the Harry Potter Series the learning of Wizard wand waving, is this with evoking demons too.

When there are invisible forces at work, there is a cause, 

Just last week an article suggested a young actress and Prince Harry were dating. While it might be that Harry is into Wizard wand waving,  his father is also into magic and illusions too, taking is exam some years ago....Runs in the family perhaps. Abuse of power is beyond entertainment purposes?

'Madonna asked Wenger for advice': Arsenal's manager's infamous fall was brought back to the fore

This odd photograph is included in the batch too...Odd? No!

The caption reads 'Madonna asked Wenger for advice': Arsenal's manager's infamous fall was brought back to the fore'

Seeing this is remembering something else...

For a time, suddenly being covered from head to toe in hives, the allergic reaction could not be explained... after 13 weeks and much prescription cream it was not going away.. Odd..Thinking my body would be scarred for life..I was invited to CRETE. There I had a nasty fall down a track twice that no one would have thought to look...Another time by the side of the pool my legs gave way, crashing on the marble floor. Then on the way home my legs gave way on a flight of steps at the airport twice... ODD...NOT! Fortunately I felt hard on the steps and not tumbling down...

Being aware of unusual falls with injury - others notice too.
When all else fails, include Kanye: Mockery included the rapper, who had graced the stage at the BRITs shortly before Madonna

Then there is another image.. What Stage -  the Stage in LISBON? 

The Crown of Portugal  is an Imperial Crown that is said to be connected with the House of Wettin that Queen Elizabeth is identified as being from. 

Beyonce has also completed a WORLD TOUR of the Mrs Carter Show as Queen B.

Kanye West brought awareness of Jesus returning on stage many accidents or breakdowns took place to prevent the show taking place - so people being awakened...

There is a reason for everything and then there are those who set out to sabotage destiny of people.

'Don't cry for me Argentinaaaaaaaaargh!' Cheeky Dennis the Menace event got a look-in in The Beano's special meme

Madonna is also known as the Queen of Pop....Just looking at the image, a hand is seen pulling that the long cape...and on her left food, it looks as if broken...There are two images the same. 

The image identifies song lyrics 'Don't cry for me Argentina'
Remembering the Miss World tour. The crowned Beauty Queen lives in London for the year until the next lady is crowned...Last year when Megan, Miss Philipines travelled with Julia Morley to PORT AU PRINCE in Haiti - a floor of an orphanage is said to have collapsed...She broke her hip and had to be taken for a long operation...Is someone having ambitions to be Queen of the World?   

The Game of Thrones actress wanted to be THE QUEEN.

Twitter jokes: The incident brought the best out in people 
Gaga gets a look in: Comic Adam Hills used Lady Gaga as a source of hilarity, claiming she'll be copying Madonna soon enough
A couple of years ago I thought, these women are in the spotlight for a reason....might be born in Royal bloodline and Princess by birthright...Last night I thought about Jesse J.

Jesse is identified in the Holy Bible the line that King David is born. Jesus is a descendant of King David too...

Why is DAVID ICKE famous seemingly captivating his audience. Most people cannot absorb more information past an hour even 40 minutes. Enduring brain drumming information being delivered can be better received when the audience is receptive to absorb what they believe is truth. 

Nevertheless, David ic can refer to King David in Christ)

Queen Freddy Mercury sang 'Radio Gaga' - No coincidence!

All we need now is Radio Gaga .....

The show must go on: The pop superstar was visibly shaken as she pressed on with her performance 
Notice Madonna's dancers wearing horn head dress...
Killer Queen perfume...what a brand name...

Madonna is incredibly fit and yet if her bones are brittle as can happen past a certain age, the fall could have caused a serious injury removing her from the world stage.

We are probably a few people who are thinking, was this an accident, some think it is a stunt, but I am not so so sure about that. It is impossible to ignore this is not being hidden.
Michael Jackson was also known as the King of Pop. No room for two kings in America but if someone was/is crowned EMPEROR, would his wife be Queen or Empress? With unseen forces might be very active at work have any deals been made with the devil for power?. 

Satan offered Jesus the World ....Jesus refused to bow to him
Madonna might be pushing a few buttons.. Is she stepping on people's toes with her message....with writing now, I am also aware of journalists being killed. Truth cannot be silenced.

May the brave journalists write what we need to know?

In the image CAPE FEAR, it reveals Madonna crying tears of blood with the message above written ' Sam Bowden has always provided for his family's future, But the past is coming back to haunt them....

While the global control agenda has been made, did they forgot THE LAW and THE PROMISE to the People? Prince Charles spoke of taking care of the world for his children and grandchildren. William also indicating the same..The corporate control system was already set up long before...
The cape offender: Madonna quickly posted a picture of her designer item on her Instagram and Twitter pages

Explanation: The singer brushed off the incident as a mere wardrobe malfunction - 'My beautiful cape was tied too tight!'
Anyway ...please refer to the article  below in the link,...

I took just some images and with the messages revealed and published to show there might be a connection and there might not be either. 

With one too many car crashes in my family, falls and being pushed, one time into a busy road where I was thrown in the air like a rag doll, just before moving to Bolton. This happened on Princes Plain, Bromley, Kent. ...

Soon after we arrived, an MP's wife insisted my mother borrow a long black cape for an important event, to wear with her black evening gown. She did not want to take it..but last minute changed her mind. The nurses at the hospital apologised that they had to cut it from her neck - she became paralysed from the neck down from a freak car crash with large hailstones damaging cars...she miraculously survived that RTA,.

Queen Elizabeth II wrote to my mother and wanted to meet privately - informally at home. There were things my mother never spoke of, however, The Queen through Paul Burrell warned of powers at work that they know nothing about. Even the car accident with Diana is questionable.

Police Officials stated 'this land is ruled over by dark forces' too,

Madonna presents a warning..

The long black cape is also identified with the Scottish Widows Pension and Life insurance company. 
It is not known if Scottish Widows paid out to my father's widow who corrupted UK and international courts for gain. And blatantly with executor fraud justifies her acts. 

What is certain we cannot negate the family we are born into....

What did cross my mind with my experience, the microcosm macrocosm experience..if the wars and lust for power evidently taking place are also related to inheritance theft. 

With being told Queen Victoria had 3/4 of the world in her possession - was bloodshed involved>

Even Jesus Christ was born into a specific bloodline that unites tribes and peoples and reconciles us all to God ...but there were those at the time who did not want that...

For people to be free from oppression... 

For evil to flourish...silence endures...No MORE!

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria
No Copyright infringement intended.


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