

Monday 21 December 2015

Police Marksmen Threaten to Hand In Their Weapons...

This article as with others in the original link invites reading carefully.

'Incensed' gun cops: We'll lay down our weapons and step back from duty in protest if officer who shot 'gangster' is charged

  • Jermaine Baker was shot while trying to spring convicts from prison van

  • Officers now furious that colleague faces threat of a murder investigation

  • Also angry that an investigator 'implied he was guilty' in a public meeting

  • Armed officers threatened to leave as 'it could happen to anyone of them' 

Read more:

While the Shoot to Kill policy has been pushed for a while, it is now exposed. Even the police have spoken of assassins in England - while people's focus mainly have been turned to a barrage of reporting that would satisfy a political agenda overseas ,, they are ignoring what is going on at home..and even in their own home with children playing games that are encouraging interactive combat and even associated with assassins.

The bottom line is, when I was a young girl, many young boys had toy soldiers and later action man. Many young men had toy guns as young children. Now water pistols are sold in the shape of the gun. To some police being handed a Tasar this is like a toy gun and there are police who put on their uniform to take on a persona of being powerful. Many police spouses live terror at  home and suffer abuse too. Some flee.

So in the article above, it is interesting that the police will lay down their weapons and step back from duty in protest if the officer who shot 'gangster' is charged' - bear in mind this is what we are told. But in twisted justice, with injustice being rife for the people here, if all the armed police laid down their weapons if one man is charged with this a good thing or not? How many lives will be saved in the process.A great many!

Quite recently there was a call to abolish the monarchy but it seems they have ensured they remain in their positions for a long time and generations...The armed police are protecting those in positions of power.

There was a time when the police protected the people. 

All this dark stuff, the hired assassins and wars based on lies...

The lust for power...The Bishop of London says it all really. 

Sometimes with a negative situation a positive can come out of this...If the whole of the police force were to lay down their weapons, perhaps this will bring positive repercussions. The police would be far better armed by reading the Holy Scriptures and the promises made to people, even themselves.

If the police want to know the law..Royal Law in context is found written in the Holy Bible and regarding any King over the House of Israel this is clearly written. God will not be avenged...

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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