

Friday 11 December 2015

Prince of Wales speaks about his love for Romania

A video published by the foreign and commonwealth office

Prince of Wales speaks about his love for Romania

Published on 4 Jun 2014
The Prince of Wales delivered a message of acceptance for honorary doctorate by University of Bucharest for contributions to sustainable agriculture and rural development, during the final leg of a private visit to Romania, on 31 May 2014. In his address, he talked about his fascination for the country's landscapes and villages, and its rich, unique biodiversity, urging Romanians to do everything possible to protect their traditional way of life.

In the last couple of years Charles has been in a 'job share with his mother'. It was seen to pass over the position with gains of obscene proportions, smoothly without any resistance or opposition to this. 

Already agendas and the plan of man is laid down.

The foreign and commonwealth office is located at King Charles Street, London. 

It is interesting because while Charles was born of his mother, we can assume, Queen Elizabeth II, and he was crowned and invested in powers in 1969 -  The title The Prince of Wales, evolved from King of the Britons. As our world vision expands, perhaps so might claiming land interests will also expand too...

I wonder, did Count Vlad leave an inheritance to be claimed?

This crossed my mind. Who is the rightful beneficiary?  It is just with inheritance rights being repeatedly denied in England and people being robbed blindly - the overlords keep them blind. The system fails the people.

Charles, Camilla and William apparently have honorary law degrees, that perhaps justify their having a right to own law firms - law courts and law structures claiming to promote 'ethical practice' - I do not know. 

The honorary doctorate given is on 'sustainable agriculture and rural development'  - nothing is hidden. Charles is clear in preserving the world and the income he has been collecting, allows him to buy up huge plots of land too if he wanted to....Perhaps first he needed to ensure the Trust was set up to pass this on.

Still...Count Vlad's inheritance, does Prince Charles claim heirship?

God only knows what is really going on...God has foretold all.

Peace be with you
Pauline Maria

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