

Monday 23 November 2015

Barack Obama The Audacity of Hope (Book 1)

Just sharing today, I had called into a charity shop and always look at the bookshelf. There standing were two books that caught my attention - Barack Obama and The Audacity of Hope...

...the next I  will discuss in the next article. As I have not read either of them yet, I will just quote and share what has been revealed and perhaps those interested might be open to read too.

The book is identified as The New York Times bestseller

'Thoughts on reclaiming the American dream...- actually that is written in capital letters on the front page with a smiling Barack - is his name informally Barry...I am more interested that he is a lawyer..

The Independent identify Barack Obama as 'The most exiting politician of the day' (again in upper case letters)

I will quote what is written on the back cover:

'At a time when America's standing in the world has sunk to unprecedented depths...this book aims a missile of decency at the White House' Daily Telegraph

In this bestselling book Barack Obama discusses the importance of empathy and inclusiveness in politics, his hopes for a different America with different policies, and how the ideals of its democracy can be renewed. A senator and a lawyer, a professor and a father, a Christian and a sceptic, Obama has written a book of transforming power that will inspire people the world over.

'The Audacity of Hope offers readers on this side of the Atlantic a window not just into the mind of one of one of America's most exciting politicians, but into the political landscape of the post-Bush Bill Clinton, he has a knack of wearing together the personal and the anecdotal with the political and the conceptual, so that each point seems both pessimistic and commonsensical' Guardian

'In our lowdown, disspiriting era, Obama's talent for proposing humane, sensible solutions with uplifting, elegant prose does fill one with hope' Washington Post

'It conveys a rare frankness and humility. The Audacity of Hope is light years ahead of rival's books. Obama writes in a lucid prose, enlivened with colouful details.' New Statesman

Looking forward to reading this..from UK

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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