

Monday 21 December 2015

Fake Bomb Reported On Air France: 4 Arrested

The Daily Mail report has published an article to show that not all the terror alerts and bombings taking place now are actually quite what they seem to be, so please bear this in mind. We do not know the truth about anything.

;Four people have been arrested after a hoax bomb was found in the toilet of an Air France flight from Mauritius to Paris which was forced to divert to Kenya. 

The Boeing 777 landed in Mombasa after a passenger reported the suspicious device. 

A technical examination of the device found it did not contain any explosives.

The flight was carrying 459 passengers and 14 crew members when pilots requested an emergency landing at a Mombasa airport at 9.30pm GMT.

However, nearly 20 hours after the emergency landing, Air France have now confirmed that the device was a fake bomb made of cardboard and a timer, possibly designed to start panic'

Read more:

As with personal revelation I have identified scriptures connected with the time..In this article 9:30 is written as the landing time and so this is the message that is revealed accordingly:

The Pharisees Investigate
29"We know that God has spoken to Moses, but as for this man, we do not know where He is from."30The man answered and said to them, "Well, here is an amazing thing, that you do not know where He is from, and yet He opened my eyes. 31"We know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him.…John 9:30

The people who are being guided by God cannot be identified by their appearance because it is an inner experience and awareness - a discovery was made and this was revealed. 

Beleivers are people from all ages, cultures and a time of fear, crisis or upset, loss, suffering, and destitution, facing death and illness, placing our lives in the hands of people who have not proven themselves to be trustworthy is foolish but we are often placed in situations and in vehicles, air, train, and cars, where someone else might be driving or in control. Today there are computerised cars meaning that there is the potential for the vehicle to be taken over...

On flights, these are automated and so the computer systems can be hijacked too. But we trust because it is what we do....but something else to consider. The safe journey we have under any circumstance is because there is afar higher power watching over us.

,,,and something else that came with a message given the other day in personal revelation from Jesus, heart to heart, soul to soul that I want to repeat because it is most important to know.

'Love is abundant in your world, for you are love and the soul is love for that is what shines a light of truth. Love is love and love transforms....'

This same message is applicable for everyone. 

Of the video of the incident we see different reactions.

One time I was at an airport while people were complaining ...there was a delay and while the people were not alerted as to why, I said the flight will need to wait for the next available slot. The complaints continued and a people who were eager to get on their holidays became quite rude when out of my mouth, said before I could halt the words 'better late than dead'...That silenced them.

There are people who live in spiritual darkness and are functioning in a place that they cannot see the light. We do not know of the Higher Order. People are being kept down by the hierarchy system on earth and yet in this timeline, the people who are seeking the Lord - to show the truth and to preserve the faithful, will be done....Promises are made to the people...

Courageous people in our world defy all odds and risk their lives too.

There are people who go about their lives aware that there are dangers and yet they are not phased by this, leaving the problem to be dealt with by those who are experts in dealing with the problem. But when we see people ranting and raving because they have not realised, there might have been a potential danger where if an actual bomb, they might not be speaking out ranting and raving...

People are learning to sort out the facts from that which is made up and if any credible judge is in the world he will say that no judgement can be made without credible evidence. A court judge might hear testimonies and evidence...but God sees ALL and knows what is written in our hearts.

This fake bomb was for a reason...what was the agenda?

What we know, these people were safe. How many more bombs have been put on planes and something else, for someone to access a plane to secure a bomb, they have had the rights of passage to do so...All passengers who fly go through a security check...keep this in mind.

So many incidents are reported - particularly with flights crashing, I cannot help but wonder if there was someone travelling on board or a group of people who were on a plane that was planned in advance to explode by a bomb...I was told by a wise man long ago 'nothing is by an accident'...

The revelation of this fake bomb is no accident either.

Someone wants to show the world what can be done. 

There are people who refuse to be intimidated too.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria  

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