

Sunday 20 December 2015

It's Official. England Is Mary's Dowry. Silence is Broken

Quoting partly what is written from another article.

King Richard II's consecration of England to the Blessed Virgin as Her Dowry(1381.)
England, Mary's Dowry
Tradition tells us that England was first consecrated to the Blessed Virgin as Her Dowry by King/Saint Edward the Confessor [1003-1066.] How fitting that such a consecration was made. Firstly, the Anglo Saxons had shown the most immense devotion to the Blessed Virgin, as evidenced in the names of ancient churches, writings, pictures, statues, medals, artefacts, pilgrimages made etc. Secondly, prior to England being under one ruler, the Catholic Anglo Saxon Kings had recognized the ecclesiastical and spiritual cohesion that the Catholic Church had set in place; England was an ecclesiastical unity before it was a realm. This gave England a real identity in Catholicism and from which a strong Christendom could be born. Christendom, where a sovereign and their subjects are one, in upholding Catholic teaching in their country's laws, customs, and practices.

Consecrating England to the Blessed Virgin as Her Dowry brings with it the question: What does "Dowry" mean in this context? Dowry is from the Latin word "Dos" meaning gift or donation, England, therefore, was given to the Blessed Virgin as a gift or donation. 

In Medieval times, the legal meaning of "dowry" was: "That part of a husband's estate which, on his triage, is set apart for his wife's maintenance in the event of him leaving her a widow." The triage recognized that this dowry was a priority and a perpetual and inalienable gift. England has thus been set apart for Mary, and since it was given to Her as Her own, for Her use, She may use it for Her own purposes.

A King of Christendom has the standing, the power and the authority to make a consecration (as evidenced in the last "grande" revelation of His Sacred Heart in 1689, where Our Lord called upon King Louis XIV to make the consecration of France to His Sacred Heart.)
Our Lord, through the Blessed Virgin, bestowed great gifts upon England as shown in the events of Walsingham and Aylesford. In 1061, during the reign of King/Saint Edward the Confessor Richeldis de Faverches, Lady of the Manor, and resident of Walsingham, became the recipient of a vision of the Blessed Virgin. During the vision, Mary led Richeldis to the Holy Land and to the house in Nazareth where the Archangel Gabriel had appeared for the Annunciation. She asked Richeldis to build another house like this at Walsingham with a most wonderful promise attached:
"Whoever seeks My help there will not go away empty-handed"
Richeldis built the house, it had the interior of Mary's house/home at Nazareth, with the building itself being wooden and of Anglo Saxon architecture. A very positive feature saw the use of statues in the house, and from which developed their devotional use throughout the country. With the addition of reported miracles, Walsingham, "England's Nazareth" became the national shrine of the Blessed Virgin, with pilgrims, including kings and queens, coming from all over England and beyond.'
Read full article here.
Just to quote more from this article that is important:
There is also mandate of the Archbishop of Arundal, issued at the beginning of 1399 at the behest of King Richard, it reads:
"The contemplation of the great mystery of the Incarnation has brought
all Christian nations to venerate her from whom came the beginnings of
redemption. But we, as the humble servants of her inheritance, and
liegemen of her especial dower - as we are approved by common parlance
ought to excel all others in the favour of our praises and devotions to her."
This would suggest that England as Mary's Dowry was already very well known throughout the land at this time. Then there is the young King's devotion to Edward the Confessor; he would have been very aware and mindful of King Edward's consecration.
The Reformation also saw the destruction of much of the evidence for England's Catholic heritage, and which would have very much included the evidence of England known as Mary's Dowry.
Pope Leo XIII spoke of England as Mary's Dowry during the visit of the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales to Rome in 1893, thus giving papal authority to the title and to the tradition. He also asked the Bishops to re-consecrate England to the Blessed Virgin and to St Peter, and this was carried out in the Oratory church in London.
The great tragedy of the Reformation, was a great tragedy for the forward momentum of England as Mary's Dowry. But the work of the Blessed Virgin always continues, and the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart promised at Fatima must always be kept in mind. England has the most incalculable honour in being Mary's Dowry, and we must always seek to help Her and to ask Her to fulfill its great potential.;
This article and the complete website provides so much information but in particular, this article also makes more sense for what we are to remember from ancient times.
In England, I learned of Joseph of Arimathea coming to England with Jesus in the ancient times. Joseph was the uncle of the Virgin Mary to whom also the body of Jesus was placed in his tomb. They were family. Legend says that a miracle took place with Joseph of Arimathea when his staff was placed on the ground while he was resting, sprouted blossom and almonds. This was not done by any other power but of God to show that in this land new spiritual growth and fruit of the Spirit will be given.
There are people who might reject This Right - Mary's Dowry, however it has been recognised officially by the Pope and papal authority....The Pope is in his role as the Bishop of Christ.
Make no mistake Mother Mary and Jesus Christ are connected - there is no division. Both love the people and know the suffering and hardship so many people are facing in this time. 
Both love...the message given about love explains it all. 
Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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